Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 151: Sister Chixia is in danger

Everyone in Leng Qianxue Team seemed to have done enough preparation.

Soon I found a secluded place as a temporary hiding place.

After resting in the middle of the night, when they set off again, they ran into another team member.

It seems that this underground world is not only heavily guarded, but also many outsiders.

When the two teams met, everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't talk much. They nodded and passed by.

However, Chu Chen was a little dazed, because there were actually two acquaintances in the team that met by accident.

One is Liu Bo, who was his companion when he first went to the Taihan Snow Mountain to collect the Cold Crystal Profound Soul, the disciple who was extremely good at collecting medicinal materials.

In addition to him, the head was a female disciple, with a beautiful face and a free and unrestrained expression. She turned out to be Senior Sister Chixia who often bought Chu Chen's treasures of Beauty Pills.

In addition to these two people, there were two inner disciples of Lingshui Sixth Layer, which Chu Chen had never seen before.

These four people are disciples of Biquan Xianzong, which is nothing strange. It's just that besides these four people, there are actually two old men with profound auras beside Senior Sister Chixia. The totem embroidered on their chests is not the sect symbol of Biquan Immortal Sect, but rather like a guardian from a large family. The role of the class.

Seeing the two old people respecting Senior Sister Chixia, faintly holding her by her side, looking like a loyal guard, Chu Chen's heart moved slightly, and Senior Sister Chixia seemed to have a lot of background?

Chu Chen still had a good impression of this Senior Sister Chixia. If it weren’t for her hard-working promotion, her treasures and beauty pills would not sell so well. The name of her "Little Medicine Sage" was first proposed by her, which can be said to have greatly benefited her reputation expansion. .

It's just that he is now playing as a big eagle clone, but it is not convenient to fly over to recognize her.

Therefore, watching them go far, they didn't take the initiative to say hello, and because of their existence as a powerful monster, they still looked very jealous of Leng Qianxue's team.

The two teams met briefly, and then they parted ways quickly. Everyone understands the purpose of each other's coming here. Before Wang Tie unearthed, there was no need to have any contradictions and conflicts, and they left each other in peace.

The team continued to move forward, but about half a day later, Chu Chen suddenly heard a faint flute sound coming from a distance, causing his expression to change suddenly.

This strange flute sound is extremely sharp and can spread far in space. It is clearly the peculiar distress flute sound of Biquan Xianzong. Could it be that Senior Sister Chixia and the others are in danger?

Thinking of this, he gave Leng Qianxue a careful look of his own, slammed out his wings, and flew in the direction where Senior Sister Chixia and the others had left.

When everyone saw the black eagle suddenly flew away, they turned their eyes to Leng Qianxue very unexpectedly: "Junior Sister Leng, did your eagle find anything? Why did it suddenly fly away!"

"I've said it a long time ago that Da Hei is not under my control. It just does what it wants. I can't control it. I know it innocently." Leng Qianxue rolled her eyes and was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, but she was a little worried in her heart. Chu Chen.

This underground world is complex and perilous. Although the Black Hawk master has never suffered any losses, the situation is different now.

Chu Chen's figure was galloping in the air, cutting through the dark sky like a bolt of lightning.

It only took a cup of tea to find the place where Senior Sister Chixia and their accident happened.

This is a slightly low valley, with dark red giant vines growing around the valley, which looks a little strange. At this time, Senior Sister Chixia and her group were trapped in the valley. The blood-red giant vines with thick arms looked like weird and strange pythons. A huge cage was built around several people and several people were trapped.

The two strongest old men in the team were all trapped by the blood-red cane, and with their top-level cultivation skills of the ten great spiritual water, they were unable to break the strange vine. And when the blood-red vines entangled their bodies, countless small blood thorns suddenly appeared on the vines, piercing them deeply.

Suddenly, with the nerve endurance of the two old men, they couldn't stand it, and they let out a violent scream. Senior Sister Chixia and the others in this scene were terrified.

In addition to these weird blood-colored giant vines, there are also three huge blood-red centipedes, gathered in front of everyone in the shape of "Pin". Each of these centipedes is seven or eight feet long, and the body is red as blood, and a ring of temperate body exudes a nightmare-like luster. Each pair of claws is like a sharp knife, glowing with a cold shimmer.

This blood-colored big centipede is extremely fast, and when it is speeding, it looks like a sharp flying sword is galloping horizontally and horizontally. Every blow was so heavy that even Lingshui Sixth Sister Chixia and others couldn’t make it. The four blue long swords struggled to support the bombardment of three big centipedes. Unconsciously, the blue long The sword was already full of cracks.

The four disciples of Xuan Tianzong were back to back, and the sword weapons in their hands were about to be destroyed. The three-headed centipede was still walking around, and there was no momentum to stop the attack.

The four are in desperation!

As soon as he saw this scene, Chu Chen's eyes instantly condensed, revealing a hint of cold murderous intent. He gave a long roar, and the loud scream crossed the sky, making everyone's eyes cast upwards. This majestic, mysterious eagle .

The next moment the big eagle swooped down straight down, impacting like a meteor. Its claws slammed into it, and in an instant it slammed into the place where the three blood-colored centipedes were.


The eagle's claws, which were three feet long, opened completely~www.ltnovel.com~ just to grab the largest blood-colored centipede. Chu Chen didn't have any extra movements, and his claws grabbed hard, accompanied by a clear cracking sound.

Senior Sister Chixia and the others couldn't cut a centipede with a spirit sword, but at this time it was like fragile glass, bursting to pieces under Chu Chen's claws, dark red insect blood spewed out, and internal organs spilled everywhere.


It turned out that when they saw the black eagle descending from the sky, everyone thought, should this black eagle also join the attacking team?

Unexpectedly, the black eagle that suddenly appeared would kill a blood-colored centipede without saying a word, and Senior Sister Chixia couldn't help but look happy.

In the next moment, in the shocked eyes of Senior Sister Chixia and everyone, Chu Chen’s two eagle claws were like the two sharpest death sickles. After a few strokes, they smashed the remaining two blood centipedes. The shells are as hard as steel, thick black blood, and internal organs are splashing around.

Everyone can't imagine how hard the pair of claws of this great eagle are!

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