In the ancient Mythological Era, when the human world and the Immortal World were still connected to each other, once the cultivation base reached the Tianhe stage, it was considered qualified to climb the Tianlu.

Of course, being qualified for heavenly ascension is completely different from flying into a fairy.

At the very least, the Tianhe Stage has the qualifications to go to Immortal World.

Not all people in Immortal World belong to Immortal God. There are always a large number of servants, slaves, and maids.

The real immortal is a cultivation realm with a higher rank than a god. Those who can reach that level only occupy a very small part of the Ancient Immortal world.

If you want to become a servant of Immortal God, it is the lowest standard for the cultivation base to reach the Tianhe level.

And after the Human Race cultivator cultivation base crosses the spiritual river level to the Tianhe level, those who have the conditions will take a walk on the sky road.

This is the intersection of the human world and the Immortal World. It represents the intersection of the Heaven and Earth Law of the two worlds. It is also the 1st Step of the heavenly ascension of the Human Race.

In the process of heavenly ascension, great benefits can be obtained.

Tianhe Tianhe, the word “Heaven” means everything.

So since Chu Chen wants to retreat and attack the Tianhe Realm, he naturally wants to come to Tianlu to take a look.

Although the Ancient Immortal world has died, the heavenly road is cut off.

But the place where Immortal World meets the laws of the human world is naturally contaminated with the different auras of the two worlds.

Chu Chen came here just to feel the breath of the real Immortal World, so that he could advance his cultivation base into the realm of “True Tianhe”.

As soon as he saw this heavenly road, Chu Chen knew he was right.

This heavenly road recorded in the source of divine blood is indeed a real heavenly road. Although it is now broken and broken, the rich Immortal World aura exudes on it is indeed completely different from the human world.

Next, what Chu Chen has to do is to carefully sense the essence of Immortal World breath on this ancient road, so that his cultivation base and physique can be transformed and evolved again!


Stepping on the first step of Gutian Road, a huge and vast breath immediately assaults the senses.

This aura is so vast and majestic, it contains an aloof and remote, Prestige Is Like A Prison, and an inexplicable imposing manner.

Under the impact of this imposing manner, Chu Chen clearly felt that every thread of Spiritual Qi in his body was trembling and excited…

It begins here!

Chu Chen maintains the shape of a foot on the road to heaven, wholeheartedly urged within the body and all the power to confront and confront the Immortal World imposing manner contained in this ancient road. , Fusion, evolution…

Just when Chu Chen boarded the Gutian Road and started the real secluded cultivation, other people in the ancient music club also began desperate cultivation.

Guan Ying is like a madman. Everyday all deduces the related information of the puppet connection technique contained in the formation diagram. Once obtained, he will take the Qingsun boy to look for those volcanoes one by one. heavenly materials, earthly treasures, provoke Qingsun Boys to cry.

Qingyuan also started to forge her own Life Source magic sword, but her path was different from Chu Chen’s initial expectations.

She is not looking for the best material to cast a Life Source magic sword carefully tempering, but intends to collect every iron material in the volcanic group, to cast 10,000 sword pills, and condense one Ten thousand handle sword.

This is the ancient mystery of inheritance from the sword palace, ten thousand sword technique!

Of course, Qingyuan’s goal is not to truly control 10,000 swords against the enemy. Her goal is to cast 10,000 swords, and then continue according to her own perception of sword dao cultivation. The refinement, fusion, to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers.

This will be a long-term process, continuous cultivation, continuous integration, so that her ten thousand swords will be condensed, compressed, and turned into one thousand, one hundred…

In the end, when the ten thousand swords in her hand were condensed into the last four swords, her little Immortal Beheading Sword Formation could cultivation to the Great Success Realm!

I didn’t touch a 10,000-handed sword in my hand. How can it be called a “sword dao”?

This is a well-known cultivation theory in the cultivator world. Qingyuan is deeply impressed by this theory.

She intends to throw away all her previous sword dao experience, starting from the beginning, and starting from the beginning to cast and polish each of her sharp swords. After understanding all the “temper” and “characteristics” of long sword, she can be regarded as a real sword dao expert!

She has awakened the ancient golden veins, and she is born to be able to sense any kind of gold attribute ore, so to do this is not at all as difficult as imagined, but a huge Perseverance and perseverance will do.

For these two points, Qingyuan simply does not lack.

Ren Cangling, Lingque Scholar, and Zhou Xuan followed the suggestions of Chu Chen and began to work hard to develop their own ancient veins and Yuanhai soul seal.

The cultivation road that Chu Chen pointed to them is a broad and open road in itself, so they don’t doubt it either.

I only hope that on the day Chu Chen leaves customs, they will have a surprising leap development.

Everyone in the Ancient Music Society began to cultivation at their own pace. Every day, each of them could feel that they were making continuous progress.

Although the degree of progress may be rapid or slow, but with the accumulation of less and more, you will always be able to walk a path that truly belongs to you.

In the vast wilderness, gray clouds are rolling.


With a sharp whistle, a long and narrow white shadow swooped down from high in the sky, creating a long ravine in a purple azure grass. , And finally stopped slowly.

The original exquisite and gorgeous jade boat is already covered with spider web cracks, and even some parts seem to be forcibly kneaded by a huge force, showing an abnormal twisted state.

“I knew it, I knew…I knew that kid was not that simple. Sure enough, he almost fell in the sewer this time!!”

Walking out of the rotten jade boat, while looking distressed at his beloved Void Boat, he cursed.

“Damn Chu Small Fox, one day, the old man will make you unable to eat and walk around!!”

“Senior, this Void Flying Boat is so wonderful to be a True God, even Being able to forcibly break through the blockade of the Sea of ​​Seal on the Land of God’s Fall is an eye-opener…Lao Duan, where did you get the crafting technique of Void Flying Boat?”

Xia Hua Walking off the jade boat, he asked with a smile.

“Don’t ask, this is the hole card of the old man trump card, don’t expect me to tell you.”

Duan Xiong gave Xia Hua a look, still a little angry.

Looking at the tattered empty flying boat, but feeling upset, he waved his hand violently. I saw a black light burst out of the palm, blasting the void boat to pieces with a bang.

Xia Hua raised her eyebrows, and didn’t say much, just asked.

“Senior, where are we going next, to the final place? It seems not far from the final place.”

“Yes, I just want to go The final place!”

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