Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 159: No one can escape

Seeing this battle, Chixia subconsciously gasped. She had thought that Yao Jinghai had been operating in the underground world for a long time, and he would definitely develop a certain amount of power, which was absolutely amazing. But once I saw the status quo, I still felt that I underestimated the terrible outside master.

In front of this group of people who looked like leaders, there were only eight powerful leaders of the Lingshui Nineth Layer.

The environment of the underground world is cruel, with many dangerous territories and beasts. Moreover, there are weapons and armors made of rare iron specially unearthed in the underground world.

Such a patrol captain of Lingshui Jiuzhong can completely fight against an ordinary Lingshui top ten perfect powerhouse!

And the leading beauty armor soldier, although her whole body is shrouded in black iron armor, the aura exuding from her body is extremely thick and solemn.

Obviously, the foundation is very well laid, and the whole body has a strong cultivation base without the slightest water, but is a strong person at the tenth peak of Lingshui.

If combined with the rare iron weapon armor of the underground world, such a character's combat power is simply unimaginable! This is Yao Jinghai's power! That guy... seems to have been supported by many sect elders in secret.

"Are you a disciple of Biquan Xianzong?"

Yao Han, who came to the Chixia team, deliberately released a murderous aura, so that each of them felt that there was a heavy burden on the sea of ​​consciousness, and even their breathing was not smooth.

Yao Han glanced at a few people indifferently, his eyes were slightly cold, "Whose site is here, you don’t know. The sect has long announced that this underground world belongs to my master Yao Jinghai’s property. It is a great sin for you to enter privately without being notified! If you trespass into private territory and kill you, no one will stand for you."

She snorted softly and was full of murderous aura. All of a sudden, several people felt suffocated, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"However, for the sake of everyone's love of the same family and blood, my host is also very kind, so I will let you make a living." Yao Han curled the corner of his mouth slightly, gathered up the murderous intent, and flicked his fingers around Chixia. The patrol disciples of the squad suddenly dispersed, "Give you time for a stick of incense, get out!"


Chixia exhaled a long breath, luckily, she was able to escape from the Hundred Halberd Killing Legion.

"Today's affairs can be regarded as rash, we will surely be pleaded with Jing the next day, and come to Senior Brother Yao's residence to make amends."

Chixia relieved her mind, and led everyone around and left.

At this time, a general suddenly walked to Yao Han's side and whispered a few words in a low voice. Yao Han's face changed suddenly, "Slow down!"

Several hundred halberds immediately blocked Chixia and the others with their gleaming halberds.

Chixia stiffened, and turned to look at Yao Han, who was re-emerging the mountain topping breath: "Dare to ask Senior Sister what else can you tell me?"

"Are you Chixia?"

Yao Han squinted his eyes to look at Chi Xia, but this sentence made Chi Xia slightly startled.

"I am."

"You are the beautiful senior sister who is holding up that little medicine sage Chu Chen. Chu Chen can have today's momentum in Biquan Immortal Sect. You are indisputable. In that case, you can leave it to me. Come, take them in. Great prison underground, waiting to be sent down!"

A trace of coldness appeared on Yao Han's face, "When Wang Tie is unearthed, offering iron with the blood of her virgin can greatly increase Wang Tie's spiritual power! The master will be very happy."

Chixia's complexion suddenly changed. Everyone knew about the contradiction between Yao Jinghai and Chu Chen. Some time ago, Yao Jinghai was forced to kneel in public to plead guilty, and Biquan Xianzong was already moving up and down.

Because I like the treasures that Chu Chen refines, I admire him so much. To a certain extent, he really helped him a lot. I didn't expect this person to know this!

"Protect Miss!"

At Chixia's side, the two families of Lingshui Tenth Layers saw that the situation was not right, and they suddenly broke out. A torrent of tyrannical spiritual power broke out, and the surrounding patrol disciples flew away in an instant.


The strength of the tenth level of Lingshui was so powerful, and under the full eruption, the surrounding patrol disciples could not resist at all, only to see two dazzling spiritual power hurricanes bursting out, leading Chixia and a few people to flee outside.


Upon seeing this scene, Yao Han looked cold and waved his hand fiercely!

The next moment, a huge light-enhancing spiritual power palm fell from the sky, as if an invisible giant suddenly patted down, hitting it down fiercely.

The blow came fiercely, and the two old men in the last side shot at the same time, trying to carry the blow down.


The giant palm of spiritual power blasted down without any hindrance, and the two old men were shot to pieces, turned into two masses of blood mist spreading around.

The eyes of the people around were full of panic, and Chixia's tears burst out even more. She was also a strong man with ten layers of spiritual water. Under the combined efforts of the two, they could not resist her blow. How powerful is this woman...?

Moreover, the light palm turned into a spiritual energy has such a powerful power, this kind of exercise is simply unheard of, it is not the exercise method of Biquan Xianzong at all, it is obviously the ancient exercises taught by Yao Jinghai privately!

"I asked you to stay, can you go?"

Weeping Chixia wanted to rush to fight. The two old men watched her grow up since childhood. Although they were masters and servants, Chixia always called them by the name of grandpa.

"Senior Sister Chixia calm down, don't send her to death." Liu Bo held Chixia firmly.

Yao looked at them coldly, with a trace of contempt in her expression. Although she did not speak, she had obviously been regarded as a bird in a cage by them.

Chixia took a deep breath and lowered her voice, "Liu Bo, it's up to you, run out to find Black Hawk for help!"

The mine cliff where everyone is located is about hundreds of meters above the ground, and Liu Bo is ready.

"Witch, I'm fighting with you."

Chixia roared ~www.ltnovel.com~ while rushing towards Yao Han, Liu Bo also jumped off the 100-meter mine cliff.

Yao Han lightly slapped Chi Xia with a void palm. Chi Xia spit out blood and fell to the ground at the same time, Liu Bo's figure had disappeared in the mine mist.

"Even if you let one escape, but a small trash fish, it won't be a problem to escape. You can search around and find it."

Yao Han, whose face was as cold as water, glanced at Chixia and others who were wounded by her and held by several halberds. "Put into the prison and wait for the sacrifice to the mine."

Under the calm underground sky, is a young man running wild.

Slightly thin, he flew forward frantically, skimming over the ore rocks desperately.

The night crows were constantly startled by him, screaming in twos and threes, and flew into the vast night sky.

Liu Bo didn't know how long he ran, until he couldn't run, he fell heavily to the ground, and the others had suffered internal injuries when they jumped down from the high mine cliff.

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