Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 947: Desperate Linghe

At the same time, Chu Chen and the young president Qiu San realized that because they met each other, both of them forgot to hide their sharp edges. They hurriedly looked at each other and smiled, and their fighting spirit turned into sharp eyes.

Chu Chenluozi.


The black chess pieces landed on the stone-carved chess board, making a deep boom.

I saw a huge encirclement formed in an instant, took away the area occupied by several whites with a crash, and killed them all.

"Heh... I didn't expect that you are young, but your chess skills are so calm and old, so that it doesn't match your age at all."

Qiu San smiled meaningfully and shook his head, as if he was talking about Chu Chen's chess power and Chu Chen's strength.

"This cultivation base...the chess cultivation base cannot be achieved without a twenty-year training. How exactly did the boy practice?"

"Neither did I expect that your sword will be slanting forward, and your chess style will change strangely. Your strength is more than the strength of Liuxi... I am talking about chess strength for more than six years."

Chu Chen smiled faintly and also looked ambiguous.

"Hahaha... each other."

Qiu San smiled and shook his head. Just about to speak, he heard a sharp, loud crane sound from high above.

Chu Chen looked up and saw a snow-white figure swiftly shooting from the distant sky. He fixed his eyes, but it was the riding pet of the elder Lingxin who flew away after boarding the ship, Ling Hexue. feather.

"Heh... this strange-tempered spirit crane finally flew back."

Qiu San looked out into space, his face was full of smiles, "This Linghe hates that our steel boats are too dirty, and he doesn't even want to live in the first-class animal pens. I am afraid that I am tired after flying for a few days. Up."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a pale blue figure hurriedly coming out of the cabin, but the elder Lingxin who was studying the mark of the medicinal talisman drawn by Chu Chen did not know why he ran out.

She looked up at the sky, and she seemed to be listening to Xueyu's tweet, and she quickly saw a hint of doubt in her eyes: "No, why did Xiaoyu become like this..."

"Why is it wrong?"

Seeing the panic in the expression of Elder Lingxin, who had always fallen in the sky without changing his face, Chu Chen felt something was wrong.

Qiu San raised his eyebrows slightly, "This Linghe has been flying for so many days, I'm afraid I will come back to rest when I'm tired."


Elder Lingxin’s expression did not relax at all. Instead, he took on an unspeakable seriousness, “It’s only six days, and Xueyu’s flight endurance is definitely not tired. It should be something dangerous. The sound it made at this time was a warning sound, we are in big trouble!"


Hearing Lingxin's words, Chu Chen frowned, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Linghe hovering in the sky.

He knew that this Xueyu was a spirit beast fed by Elder Lingxin since childhood. It was very psychic, arrogant and extremely tough. It was a super spirit beast that was not afraid of the sky and the earth.

And extremely bold and careful, there is a cold and proud spirit beast with rich experience in facing dangers.

When he was still learning the art of refining medicine in Biquan Immortal Sect, he once heard Senior Sister Qingyue say that when Xue Yu was adventurous with Elder Lingxin several times, he keenly sensed danger and dealt with it calmly and boldly.

This helped Elder Lingxin avoid several disasters in time and saved her life.

The most impressive thing is that it is said that seven years ago, when the elders of Lingxin just got involved in the way of pharmacists, the newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, they dared to enter anywhere, and they dared to go into the southern heaven alone to collect the rare "Heavenly Blood Vermillion Fruit ".

Unexpectedly, not far from the blood vermilion fruit that day, there was a tyrannical giant "purple gold poisonous scorpion" dormant, specially hunting down those fierce beasts or humans that coveted the blood vermilion fruit.

That time, as soon as the elder Lingxin collected the Celestial Blood Vermillion Fruit in his hand, the purple-gold poisonous scorpion that looked like a hill opened his eyes like a awakened mountain.

At the critical moment, it was the moment before the purple-gold poisonous scorpion attacked Xueyu, desperately clutching the elder Lingxin and flying into the sky, so that the elder Lingxin saved the life and death.

Calmness, Da Ming, and toughness are the unified impression Xue Yu gave to everyone in Biquan Xianzong.

At this moment, the snow-white spirit crane flew over the crowd but did not fall. Instead, it kept circling in the sky endlessly, with a stern sound of cranes cutting through the sky, with a strong anxious and desperate atmosphere.

This situation...what should Xueyu have discovered? ?

Seeing this, Chu Chen's heart jumped fiercely, and he quickly urged his spiritual consciousness to spread towards Xueyu. Now, although this spirit crane is still not understandable, it is already very psychic.

In the fluctuation of its soul, Chu Chen clearly felt an extreme fear and anxiety. It seemed that this spirit crane had encountered something terrifying, as if the end of the world was about to come, making it feel from the deepest part of its bones. There was a wave of hysterical despair.

Obviously, this Linghe doesn't have any confidence to escape this huge predicament with Lingxin Elder!


The Linghe in the sky seemed to become more frantic and restless, and as the pair of wide feathers flapped vigorously, pieces of white feathers even began to fall in the void.

This Linghe has become an ant on a hot pot at this moment, and he doesn't care about the feathers that he keeps most of the time.

"Little feather, come down!"

Looking at Linghe's stern and manic appearance, the cold-faced Elder Lingxin blew several whistles and forcibly summoned Linghe down.

The white Linghe didn’t listen to Lingxin’s call at first, and flew in the air to make a few harsh crane chirps, until Lingxin’s whistle became stronger and stronger, sharply cutting the sky, it slowly descended. When they arrived on the deck of the big ship, Chu Chen felt shocked that his bright eyes were blood red.

"Xiaoyu~www.ltnovel.com~ what the **** happened?"

Elder Lingxin gently combed the feathers on Linghe's back with his right hand, and asked softly.


Linghe immediately seemed to be more irritated, flapping his wings madly, and screaming up to the sky. The cry was full of sorrow and despair, as if he knew he was about to step into the abyss of death. , But there is no way to escape the madness.

"In danger? We are already in danger of being irreversible?"

The elder Lingxin understood the meaning contained in Crane, and the sorrow on his frosty face became stronger.

She combed Xueyu's feathers desperately, hoping that the manic spirit beast could calm down, but it had little effect. Xueyu had completely lost his spirituality at this moment, only animalism.

"Come on!"

Aware of the imminent disaster, Qiu San frowned slightly, but the expression on his face became calmer, but the motion of waving his hand was still very hard.

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