Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1417: Old friend's owner


Chu Chen furrowed his brows, and finally arrived at the recruitment site of Mie Xian, but in the end it was already full, but he never gave up easily.

"Even if it is full now, I will always need to recruit more people later, can I go in as a candidate first, my strength is not bad, and it won't be a drag on Miexian."

"There are so many capable ones, not worse than you."

The white-clothed man snorted coldly. He seemed to be very disdainful of Chu Chen's stalking behavior, and raised his head with a cold and proud expression.

"Everyone who comes here will think that they are very powerful. Do people who don’t have two brushes dare to apply to join Mie Xian? This time there is only one recruiting place for Mi Xian. It is already full. I want to come for the assessment and wait for the next time. Let's talk about it when the recruitment quota is down."


Chu Chen saw the attitude of the white-clothed cultivator, and knew that it was impossible to forcefully request to join the Extinction Immortal, maybe only Curve would save the country.

However, after thinking about it, all the major groups are cooperating. Although you can’t directly join Mie Xian to meet with Junior Sisters, you can use other channels to go to the forefront of the line and have a chance to meet her. Join Mie Xian Zhi. I can put it away temporarily.

But yes, let the white-clothed man send a message to the little sister first.

"This brother..."

Wei Wei hesitated, Chu Chen arched his hands at the man in white. But before he could finish speaking, the man in white waved his hand impatiently.

"It's said that people are full, why are you staying here?"

"I just hope you can bring a message to your deputy head Tong Meng, saying that Chu Chen has already come to Xiaoxianjie."

Chu Chen said sincerely.

"Chu Chen, you are the brother Chu Chen of the goddess Tong Meng?"

The white-robed monk looked dumbfounded, "Do you know that you are already the dozens of people who call themselves Chu Chen, just kidding."

"It's really Chu Chen here."

"Well, whether you are Chu Chen or not, I can tell you that since I joined the Desire Group, there have been more people who want to speak to the goddess Tongmeng. There are princes from various countries and true disciples of major sects. , There is a direct descendant of an ancient family, who doesn’t want to bring her a word? If everyone wants me to bring her a word, then the deputy head will do nothing every day, just listen to us to give her a word every day!"

Chu Chen's gaze narrowed, and it seemed that under the reputation of Tong Meng, the little fairy goddess, there were so many suitors to an incredible extent.

Destroying the immortal is not too disturbing.

What should I do?

Just as Chu Chen frowned and was at a loss, an arrogant young voice suddenly came from her ear.

"Brother Chu? It's really you Senior Brother Chu! Don't worry, I have heard what you want to say, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely bring it to the deputy head."


Chu Chen turned to look, and saw a young man walking from a distance. The young man's face was childish, and Leng Ao brought a touch of intimacy, but it was a small bag that passed with Chu Chen when he was in the ancient Demon Temple. , Bao Shaolong!

"Little Bao, it's you..."

Chu Chen was very surprised, his expression couldn't hide his surprise.

It was only two days, and after leaving the gate of the ancient ruins, I didn't expect to meet him again in Lei Jiao City.

"Brother Chu, I see you have left, I also decided to part with everyone, so I went straight to Thunder Jiao City. I didn't expect that I was lucky enough to meet the recruitment requirements of the Immortal Extinction Group, so I successfully joined them. ."

Xiao Bao had always been very arrogant, but he was very humble in front of Chu Chen. After the battle of the Demon Palace, he was completely convinced by Chu Chen.

This time I was able to enter Miexian, and I thought I had come early. If Chu Chen arrived early, he would have no chance at all.

"Bao Shaolong, what are you doing? If you have time to talk nonsense, why not come and help me clean up!"

Before Chu Chen could say anything, the white-clothed monk next to him was already very impatient, and his voice sank, "The opportunity to enter Miexian is rare. Do you want to get it and lose it immediately?"

The white-clothed monk has a bad temper, but since he holds the right of the newcomer to enter the extinction group, no one dares to offend him.

After Bao Shaolong heard the words, he responded, embarrassedly smiling at Chu Chen: "Senior Brother Chu, don't worry, if I have a chance, I will personally bring your words to the deputy head."

"Then it will be hard for you."

Chu Chen nodded, didn't say much, turned around and left.

The huge recruitment caves are bustling with hustle and bustle. In addition to the extinction group, the recruitment bases of several famous groups are very popular, and each base has hundreds or even thousands of people wanting to join.

If he wanted to go deep into the front line of the Little Immortal Realm, Chu Chen planned to choose a certain-scale break-through team to join, but when he saw the long lines lined up outside the few recruitment strongholds, he couldn't help but shook his head.

The number of people gathered outside the group is really speechless. To join, you need to go through layers of selection. I don't know how much time will be wasted.

At this moment, Chu Chen noticed that besides the huge recruitment stronghold, there was another place where more people gathered.

It was a blue-robed young monk with his back to Chu Chen, and there was a circle of people around him. According to their scattered conversations, Chu Chen knew that this young man actually knew the detailed recruitment information of all the famous break formation groups!

The number of people in the famous large group, the number of downsizing in each battle, the number of people required for each recruitment, requirements, etc., this young monk is actually very precious, and if someone has any questions, he will personally answer them.

However, this boy's information was not given in vain. If you want to know the specific information of those breaking formations, he must pay the price of half a fairy crystal.

However, the price of half a fairy crystal is a stepping stone to enter the big break group, and this price is also suitable.

After listening to the side for a while, Chu Chen knew that the blue-clothed young monk in front of him was indeed real, not just bragging about it, so he lightly patted the young monk on the shoulder: "This brother, I I also have something to ask."

While speaking, Chu Chen handed over a fairy crystal.

The blue-clothed boy turned his head to look, and suddenly he was shocked, staring at Chu Chen blankly for a while, then suddenly smiled and shook his head: "What do you want to know, ask, I won't charge you."


When the words had been spoken, Chu Chen was immediately stunned. At this time, there were many people around, and they were furious after hearing the words. A female monk in red, who looked rather pungent, rushed to the blue. The young boy glared at him.

"Why can he not pay, but we have to pay?"

"This is my old friend~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone, wait a minute, let me talk to him about the past."

The blue-clothed boy didn't say much. He waved at the crowd, pulled Chu Chen aside, and lowered his voice, "Brother, you seem to have the breath of a friend of mine before. You are its owner, right? It’s a life-saving grace for me, so if you have any questions, I won’t charge you.”

And at this time, Chu Chen finally recognized the boy in blue. In fact, he didn't make a mistake, they were really "old friends".

This blue-clothed boy was named Lan Xuan. When Chu Chen used the Yinpeng clone to explore the Yinshan Secret Realm, Lan Xuan was included in the previous exploration team.

During the entire journey to the Yinshan Secret Realm, Yinpeng Clone saved them from danger several times, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have a life-saving grace.

However, how did he know that he was related to Yinpeng?

Just rely on breath?

Chu Chen faintly felt that something was wrong!

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