When Ling Xuan and Leng Qianxue walked to the front lobby of the Qinglu Restaurant, they found that most of the cultivators living in the store had gathered here.

numerous cultivators collect the corpses of shopkeeper, Mrs. Shopkeeper, little second, servant, and maid together, one by one, facial expression grave.

“What kind of sorcery is this? It makes people live and die instantly, and the Spiritual Qi is lost. Could it be done by the murderous and soul-refining sect in the evil way?”

The young cultivator’s eyes rolled with anger.

“I don’t like to listen to these words.”

A young cultivator who is dressed in purple clothed and looks like a handsome man coldly snorted, “No hands are allowed in the Red Dust Profound Realm. People in the evil way know the rules of the evil way. Even if we want to kill people and refine their souls, how can we only pick these weak people?”

“Are you a person in the evil way?”

The white faced youth cultivator roared, and with a “keng” he drew out the magic sword in his hand, extremely guarded.

The purple clothed young cultivator unfathomable mystery glanced at him and sneered.

“Little baby, haven’t you just been out of the mountain for a long time? Does this Red Dust Profound Realm stipulate that evil cultivators are not allowed to enter? Since there is no such rule, then why cannot we come?”

“Furthermore, I am all people who dare to be the ones who dare to be, and do what I do, and there is nothing I dare not admit. When the Yun Ming Sect was destroyed, we did not deny it! Don’t try to discredit yourself!”

The young cultivator was choked by the purple clothed young cultivator, and his skin went flush for a while, but he couldn’t say a word.

The rules in the Hongchen Profound Realm are indeed not at all prohibiting evil cultivators from entering. The unified rule here is that everyone cannot do it at will, especially the cultivator with a high cultivation base, and there will be special prohibitions.

In today’s cultivator world, the righteous way is great, such as Medicine Palace, Sword Palace, Xuan Qingguan, etc. Righteous Path Sects send Holy Land to dominate the world cultivator trend.

However, the demonic path and the evil way are not weak. Together, they can even be matched with the right way.

The cultivator world is originally a cruel world of cultivating Gu, and the dispute of tongue is always inferior.

If you have the ability, then kill the other party, murdering to seize the treasures, then you will be considered powerful!

If there is no ability, even if someone is killed, it is having only oneself to blame. What is the point of making irresponsible remarks?

The reason why the pure “leisure world” such as the Hongchen Profound Realm appears is actually a buffering place, giving the cultivators a slightly relaxed area for the tight nerves.

Of course, you are not afraid of meat and vegetables here, no matter if you are on the right path or the demonic path, you can enter here to relax, just don’t make trouble.

“Prince, the situation here is a bit weird.”

Seeing that the handsome young cultivator stopped talking, and the purple clothed young cultivator stopped talking to him, just whispered. Said something with the companions around him.

“The blood energy is instantly solidified, and all the spirit strength of the other party can be taken away. This method is a bit like a blood demonic path? Suck Soul Sect? It’s not like it, blood demonic path will make people blood Draining energy and sucking Soul Sect can swallow the spirit strength, but it can’t be swallowed so cleanly.”

“This is not an evil way or a demonic path cultivator.”

purple clothed cultivator In front of him, he called the “Prince Prince” is a plain-looking young man, he looks more than 20 years old, wearing a moon white robe, wearing a golden crown, looks elegant, personable, very handsome Kind, like a young scholar in the world.

“Oh? It’s not an evil way or a means of demonic path. Could it be that some hidden ancient sects have revived?”

purple clothed frowned men.

Ling Xuan’s eyes flickered, these women connected with her fate, and this sudden death.

Are these things related to a secret sect?

Cultivators all know that some sects with very ancient inheritance hidden many years. Once they want to be born, they must do some major events to brush up their sense of existence.

Especially some evil Demon Path Sect sects, their favorite is to create some appalling bloody incidents to attract attention, and once such sects appear, no matter whether it is the righteous path or the demonic path, they don’t really like it.

Now in this World, everything is balanced.

If some ancient sects are born, this balance will be broken, which will lead things to some uncontrollable level.

“Let’s take a look first, don’t rush to the conclusion.”

The gentle white clothed young man named “Prince” shook the head, and there was a touch in the depths of his pupils that was difficult for others to notice. The hidden worries.

“It is a troubled autumn. Little Immortal World has trapped most of the elites in the cultivator world. The overall strength has been greatly damaged. The development of many things may far exceed anyone’s expectations…”

There is no doubt that there are many suspicious points in this killing at Qinglu Inn. Soon, the whole hall in front of the temple becomes bustling.

Most of the residents woke up from their deep sleep and rushed over to pay attention to all this. Someone asked aloud.

“Does anyone find out how they were killed? I haven’t slept, but I haven’t heard any fighting, shouting, quarreling, etc. Maybe it’s my cultivation base is low and there are many people present. Lingxi spiritual river and even Tianhe powerhouse, has anyone found out how they died?”

The question of this nameless cultivator caused all cultivator’s ideas. Numerous cultivators looked at each other from each other. There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

The air is full of conspiracy.

Ling Xuan’s heart is also uneasy. These women who have co-occurrence fetters have all come here. Maybe the power behind them really wants to do?

Did this really begin?

“Why, don’t everyone know how these people died?”

The problem is serious. You must know that among the many cultivators present, although the spirit stream is a lot, However, there are also powerhouses in the spiritual river environment and even in the half-step Tianhe environment.

If even the powerhouse of the half-step Tianhe realm doesn’t know how they died, it means that the assailant’s methods are far beyond everyone’s imagination, and it is even possible to attack Tianhe suddenly and kill Tianhe. powerhouse!

For a time, everyone in the hall was in danger, and all the cultivators felt an air of coldness from the bottom of their hearts.

Some cultivator yelled, “I’ll go to other places to see if there are similar murders.”

Then a cloud of light came out of his body and flew away.

For a time, the discussion in the main hall was endless, and everyone in small groups whispered.

Up to now, even the stupid people know that this is definitely not just a simple murder. The shopkeeper family is so strange that it makes everyone very solemn and solemn. stand up.

Ling Xuan’s eyes drifted in the crowd. At this moment, she found a purple yarn woman who had an inexplicable connection and aura with her…

It’s really endless La!

The man of destiny, how many such indescribably beautiful beauties do you know?

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