Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1376: This is very abnormal

Boom! !

Just when all the monks were angry at Chu Chen's crazy behavior, an earth-shaking explosion sounded into the sky.

The whole land and dense forest shook violently in an instant.

In everyone's sight, a blazing firelight soared into the sky, transformed into a huge flame petal in the void, and violently scattered in all directions!

His...! ! !

At this moment, all the monks almost subconsciously took a breath of air-conditioning. Even if they were nearly a hundred miles away, everyone could still feel a blazing wind blowing on their faces, even the continuous dense rain around them. They were all evaporated into white air.

Even the eyebrows and hair of the monks in the front began to be scorched!

And where the small dark red sun fell, a deep pit the size of a few kilometers suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

All the scarlet trees in the pit were instantly annihilated by the high temperature evaporated fly ash.

And with that deep pit as the center, a circle of bright golden red flames is like an endless tide, spreading rapidly in all directions!

Yes, spread! The billowing golden flames swept past, and all the blood-colored giant trees encountered along the way seemed to have turned into the best burning coals and began to burn.

Each blood-colored giant wood seemed to become a bright torch, burning in just a few breaths, and then quickly turned into a three-dimensional coke!

The waves of fire billowed, covering the sky and the sun.

At this moment, this unprecedented fire swept through the entire Scarlet Forest.

All the giant trees, vines, grass quilts, etc. along the way were all burned clean, and the intense high temperature even made the entire ground begin to show a kind of glaze crystal!

This guy... the real fire of this guy actually ignited the entire scarlet jungle! ! ?

Above an altitude of 3,000 feet, thick smoke billowed, white steam rose, and flames burned.

All the monks who watched this scene were completely immersed in an extremely huge shock, and no one could speak.

Why is this going to make an exit in the ancient formation, it is simply to completely destroy this ancient formation!

Too styletxt; crazy, and even crazier, this little monk in the Lingxi realm has achieved this level.

It is well known that any forest has extremely powerful internal climate regulation functions.

The forest is also the most difficult place to fire in all terrain, unless it is a dead forest with dead trees.

There are trees everywhere in a normal forest, and ordinary trees have the ability to store water. Therefore, the older the original dense forest, the more humid, humid, and gloomy the internal climate will be, and the harder it will be to fire!

Not to mention the fact that this dense forest of scarlet has no idea how long it has existed. The huge scarlet trees are as high as thousands of feet, even if they have survived for tens of thousands of years.

The amount of water accumulated by such an ancient giant tree is even more unimaginable. From a certain perspective, this primitive blood-colored dense forest is actually equivalent to a huge and unmatched reservoir!

Otherwise, how did the continuous rainstorm come from? ?

The amount of water accumulated for so many years is rich in the spiritual power of water, which is almost no more than a small sea area! !

This kind of ancient dense forest, let alone a forest fire, once a small flame rises anywhere, it should be extinguished immediately.

Why does the heavy rain here have such strong adhesion?

The fundamental reason is that the innate water spiritual power here is too strong and terrible! !

But right in front of all the monks, when the torrential rain was still falling on the sky, in the vast blood-colored ancient forest, this vast forest fire swept through everything, completely burning everything. net.

The raging golden-red flames have a magical nature, water can't be extinguished, nothing can't burn, and it will completely burn the entire forest at once!

This is equivalent to burning up a small sea area!

What is this little light shuttle?

too terrifying!

Everyone was quiet, only the sound of flame rising and devouring everything in their ears.

I don’t know when, the continuous rainstorm in the void began to stop, and the entire world was filled with a thick white gas...

This is the water vapor that has been hardly evaporated by the intense high temperature.

The vast white air permeated between the earth and the sky, blocking everyone's sight, but it could not stop everyone's spiritual sense.

All the monks watched as the vast golden red flames swept across the entire forest, the entire forest covering more than 100,000 miles was completely burnt and clean, and there was no one in the world. The scarlet ancient wood exists...

And the mysterious golden red flame seems to have its own will. After burning all the blood-colored ancient woods, the flame also disappeared automatically, and did not spread to other places...

"The reason why this ancient formation is powerful is only with the help of these ancient **** woods that have survived for a long time. My method is very simple. Since I can't crack this ancient formation, I just burn all the trees! As soon as the formation has no support, it will automatically collapse."

Chu Chen spoke lightly, and everyone was still immersed in the feeling of living in a dream.

Seeing that all the blood-colored ancient trees were burned to ashes, Chu Chen faintly explained his "crazy behavior" to everyone.

His voice was as small as if he were about to be drowned in the wind, but every word that spread to everyone's ears seemed to evolve into the sound of thunder, causing a monstrous wave to emerge in everyone's hearts!

The headed Zhu Han was even more stiff, but there seemed to be a voice in his heart roaring crazily.

I don't believe it, I don't accept it!

Burning up this vast primitive ancient forest, the power of flame required?

Can a beginner of Lingxi be able to manipulate it! ?

That little light shuttle is too weird!

It shouldn't exist in this world at all!

At this moment, Zhu Han felt that he was going crazy.

But the shock in her heart for Lu Yan, who is next to Chu Chen at this moment, is no weaker than Zhu Han.

She likes to read during the day, so her knowledge is better than other monks. Maybe others don’t know what the origin of this blood-colored ancient tree is, but she has recognized it early. This blood-colored ancient tree is the legendary ancient magic tree. Gonggong Xingmu!

According to legend, in the ancient Hongmeng era, there were two extremely powerful demon gods between heaven and earth.

After battles that destroyed the world, the Water Demon was defeated and angered the pillars of the heaven and the earth... Bu Zhoushan.

Nabu Zhoushan was broken by Shengsheng, and Gonggong, the water demon god, fell.

After that Gonggong died, because of his immortal grievances, the flesh and blood in his body turned into water-based monsters, fierce beasts, and spirit beasts, and his hair turned into towering giant trees, forming a vast forest.

The infinite water-attribute beasts entrenched among the towering trees, still occupying a corner of the earth, fighting for hegemony with Zhu Rong, and refused to give in!

That kind of giant tree is crimson with the devil's dazzling pattern on it, and its name is... Gonggong Xuanmu!

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