“It won’t work like this. Even if these poison insects die, the poison qi will continue to accumulate. If we continue to fight like this, all of us will probably explain it!”

Lingxin Elder is a bit impossible to Attend to other things, on the one hand, it must urge the defensive power super spirit strength shield to provide defense formation to many cultivators, on the other hand, it must control the space lock to help Tianhe monsters restrict insect race heavenly demon.

Under such circumstances, she also took care of the entire battlefield and was the first to discover the intention of the insect race heavenly demon.

This group of insidious and vicious things, I am afraid that they are holding the mentality of poisoning all of them to death!

“The upper hexagram is free, away from the light”

“The lower hexagram is dry and strong and vigorous”

“The sky is full of fire.”

At this moment, the First Senior Brother, the first Senior Brother who urges the Dousui Demon Array to trap the beetle heavenly demon, frees up a hand and outlines a hexagram in the sky.

Mysterious gossip rune flashed and disappeared in the sky, and then a huge fire red gossip halo appeared under his feet.

As soon as the gossip aperture appeared, it rapidly expanded and instantly covered the entire poison insect cave.

Immediately afterwards, clusters of bright fire red flames rose up, filling the entire poison insect cave.

How powerful the formidable power of these flames is not at all, it is almost only the strength of Life Source True Fire that the equivalent to Spirit Spring stage cultivator can release.

But Sheng is extremely wide in its range, covering all areas of the poison insect cave, leaving no dead spots, so in everyone’s eyes, the entire cave burns.

Those densely packed small poison insects that seem to emerge directly from in the sky are not strong, but only in large numbers.

At this time, facing the flames that filled the entire cave, he couldn’t resist at all, and was soon burned to coke in Raging of Raging Flames.

And those huge toxicity also quickly dissipated in the high temperature.

The gray poison qi cloud hadn’t completely formed, it was burned clean by this dry fire, and the void after the flame burned, even the air seemed to be much fresher.

“Douli Gong is really supernatural!”

The purple beard old man exclaimed. He and the Prince of Yellow Springs worked together to deal with the different ant heavenly demon, already severely wounded, and he was about to completely kill this heavenly demon.

The First Senior Brother did not answer, and his expression became serious.

The defensive power of that armored heavenly demon’s carapace is so amazing that it makes him feel that Dousui Demon Array seems to be a little unable to hold it.

“The Little Brat I know seems to be very good at playing with fire…”

Lingxin Elder looked at the fire that covered the entire poison insect cave and destroyed all the poisons. The insects were completely burnt to fly ash, and even the poison qi was burnt out directly, and the expression was momentarily trance.

The disappearance of a large number of small poison insects means that the three poison insect heavenly demon can no longer be supplied and recovered, and they suddenly become extremely violent.

Especially the strange cow heavenly demon, which itself is the most powerful of the three heavenly demons. At this time, under the furious rage, the power of the monster is even more urged to 120%, with a loud whistle, The huge attacking horns above his head fiercely fiercely against Wu Li’s fists.

After the blow, there was a crisp cracking sound on the boxer of Ruzou’s equipment. This scene made his face change drastically.

You must know that his “armored armor” killed an extremely rare “Cang Ming Flood Dragon” and then used secret techniques to turn all the flesh and blood of the Flood Dragon into the bones. Within the shock, the Flood Dragon bones were strengthened to the limit before they were refined into equipment.

After refining, he used his spirit strength and blood essence to warm and nurture this outfit for decades with water milling, and he has long been in harmony with this outfit. The realm of one.

This outfit is his Life Source Magical Artifact, which is connected with his mind and life.

At this time, although only the armor part of the fist was broken, it broke into pieces.

In fact, he had a good idea, but he knew that the whole set of equipment had been hit hard by the hit of the meet force with force just now, but most of them were “internal injuries.”

A lot of tiny cracks and breakages have actually appeared inside the equipment where naked eye is invisible.

If you take another two or three attacks of the same level as just now, this outfit will completely collapse.

“You guys work hard, I can’t stand it anymore!”

In desperation, Wu Lie Guzi never dared to meet force with force heavenly demon again Competing for strange power, I had to use a fighting method to barely drag the movement of the strange cow heavenly demon.

However, at this moment, the First Senior Brother of Dousigong has a cold sweat on his face. He has already pushed the Demon Array to its limit, and it seems that he cannot withstand the collision of the alien heavenly demon. .

Although the purple beard old man and the Prince of Yellow Springs cut off all the claws on the heavenly demon’s body, they still have a long way to go before they can be completely killed.

“Fight! Netherworld River is hopeful, there is no return in the world!”

The Prince of Yellow Springs roared, and the dark yellow sword-shaped streamer in his hand suddenly released the rays of light. It turned into a faint yellow river, directly pressing on the heavenly demon.

In the faint yellow river, countless ghosts roar roared, seeming to want to break out of the river and come to the world.

The faint yellow river is actually an endless sword energy, which burst out in an instant, grandiose, forming a roaring river, and all the strikes are on the heavenly demon.

This is one of the three most powerful sword skills of Yellow Springs lineage: no return.

Heavenly demon’s huge body with a height of 30 zhang was forcibly crushed to the ground by this blow. A long bloodstain appeared behind it, and the blood was sprayed like a waterfall.

Looking at it from a distance, this bloodstain is almost half of the depth behind it, and again, it can be cut into two directly.

However, the sword skill of “no return” is one of the ultimate ultimate moves in the Yellow Springs sword dao. How can it be said that it can be used? This blow almost took the time for the Prince of Yellow Springs within the The spirit strength of the body made his complexion extremely weak.

It’s not that the formidable power of “no return” is poor, but the defensive power of the heavenly demon’s body is too strong. Even if the back was directly cut in half, it was still not dead, but fought back brazenly.

With a fierce opening of the hideous mouthparts, a huge sound wave turned into pitch-black tornado violently swept out, heading towards the Prince of Yellow Springs and the purple beard old man!

“I’ll come!”

At this moment, in the sky, there was a cold voice.

Ling Xuan’s silhouette has completely turned into a nether shadow, flying around the heavenly demon from bottom to top.

There was a faint purple glow in the hand, a violent pull, and a muffled sound of “pu”. Although he was seriously injured, the heavenly demon, which was still vigorous in Life Aura, stiffened a bit, and split in half!

“That, that’s…”

“What is that?”

Many cultivators who saw this scene were completely shocked. What is it?

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