Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 240: Evolved again

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, maybe just a while, maybe a day, maybe a year.

Chu Chen felt that the terrifying and long hell-like torment had finally calmed down, and the intense pain that was like broken bones all over his body gradually dissipated, and instead, a surge of surging power was flowing in his body. It was like a series of ancient divine rivers, with a slight movement, there was a dull sound of wind and thunder.

Cheng... succeeded?

Chu Chen's eyes widened, and he didn't know how he got over it. When the silver flame burned on him, he didn't even have time to let his soul withdraw from this clone, and he endured the bones abruptly. The same horrible pain...that was a real crush.

He heard his body crackle like cracks because of its unbearable heat. Even bursts of burning aura spread from the void.

I just don't know why, while his body was shattered by the high temperature burning, a magical force was constantly being supplemented, supporting his body and never let him completely turn to ashes.

Finally, when all this was over, he immediately felt the abnormal change in his body. That powerful and vast power filled the feeling of the whole body, so that he could not help but scream up to the sky!

Sure enough! This drop of divine blood really gave his body a completely reborn evolution!

A feeling of ecstasy suddenly emerged in Chu Chen's heart. He opened his eyes slightly, and the world in front of him suddenly changed its appearance.

His black eagle clone itself has excellent eyesight, even in the dark, it can easily see a distance of hundreds of meters away. And now, he feels that his eyesight is several times better than before. Looking at it, even the tentacles and hairs of an ant hundreds of meters away are clearly visible!

Looking down at his body, the entire body of the Black Eagle clone at this time has doubled its original size. The wings stretched out to be more than two feet long.

The most amazing thing is that his original body, which was originally pitch black as ink and cast in steel, now has dazzling silver brilliance, like a mysterious formation, completely transformed into silver and black. . It reveals a gorgeous and noble taste.

"Tsk tusk... It's really dangerous this time, I almost can't stand it..."

He lowered his head and sighed slightly. The next moment, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly wanted to cover his mouth!

This, this... just now, he unexpectedly "said" what he was thinking in his heart.

Moreover, it is actually a standard human language! You know... he is now in the state of a black eagle clone, not the human form of the deity...

With that said, I can actually speak human words?

He opened his mouth hesitantly, and tried to say: "I can really speak?"

The voice came into the ear clearly. Although the sound came from the eagle's beak, it had a solemn and calm taste.

It was exactly like the voice of a slightly hoarse human adult man.

This... this magical blood not only allowed him to evolve once, but also inadvertently refined the bones in his throat, and could speak human words! This had to be an unexpected surprise for Chu Chen.

This evolution was enough to make Chu Chen's body strength soar several times. The most intuitive reaction was that the originally powerful and irresistible pressure in the Black Mist Valley was instantly relieved.

He has a feeling that the limit of thirty feet should be easily broken, and he can continue to move forward!

Tsk tusk... This Black Mist Valley is really an endless treasure house!

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he immediately moved forward again, full of energy.

This time, he had advanced more than thirty feet before he felt he had reached the limit again.

In other words, at this moment, he has reached the distance of 60 feet deep into the Black Mist Valley!

It was just that he was slightly disappointed that at this newly entered distance of thirty feet, he couldn't even see a single elixir. Only close to the extreme distance, a black black symbol appeared that looked like gold, not gold, wood, wood, or stone.

The whole body of this black talisman is covered with mysterious spells and seals. It is about three inches long, one inch wide, and about half an inch thick. The gap is jagged, it looks like a whole piece of black talisman split in half, leaving half of the remains. I don’t know if it’s because the time is too long, so there is no volatility or breath.

Hmm... Runestone fragments from ancient times?

Chu Chen thought for a moment. Produced by Heiwugu, it will produce fine products. Although he still couldn't see the magic in this half of the black talisman. But this thing is definitely not a common product, if it is like this, then take it, maybe there will be a chance to unlock the secret of this thing in the future.

Thinking of this, he slightly lowered his head and held the black symbol in his mouth, and threw it into the storage space.

Flashed the gorgeous silver and black wings, and walked towards the exit of the Black Mist Valley.

Just as Chu Chen flew out of the Black Mist Valley, just about to spread his wings and fly towards the direction of the Medicine Palace, thinking about sending the half black talisman to the body.

The moment his eyes cooled from the ground, he found a somewhat familiar figure, and he was taken aback.

It was a white figure with a graceful figure. The girl with white skin was standing under the cliff of Black Mist Valley, looking at the huge eagle's nest above, her eyes were slightly lost.

It was Leng Qianxue, Miss Xuan Tianzong that Chu Chen hadn't seen for some days.

She looked up at the eagle's nest above, then lowered her head to think for a moment, lowered her head slightly, and muttered to herself.

"...Father did not survive in the end~www.ltnovel.com~ The old wounds of so many years broke out overnight, and even his profound cultivation base could not be resisted. Once his father fell, the entire Xuantian Sect had no leader, completely It's messed up..."

"...Master, what should I do?" She sighed, lowered her body slightly, and hugged her knees. For the first time, this high-rise Miss Xuan Tianzong felt a fragile feeling in her heart. .

"Master, where are you? I don't know what to do..."

"what happened to you?"

Just when Leng Qianxue was helplessly burying her pretty face in her knees and was secretly hurt, a cold voice fell from the sky, making her startled slightly.

She raised her head sharply, and saw a dazzling silver and black figure slowly descending from the sky, falling in front of her.

It was a big eagle, an incomparable eagle.

Its body is as black as ink, but the black feathers are covered with dazzling silver lines. The lines are like a mysterious formation, covering its wings, revealing an incomparable strand. The noble taste.

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