Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 142: War weapon

"It's not the brat I told you last time! That guy is really good at it. After only a few days of being online, he made him a little fame, and even Tuoba Hu was defeated by him. Hmph, a bunch of mindless guys gave him a name, what is his name... Brother Fist! Actually, no matter what his name is, I just want him to fight again. He won't give me a chance, really I'm so mad... let him run away again, he must be caught next time, I hate..."

Shen Qian yelled depressedly for a long time before slowly calming down. Lin Hao, who was next to her, was a little strange to her. After hearing what she said, her eyebrows raised slightly:

"Brother Fist?... It's kind of interesting."

Faintly whispered, rippling lightly.

After consciousness returned to the real world, the sky was clear.

Counting days, several days have passed since the last time she came here to be a "maid" when she made a wish. I don't know if she will come after those ambiguous actions last time.

Without knowing it, Chu Chen found that he seemed to have a faint concern for the appearance of the wish.

Chu Chen soon realized that his worry was unnecessary. Early the next morning, a soft knock on the door came from outside. The knock on the door is very distinctive, the sound is flat, soothing and regular. It sounds soft, and makes people feel inexplicably comfortable.

Is it the demeanor of everyone? Even knocking on the door is so different.

Chu Chen opened the door with a smile on his face, and saw that he was dressed as a maid making a wish, and his face was calm, and he gave a slight salute: "Little Yaosheng, I'm here."

"Okay, clean up first."

Chu Chen picked up a volume of medicine books and walked to the stone table in the small courtyard and sat down.

At the same time, I opened my spiritual sense to check the physical condition of the wish. After the last time he urged the burning of soul power to heal her, the body that made the wish has obviously improved, and the innate chill on the body has been greatly reduced.

The qi and blood, meridians, and acupoints have also become more comfortable.

Especially the last time Chu Chen did not hesitate to spend a lot of energy to get rid of the congenital nine-yin-cold entanglement in the Dantian Qi Sea, and it greatly improved her physique, and her whole body became warm as if she was covered by the sun. It's eloquent, exuding a smell of vitality.

"Is your body feeling okay these days? Has the chill come on?"

Looking at the medicine book, Chu Chen clearly felt that this time making a wish and doing housework was more proficient and handy than last time. And it seemed that she didn't have the resistance of the first time in her heart, there was a hint of willingness.

Hearing Chu Chen's question, the busy man making a wish lowered his head subconsciously, his face turned red involuntarily: "No, it's been fine these few days, no recurrence."

"Well, the days in which the innate nine yin and cold energy in your body have accumulated are too long. It has formed a stubborn illness. It cannot be cured overnight. This requires a process. So don't worry in your heart. Just come to me every few days and promise You are safe and sound in three years."

"Yeah." Wishing nodded slightly.

"You just had a cold toxin attack last time, so there may be an incubation period in the following days. The cold toxin will not reappear so quickly. But don't take it lightly. Usually wear more clothes and keep warm. It is absolutely unbearable. It’s cold. In fact, it makes you work more and sweat more."


"When you usually eat, you should be careful not to eat cold things. Drinking more hot water is more effective than any panacea. Don't eat too much at one time for meals. Your cold toxin is latent and your stomach digestion ability is not good. You can eat less and more meals. Usually, get some warm snacks and the like to eat... Besides, if you don’t do your job well, I will still spank you."

Hearing Chu Chen's sudden arrival of such a sentence, he was stunned for a moment when he made a wish, but he made a chuckle with a "pouch".

Healers' parents, a true healer, will naturally think about his patients in every possible way.

Chu Chen didn't realize that he really had the character that a doctor should have.

He made a smile for wishing, and the atmosphere of the two improved for a while. In fact, the first time they got along was a bit awkward.

After getting acquainted, two people get along easily and calmly.

"In thirty days, you will fight Yao Jinghai... are you all ready?"

The wishing who was sweeping the floor suddenly asked him lightly, causing Chu Chen to be stunned.

"Always preparing."

"To be honest, I don’t think that Yao Jinghai can compete with Yao Jinghai to the level of Xiaoyao Shengyou, because people like Yao Jinghai have terrible growth potential. He can be in a small sect like Biquan Xianzong. Becoming a genius, put it in any big family, and quickly become the most dazzling one. In terms of his aptitude, he can be regarded as a star."

At this time, the eloquent wish made, as if she had returned to her identity and knowledge as the eldest lady from the ancient world, Chu Chen also felt Yao Jinghai's terrifying future from her tone.

"To be an enemy of such a genius is a cruel thing for anyone. Although I am far away from the family and there are few people around me, I can help you get rid of Yao Jinghai if you need it."

While making a wish, she swept the fallen leaves into the basket. From the ancient world, she obviously had no mercy about eradicating the enemy in order to protect her family.

"No, I have to face this battle." Chu Chen's attitude was firm.

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand the little medicine saint." Wishing smiled faintly, she was ice and snow smart, and actually knew Chu Chen's attitude a long time ago.

"In this battle, I will not retreat anyway, I will advance, and then defeat Yao Jinghai."

Chu Chen's eyes shined brightly ~www.ltnovel.com~ In the words, a trace of strong confidence was revealed.

"Well, I believe you."

Seeing Chu Chen's soaring expression, a smile appeared unconsciously from the corner of his wishing mouth. When a teenager looks best, he is full of high spirits and confidence. The stage will be as big as the heart is. As long as there is a heart that will not admit defeat, the future will be boundless!

Which girl would not like such a teenager!

"By the way, you don't have a handy weapon yet."

After thinking about it for a moment, such a word suddenly appeared in Wishing, which made Chu Chen stunned and nodded subconsciously.

"My father also knows that you are going to fight Yao Jinghai. He asked me to tell you that if you want to build a handy weapon, you can go to him."

"Really?" Chu Chen's eyes lit up for an instant, to be honest, he really didn't expect this. During these days, he was busy cultivating exercises, honing combat skills and refining pills, and Chu Chen forgot to create a suitable weapon for himself.

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