Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1381: White iron old dog

ct; too scary, too scary...

Seeing the dazzling halberd rays split the void, and cut open the big voids one after another, all the faces were pale.

At this moment, everyone felt extremely grateful that they had left the dark zone earlier.

Because these terrifying Han Mangs will disappear by themselves when they reach the edge of the dark area.

As if swallowed by an invisible force, the attack of the puppet terracotta warriors could not blast out of the dark area.

Therefore, although the cultivators are only a few hundred feet away from the ‘yin’ blood demon figurine, they are very safe.

Obviously, this ‘yin’ blood monster seems to be restricted by some power, and can only move in the dark area.

Otherwise, this relic will become the most terrifying life forbidden zone, and no one can enter safely!

"Everyone, let's go. This'yin' blood monster seems to be just a puppet guarding the'door'. With it guarding the'door', we are afraid that there will be no way out at all, and we can only continue to move forward. ."

Everyone can be regarded as rushing through this dark area, where is the courage to go through it again.

Seeing that the'yin' blood demon figurine was still tirelessly cutting out terrifying sharp edges in all directions, Chu Chen shook his head, took a breath, waved his hand to the crowd, and even took the lead toward the depths of the giant hall. move on.

This broken hall is very magnificent. Although it is only a broken hall from a distance, it looks like it covers only a dozen acres, but once you get into it, you will find that it is a completely new world.

At a glance, the world is vast, and the magnificent and broken halls are lined up one after another. They are a relatively complete group of halls, and they can't see the end at a glance. [Fast update, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, I like this kind of website the most, I must praise it]

Obviously, this area has been blessed with some kind of spatial magical secret arts, and its breadth is far beyond everyone's imagination.

During the exploration, everyone discovered that there were some strange and terrifying creatures in this magnificent hall after another.

In other words, those things cannot be described by the term "creature" at all...

In a red ‘color’ hall filled with death breath, everyone saw a huge strange fish.

The strange fish seemed to be made up of some kind of strange stones. It was ten feet high, with a shark-headed crocodile body and eight strong claws under it.

What is especially striking is that there are nine barbs on the back of the strange fish, which look like nine sharp spears shining with the light of death.

The power of the spear is simply unimaginable. With a random movement, you can ‘hole’ through the void, causing the pieces of the void to collapse, quickly twisting, tangling, and winding into a small black spot...

And those black spots are actually tiny black ‘holes’ in space!

The stone monster fish of this shark-headed crocodile just moves randomly, and it can create tiny black ‘holes’ in front of it!

This supernatural power is simply unimaginable!

In another hall of gray and white ‘color’, everyone saw an old dog in gray ‘color’.

The old dog was no more than a few feet long, but his body shone like white iron.

At that time, the old dog was concentrating on playing with a dark gold ‘color’ bone...

The whole body was carved like gold, emitting a dazzling light, full of bones with dark patterns.

The moment everyone saw that bone, they all felt a violent tremor all over, and faintly, they seemed to be able to see a huge ancient demon proud of the mountains and rivers, Cangyu, catching the stars and catching the moon!

There is no doubt that it is an ancient demon bone, and it is an indestructible demon bone that can only be possessed by the strongest among the ancient demons!

Through the remaining aura on the demon bone, you can perceive that the master of the demon bone must have been an unimaginable ancient demon before his death!

But now such a powerful ancient demon has fallen, the tyrannical immortal body has long since disappeared, and only one demon bone is gnawed away by an old white iron dog... Such a strong contrast even makes everyone feel There is a sense of absurdity.

How did that ancient demon die?

Was it killed by this old white iron dog?

Or that the ancient demon was actually killed by other creatures, and then the remaining bones were thrown to this old white iron dog to bite?

Then the biggest question is, what kind of existence does the creature that raises this old white iron dog...? ?

Although this devil bone was broken, it was extremely attractive to the monks, but no one had the courage to grab the bone from the dog's mouth.

To grab the bones of the old white iron dog, a hundred lives are not enough.

In another dark hall, everyone saw two black stone statues standing silently in the center of the hall.

The stone statue is divided into a dragon and a tiger, and the whole body is covered with cracks, and it looks like a stone sculpture that has existed for a long time, without the slightest vitality.

It's just that although the dragons and tigers look like stone sculptures, no one present thinks they are just ordinary stone sculptures.

Because the breath on the stone sculpture is too terrifying and vast, it gives people the feeling that the stone temple where a dragon and a tiger inhabits is like a food box. Any creature that enters the stone temple is actually the dragon. Food for the tiger statue!

This feeling is weird, but very real.

Moreover, whether it was Chu Chen, Zhu Han, who had a strong spiritual sense to the sky, or the monks of different strengths such as Bao Shaolong, who had a general cultivation base, the feeling that this kind of self was almost simultaneously appeared in his heart: " Food", the feeling of being killed and swallowed!

Fortunately, whether it is the weird fish with the shark-headed crocodile body, the old white iron dog gnawing on the bones of the gods, and the silent dragon and tiger sculpture.

They all seem to be imprisoned by some kind of powerful restriction, they can only move in their respective halls, and cannot get out at all.

The monks can move forward as long as they go around the dark area where they are carefully.

Fortunately for this, otherwise, let alone explore this ancient ruins, I'm afraid that they can't even enter the ruins too far!

What is even more disturbing is that ~www.ltnovel.com~ As everyone continues to penetrate the ruins, more and more bones are seen along the way.

Some of the corpses looked like they had just died, and the bones were still glowing with a brilliant ‘color’.

The age of some bones cannot be estimated, and the ancient atmosphere seems to have entered the prehistoric era.

And all corpse capitals have a common characteristic ‘sex’!

That is, no matter whether these bones have just died or have been dead for infinite years, there is no trace of blood on them, only pure white bones. Not even the slightest trace of blood can be seen on the ground...

"It's really weird. Since powerful monsters such as the'yin' blood demons, shark heads, old white iron dogs, dragon and tiger statues are confined to a fixed area and cannot get out, why are there so many corpses here? They...how did they die?"

I don't know how long it has been, Bao Shaolong in the team suddenly exclaimed, his face turned pale in an instant, "We, are we missing something?"

Original from l/18/18406/

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