Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 223: This year's freshmen are very arrogant

"Brother Chu's great favor, I will not forget it!"

"Without Brother Chu's barbecue, it is estimated that most of us will be eliminated!"

"Brother Chu, thank you so much!"


A voice full of gratitude came from all directions. Chu Chen waved his hand helplessly: "Well, everyone will be the same brothers in the future, don't be so polite. Now that we have some strength, let's go! Let the elders in the Medicine Palace take a good look. It's so difficult. Can't hit us!"

Having said that, he chuckled, carrying Shen Qian on his back, walking to the front of the crowd and running. Ever since he was carried on his back, Shen Qian has fallen into a deep sleep and has not been awake. Although Chu Chen fed some snow crane meat, he continued to sleep deeply.

This girl was really exhausted, Chu Chen didn't wake her up, and continued to carry her forward.

The people who are full have some spiritual power, so the speed increases greatly.

Under the leadership of Chu Chen, it took three cups of tea to reach the place where the Medicine Palace Diyuan was located, and reached the final destination!

At a glance, everyone saw that a huge "medicine cauldron" stood between the boundless world.

In fact, this is not a real medicine cauldron, but a city, but the overall shape of the city is like a medicine cauldron. This city is extremely magnificent, as if it has been standing between the heaven and the earth since the beginning of the world, and the whole body exudes an ancient, majestic, and atmospheric smell.

This is where the true city of the Medicine Palace is located...Dingcheng! Ding is the city, and the city is the tripod!

Seeing this ancient and magnificent city, everyone became excited. Everyone exerted their strength again and finally came to the gate of Dingcheng. Just as they were about to enter, they found a group of people guarding the gate of the city, as if waiting for them.

"Hey...this year of medicine palace freshmen seems to be of high quality. So many people came here all at once." The leader of a group of people guarding the gate of the city was a tall and thin man. Man in black. His appearance is ordinary, but his two ears are incredibly large, and they are as big as half the palm of a normal person, making them extremely abrupt.

"Hehe, yeah. Counting, it appears that all a hundred people were present, and none of them were left behind. This is rare in previous years." Behind the black, thin and big-eared man, a pale young man sneered. Seeing everyone's eyes unspeakably cold, "We have to play tonight."


Chu Chen frowned and his eyes narrowed slightly. After seeing the clothes of the few people at the door, a look of surprise suddenly flashed across his face.

In the darkness, although the clothes worn by those people were of different colors, they were embroidered with a square medicine pot-like totem without exception.

This kind of totem is seven to eight points similar to the chest piercing of the elders of the Medicine Palace they saw during the day. Obviously, that is a status symbol that only formal disciples of the Medicine Palace have.

In other words, all the people who stopped at the door were all official disciples of the Medicine Palace, and they were regarded as the "brothers" of Chu Chen's group.

Without giving everyone the time to think, I saw the big-eared man with squalls walking up to the crowd. Seeing the crowd's vain and malaise touch, his eyebrows raised slightly: "My brothers, first of all congratulations on your successful passage. After the trial of the Medicine Palace, there is still a quarter of an hour before the final period, and you all arrive, which means that from now on, you are the official disciples of the Medicine Palace."

"Again, I am very sorry to tell you that every new student in the Medicine Palace must accept the assessment of senior brothers before entering the palace. And we, officially assess your examiners this time."

He pointed to himself, then pointed to the people behind him, "Did you see the cliff behind you? The content of this assessment is to ask you to climb that cliff, and each person will pick a 'Tian Lingzhi', as a qualification certificate to enter the Medicine Palace, if you succeed in the extraction, you can officially enter the Dingcheng Medicine Palace to learn and practice. No one will embarrass you anymore..."


When everyone heard the words and looked in the direction he was pointing, they all gasped at the same time. They saw a straight cliff, pitch black like ink, standing between the sky and the earth, reaching a height of more than a thousand meters.

The clouds and mist on the top of the cliff seemed particularly gloomy and terrifying in the dark.

The straight cliff as high as a thousand feet, not to mention that everyone is exhausted now, and there is basically no strength. Even in the heyday, it is not easy to climb. This is not an assessment at all, it is pure embarrassment.

"The assessment of the collection of Heitian Ganoderma lucidum was issued by you or by the Medicine Palace."

Seeing everyone's expressions were very embarrassed, Chu Chen stood in front of them and asked simply.

"Of course it was released by us... The content of the assessment of each senior brother is not fixed. The content of this assessment was unanimously discussed by several of us. Do you have any questions?" The big-eared man looked A sharp look flashed across Chu Chen's eyes.

"That's simple, since it wasn't what the elders of the Medicine Palace meant...then we refuse, you can leave now." Chu Chen curled his mouth, with a plain face.

As soon as Chu Chen's words came out, everyone was stunned. Chu Chen's companions didn't expect that the senior brother's task could also be rejected?

And those seniors were also very surprised that some freshmen dared to resist the old ones! Standing in the same place by surprise, after a few breaths, the big-eared man of the squalid bird reacted.


He laughed like he heard the funniest joke, "Interesting, really interesting~www.ltnovel.com~ I didn’t expect that this year’s freshman appeared such an interesting kid, the senior brother’s assessment, you said Can you refuse to refuse?"

Chu Chen said calmly, "We have already rejected it. What should we do? Senior brother draws a note."

"Boy, you are arrogant enough. Since you have rejected our assessment request, you can only pass by knocking us down if you want to enter the Medicine Palace!"

The man with big ears sneered, and his voice fell silent. The dozens of people standing loosely around him instantly changed their complexion and clenched their fists one by one.

A dazzling spirit shot up into the sky. Around them, waves of domineering aura spread out unscrupulously, sweeping the world like a violent storm.

Virtual Spring Realm! This group of guys... are actually the powerhouses of the Void Spring Realm!

The pupils of Chu Chen and ordinary new students shrank slightly. With the combined efforts of more than 20 virtual spring realm experts, let alone a hundred of them who are exhausted, even if the number is doubled. Not their opponent.

"Senior brothers want to bully the small with the big?" Chu Chen was not afraid.

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