Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 203: 3 Peak Xie Yuan Secret Technique

"Shen Qian, how are you?"

As soon as Chu Chen entered the house, he first solved the problem of Fatty Zi's subordinates, and now he solved the problem of Fatty Zi, which is regarded as the crisis resolved.

But when she came to Shen Qian, she found that she had already fallen into a coma.

The originally snow-white skin of the girl showed an abnormal reddish color, emitting a strange fragrance. Agitated by this scent, Chu Chen suddenly felt the qi and blood in his body churning out, and a fierce fire rushed out.

Kinky drug!

Chu Chen frowned. As a pharmacist, he had also learned about this information.

Sexual poison is the most special kind of poison among all poisons. This kind of poison generally does no harm to the human body. It can provoke the craziest and most violent desires in the human body, causing the person in it to completely lose all reason, leaving only instinct.

Once infected with this kind of poison, under normal circumstances, the only way to get rid of the toxin is to find someone to make friends. If you don't make friends with others in time, the blood in your body will gradually boil, and in the end, you will even burst your blood vessels and burst into death!

The cultivation base of the true Acacia man was not very good, but the licentious poison he developed was extremely powerful.

In this short period of time, the toxin has penetrated into the qi and blood meridians in Shen Qian's body. If it is not removed in time, it will ruin her foundation of cultivation and the consequences will be disastrous.

Now it's troublesome...

Chu Chen sighed. Turning on the spiritual sense and carefully inspecting Shen Qian's body, the licentious poison is already deep, and at this time, she must be detoxified as soon as possible.

But if you want to make love to her like this... wouldn't he really become a prodigal son taking advantage of others? Don't talk about others, he alone can't pass this barrier in his heart.

In his heart, there are principles after all.

Huh... right!

A pharmacopoeia he had read suddenly appeared in his mind. As mentioned above, the quickest and best solution to getting a drug is to have **** with them. If you are not afraid of trouble, you can use another method to detoxify, but it is more troublesome than the previous one. That method is called...Three Peaks Xie Yuan Secret Technique!

"Shen Qian, that's the only way..."

Chu Chen took a long breath and tore off a corner of his clothes, folded it into a long cloth belt, tied a knot behind his head, and blindfolded his eyes. After a pause, she was still trembling slightly, spreading her spiritual consciousness, and slowly reaching out to Shen Qian's collar.

Human beings are the primates of all things, and this statement is not false. The human body itself has endless mysteries. And as the gestator of the human race, the mystery inside the woman is even more amazing. The so-called three peaks refer to the three most important acupuncture points in a woman's body, namely the tongue, breast, and perineum. These three acupoints converge the strongest innate Yuan Yin power of a woman, and they are the three unique acupuncture points for women.

For most women, from the day of birth, the main points of Sanfeng will gradually grow and develop. Its importance is also getting higher and higher. After adulthood, the three acupuncture points are fully developed and have become the most important acupuncture points for women, storing more than 50% of the body's innate energy. And this is why these three places on a woman's body are extremely sensitive and cannot be touched casually.

Once the body is exposed to licentious poison, the two parties will have **** in order to induce the mellow innate energy from the lower peak, that is, the acupuncture points in the perineum, to gradually detoxify the toxic toxins. It's just that a woman's downhill is extremely precious, representing a woman's chastity, and she cannot be easily broken unless she is a last resort.

The Three Peaks Xie Yuan Secret Technique evolved based on this principle. In addition to the lower peak, as long as the innate pure Yin Yuan power of the female middle peak or the upper peak is aroused, it can also dissolve the licentious toxin. It's just that the middle peak of a woman is under the breast, and it is closed during the day. Only after giving birth, in order to breastfeed the baby, it will naturally open.

Therefore, if you want to completely get rid of the licentious poison in Shen Qian's body, you must mobilize all the blood in her body and force the licentious toxin to her peak, that is, the point of tongue, acupuncture points and tracts, before it can be gradually resolved!

This is easy to say but difficult to make. The licentious poison in Shen Qian's body has spread all over her body, and her consciousness is now blurred. It is impossible for her to use her own power to persecute toxins. For the present, she can only massage her whole body and infuse her with spiritual power. With all the important acupuncture points in her body, she can autonomously mobilize the spiritual power in her body and force the toxins to the peak acupuncture points!

Moreover, in order to ensure that there is nothing wrong with the massage technique and to make some hidden acupuncture points can also be used, Shen Qian's body cannot be blocked by any means, and all the clothes must be stripped off to perfectly dissolve her toxins!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen couldn't help but smile. It seems that Shen Qian is correct in scolding him as a hooligan. Under this circumstance, it is impossible to say, he will also be a real prodigal son.

Gently unbuttoning Shen Qian's collar, Chu Chen held his breath slightly. Although the eyes are blindfolded, the spiritual sense is more sensitive than the eyes. Shen Qian is very beautiful, this is a kind of otherworldly beauty that is comparable to the little junior sisters. Under such close proximity, Chu Chen could even feel the impact of this beauty on him.

To put it bluntly, he is just a teenager, just at the time when he is full of energy, it is impossible to say that there is no glamorous thought. After finally taking off Shen Qian's clothes, Chu Chen's body was already covered with fine beads of sweat.

The beautiful carcass was exposed to the air, and the rich fragrance became stronger than ever before~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Chen took a big breath of air fiercely. Shen Qian's body is already very hot. It shouldn't be too late. If you don't help her to get rid of the toxins, the consequences will be really unimaginable. Therefore, he desperately contemplates his mind, his palms slightly circulate aura, and then gently presses Shen Qian's body. .


The mighty spiritual energy blasted into Shen Qian's body, instantly causing her own spiritual energy to gather, and began to slowly push the toxins in the blood and Qi. When the palm of his hand touched the skin, Chu Chen's body shook slightly, and his head was so blank in an instant.

It's too smooth, too delicate, and too elastic. It was like a piece of perfect nephrite jade that was warm and radiant when he started it. Just touching it, he felt the blood all over his body boil in an instant, all converging towards a certain part of his body.

To die! I almost can't hold it!

Chu Chen bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and a sharp pain made his mind awake for a moment. At this time, there really shouldn't be any distracting thoughts. Once the spiritual energy that rushes into Shen Qian's body loses control, the consequences are really unimaginable. Therefore, he almost gritted his teeth, his palms were like wind, pressing Shen Qian's smooth and white carcass time and time again.

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