The turbulent spirit strength exploded suddenly, forming a fierce spirit strength tide in the ten thousand zhang area, deep purples and brilliant reds, which are really beautiful.

Moreover, there are one after another Magical Artifact, flying sword, lance, big seal, melting pot, long halberd, etc. and other weapons shining out of the edge, which is sharp and moving, turning into one after another Bright streamer dances horizontally and horizontally in the sky.

It looks beautiful, but it is full of fatal danger.

When hundreds of cultivators, most of them from the Lingxi realm and above, join forces to take action, the spirit strength tides that are triggered can definitely release the terrifying power that can kill the Tianhe powerhouse.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, even if the numerous cultivators do not form a super large array at all, it is impossible to achieve the perfect integration of all spirit strengths into one, and still have terrifying power.

This power makes the half-step Tianhe powerhouse like Prince Yellow Springs and Wu Lie Juzi simply dare not get close to that spiritual strength tide.

This time in the war, these hundreds of tragic cultivators are the main force. They decide to fight for their destiny.

Hundreds of spiritual river-level powerhouses gathered together and exploded with the power of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

To some extent, this is also a high-end war rarely seen in the world of cultivator.

The density of the cultivator powerhouse in the human world is very low, the Lingxi realm can be called a super powerhouse, and the spiritual river is even more legendary.

For general exploration of relics or adventures, simply cannot gather that many powerhouses.

Most of the cultivator world wars are actually the spirit stream-level Inner Disciple fighting each other and pecking at each other.

Occasionally, a few Lingxi realm Elders make a move, and after a few words, it’s over.

Scenes like this, where hundreds of spiritual river powerhouses can gather together to fight together, are often only encountered in the shuffling wars of medium and large forces such as the Dao and Demon Controversy, Great War of Righteousness and Demons. .

In other words, in the Red Dust Profound Realm at this time, everyone is considered the elite of the human world!

The spirit strength of the three heavenly demons roared again and again, but was also trapped by the tide of hundreds of people, unable to move even a little bit.

This heavenly demon still has some insights. After fiercely fighting for several incense sticks, their attack methods have produced transformation.

The bone claws and bone blades of centipede heavenly demon are like arrows from the string, flying out of the body with a bang, and the scream of tearing air penetrates the void, often every bone claw is Can directly nail a Lingxi powerhouse.

The bony armor on the humanoid heavenly demon’s body also began to slowly split and spread out, forming the appearance of scales.

Then it roared again and again, every time it roared, a scale burst out, like a handle heavenly blade slashed down, and it could easily cut a cultivator in half.

As for the fat four-arm heavenly demon’s attack method, it is more disgusting. Its four arms carry four huge wooden hammers fiercely on its body. Every time it strikes, a mouthful of darkness erupts from its mouth. green’s venom.

Any cultivator contaminated with that venom will melt into a pool of Poison Blood in just a few breaths.

The battle was stale and stern, and cultivators continued to fall.

And when every cultivator falls, the spirit strength of the three heavenly demon in the tide will become weaker…

No matter if the bone claw scales are separated Flying out, or spraying Poison Blood, is a very depleting attack method for heavenly demon, and it cannot be sustained.

In Ling Xuan’s view, this method of warfare is harsh, tragic, and stupid.

Actually speaking of which, she and the purple-bearded old man, the First Senior Brother of Dousegong, the Wu Lie Guzi, and the Prince of Yellow Springs took a half-step Tianhe powerhouse, plus defensive power. In addition, Lingxin Elder, who is good at space locks with a supporting role, has a chance to kill these three heavenly demons under the combined efforts of six people.

This time, the cultivators seem to have considered the hard fight afterwards and did not require the strongest cultivators to come out and fight for their lives.

They want to carry this level by themselves, so that the strongest cultivator will have a chance to breathe, and let everyone in the future go further!

These low-level cultivators are fighting for their lives, she does not agree with them.

Is this a normal human cultivator?

Fear of death, but at the same time not afraid of death!

Ling Xuan was a little puzzled, and stared coldly at those people who were bloody and crazy.

She saw a young man cut off an arm by the scales of a human-shaped armored heavenly demon, but used the other arm to force a flying sword to attack desperately.

She saw that a Lingxi cultivator who was good at melee combat was not good at long-range attacks. She rushed several times but was blocked by the spirit strength tide, and finally roared into the spirit strength tide without hesitation. Allow the surging spirit strength tide to grind your own flesh and blood little by little, and you must pierce your own heavy punch fiercely on the wound of the centipede heavenly demon.

She saw a beautiful female cultivator, manipulating two huge silver scissors, vertically and horizontally, turning into two brilliant silver awns and marking two lines on the four-armed heavenly demon. Shows a “×”-shaped wound.

A beautiful flower-like smile just bloomed on his face, and the next moment was smashed into a mass of flesh by the giant hammer of the heavenly demon.

She saw two cultivators who seemed to be twin brothers, manipulating two lances of one black one white, piercing through the void, and finally merged into one, like a black and white Flood Dragon that pierced the fat heavenly demon’s right eye. Immediately afterwards, the two were blasted to pieces by the meteor bone cone of the armored heavenly demon.

What’s the point?

What’s the point of rushing forward like this?

The weak are the weak!

The young girl’s eyes looked towards Lingxin, looked towards Purple Beard old man, looked towards the First Senior Brother of Duzita Palace, looked towards Yellow Springs Prince, looked towards Angry Shoujuzi…

Gradually, she seemed to understand something.

Perhaps, this is the spirit of Human Race.

Many times, too many times, when Human Race faces the attack of those tyrannical demons, there is no way out.

Because behind them there are more vulnerable women and children, family members, friends, homes and homeland to protect.

Can’t retreat, so once encountering the attack of evil spirits and entering the desperate situation, human beings start to instinctively choose honor over life, and many weak people do everything they can to do it.

Regardless of the power gap, no matter how long one can last, no matter whether one’s actions are meaningful or not, is it considered correct, and even no matter what the result will be after one rushes up.

If the battle is still going on, just rush forward, as long as you can.

Instinctively want to buy more time and more opportunities for the compatriots behind me.

The hope that the human race can survive more is also good.

No matter what the difference in strength is, even if you die, you will be splashed with blood.

Even if I die, I do my best to hope that the race can survive and continue.

This is what distinguishes Human Race from other forms of creatures.

This is the spirit of Human Race!

Because there are thousands of absolutely such cultivators, with such a spirit, Human Race struggled desperately in Great Desolate Era and ushered in the brilliant Mythological Era.

Because of this kind of heart, after the fall of Mythological Era, Human Race continued to stretch.

Stubbornly survived the world extinction catastrophes such as the perpetual ice catastrophe, the black sea inversion, the withered locust riot, and the shadow catastrophe.

No matter what opponents, no matter what disasters, no matter what difficulties they face, Human Race’s heart has never been cut off.

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