Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1386: Chu Chen is always so abnormal

Chu Chen's answer caused everyone to take a breath.

Now that the monsters are rampant, it's fortunate to be able to escape. Didn't expect Chu Chen to propose to advance instead of retreating?

The monsters inside are probably stronger. Is it because they didn’t die fast enough?

Besides, a group of strong men has entered deeper, and perhaps these strong men are more terrifying than monsters.

When everyone looked at each other, one of the remaining monks was silent and elegant, but the white-clothed sister with divine eyes spoke.

"Junior Brother Chu is right. Those monsters are really too strong. We want to provoke a war between them. It's like setting fire. They can kill me with just one blow. Up."

Zhu Han's expression was very hesitant, his eyes flickering.

"Forcibly leaving is impossible, but the monsters in the depths of the ruins are extremely powerful..." He looked at Chu Chen solemnly, "The monsters in the depths must be more powerful, but maybe the area inside is even bigger, we still have a deal Space, but this time, it’s really necessary to use Junior Brother Chu’s puppet bat... You must point out a way to avoid those monsters!"

"Well, I will try my best."

Chu Chen nodded seriously.

After all the cultivators were in good health, and it was helpful for the puppet bats to mark where the monsters were wandering, Chu Chen began to lead them into the depths of the remains.

This time, no monk dared to hold a trace of contempt for this ruin. The battle of the Bone Guard made everyone understand the danger and cruelty here.

This ruin is not just a treasure land waiting for everyone to dig, it is also a wicked land that may lose your life at any time!

Chu Chen led the monks cautiously and couldn't help sneaking around the monster, stopping from time to time, hiding in the ruins of the main hall, almost moving quickly.

But it is still constantly deepening into the ruins.

Everyone found that the surrounding space seemed to be constantly becoming more expansive.

You must know that everyone has been walking in the "gap" between the boulder and the boulder.

But I don't know when it started, the surrounding "gap" began to become wider, and it really became a huge "road".

And what followed were all kinds of strange creatures that wandered around to be inexplicably powerful, their intelligence seems to be lower, but their destructive power was obviously upgraded! !

Continuing to go deep into the trail, as Zhu Han expected, the surrounding space became more extensive, which also gave them a lot of roundabout places to choose zé in the process of advancing, carefully and relatively calmly avoiding those. The area where the monsters existed continued to deepen into the ruins without any danger.

Before the terrain was small, I almost collided with the wandering monster several times. If Chu Chen hadn't reacted, everyone might have died.

After going deep inside for several hours, everyone felt that there seemed to be obvious changes in the surroundings! ?

The air seemed to become more and more "sticky".

With every step I took, I could feel my body being gently "pulled" by the surrounding air, and the resistance became more and more obvious.

It gives people the feeling that the closer to the interior of this ancient relic, the deeper an invisible "quagmire".

And this quagmire-like "sticky" feeling is not only physical, but also spiritual. This is a strange feeling that comes from the deepest part of the heart.


Taking a long breath, Lu Yan gently put her arm on Chu Chen's shoulder and leaned on it, taking a few big breaths.

In order to get around the monsters hidden in the ancient temple, Chu Chen led them to a roundabout way.

This kind of advancement in hiding has been going on for countless centuries, making everyone feel extremely tired.

"Tired out."

Feeling the exhaustion that the girl around him could not hide, Chu Chen moved her lips, "I will try to slow down as much as possible."

"I didn't expect that it was just hiding and moving forward, but it was more exhausting than a big battle."

Lu Yan was a little embarrassed.

"Maybe it is my psychological reason. Those terrible monsters put me under too much psychological pressure. I always feel that I am dead if I take a wrong step. The whole process is like walking a tightrope, so I am particularly tired."

"With me, you can relax."

Chu Chen glanced at the other monks, and couldn't hide the exhaustion on everyone's faces.

Everyone seems to have walked through hell, but it may only be a small part of hell, and the journey of death is far from over.

Chu Chen gently raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop. "Everyone rested for a while and regained their physical strength. With the current situation, they encountered a monster head-on. I am afraid that everyone would not have enough strength to escape."

The monks nodded and looked for a place to sit down, hiding in half of the abandoned hall.

Chu Chen, who was still guarding the outermost, suddenly had a worried look across his pupils...

There is nothing wrong with the sticky feeling in this space. There is indeed a certain secret power inside this ruin, which is dissolving the monk's physical strength, energy, and even the source of the soul.

Although the extent of this ablation is not large, it is happening all the time. Everyone is so tired. One reason is to avoid monsters, and this secret is also one of the reasons!

Extremely dangerous red... This ancient relic is definitely not a place to stay for long.

You must use the fastest speed to enter the deepest part of the ruins, get the Heavenly Demon Spring, and then leave.

However, even if Chu Chen's will is firmer, the ruins are still too huge, and it is a trip to **** for more than two hours. Chu Chen and his party have reached the core of the ruins~www.ltnovel.com~ a huge palace, a pure The black palace appeared in front of the monks.

The pure black hall is made of black rock.

This hall looks a bit ordinary, but everyone knows that the halls inside this ancient ruin are blessed with space-like supernatural powers like "Mustard Seed You", so the monks did not dare to underestimate it.

The black stone temple occupies an area of ​​about tens of acres, and the whole body reveals an ancient meaning, as if it has been standing for thousands of years.

The stone body outside the main hall was covered with traces of swords, as if it had been through a very tragic battle long ago.

Some of those sword marks even cut through the entire wall, and the dark red stains on the edges exude a strong **** smell.

At this moment, passing through the traces of those ancient swords and looking into the depths of the hall, a dim light faintly emitted from the darkness.

That light seems to be slowly shifting?

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