Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 394: Evil spirits

This is simply unimaginable! Taking a closer look at this remnant, Chu Chen noticed that there seemed to be a few thin black lines on the black remnant, as if he wanted to outline something.

But now Chu Chen couldn't manage that much. Hundreds of books have been destroyed in just a few breaths. If we let it out again, we still don’t know what to make this library! !

Thinking of this, Chu Chen quickly urged his spiritual power to firmly place a seal on the remnant talisman. In addition, he especially inspired the Great Beginning Yin-Yang Dao contained in the purple virtual flame ice spring, and finally gave the entire remnant to the suppression, and he sighed with relief when he could no longer escape.

That's it, some are busy now...

Looking at the piles of ancient books that had become blank on the ground, Chu Chen sighed helplessly. Going up and looking through the bibliography, I found that most of these ancient books were actually read by myself, and I was slightly relieved.

It seems that he can only use Xuan Lingmo to copy these ancient books again, otherwise he will lose hundreds of books at once, and he really can't explain to the medicine palace.

Fortunately, it was Chu Chen. His natural soul power was extremely powerful, so his memory was extremely good, and he never forgot.

All the books that I have read must be kept firmly in my mind to restore so many books. If I change someone, I am afraid I can only confess to the medicine palace and be punished obediently.

The remnants of the charms that were firmly sealed in the storage ring did not completely stop, and still tremble from time to time, as if the whole thing "lived". In order to prevent any trouble from happening again, Chu Chen had to return along the way, and hurriedly left the hidden library hall.

When Chu Chen stepped out of the wall-like emptiness and returned to the original book collection hall, the residual charms in the storage ring finally disappeared completely, and there was no more movement.

This also made Chu Chen breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't know why there was such an evil spirit in the hidden hall, which caused all of his remnants to wake up.

But the top priority is not when you think about it.

At that moment, Chu Chen piled up the ancient books that had turned into white paper, and then began to write one by one according to his memory.

Fortunately, with so many days of exercise, he is now very fast at copying ancient books.

According to memory, five or six books can be restored in one day, and these more than one hundred books can be completely restored in just over half a month.

In the next few days, Chu Chen devoted himself wholeheartedly to the work of restoring ancient books.

Most of the ancient books that can occupy a place in the Book Collection Hall of the Medicine Palace are out of print ancient books left over from ancient times, and some books even have so few solitary copies in the entire world.

Throughout the ages, many predecessors, sages and Da Neng have read these ancient books, so they left a lot of comments and experiences.

Although Chu Chen has an excellent memory, there is no problem in restoring ancient books, but restoring these scattered notes really cost him a lot of energy and energy, and he has to rest for a while after writing a book to recover.

However, with such rapid transcription, the strength of Chu Chen's physical body and the pure thickness of spiritual power have made a leap! !

Just a few days later, the owner of the library in Tsing Yi paced unhurriedly and began to inspect.

During this period, since the library is open for free, many disciples come in every day to watch ancient books and copy symbols and seals.

This also caused the well-organized library hall of Yixiang to become a little messy, making the old man in Tsing Yi frown.

"Senior, the northwest corner of this library...has it ever happened?"

When the old man in Tsing Yi looked around the ancient books, Chu Chen thought about it and finally did not hold back his doubts, and asked gently. The location of the forbidden and hidden hall is located at the northwest corner of the entire library.

"Oh? Did you find that?"

The old man in Tsing Yi was taken aback for a moment, with a hint of admiration on his expression, "Your boy's eyesight is really good. I personally placed that restriction. Many instructors in the Medicine Palace didn't find it when they came over. I did not expect to be shown by your boy Arrived."

"In fact, back then, this book collection hall was the largest and widest book collection hall in the entire Medicine Palace..." The old man seemed to be recalled, and he sighed slightly.

"At that time, a great change occurred in this book collection hall. One of the elite disciples in the'tianyuan' somehow fell into the magic way. When entering this book collection hall to watch ancient books, he became crazy. Killed more than a dozen elders and mentors, and finally escaped. Because that disciple used the magic method, the souls of the dozen mentors who were killed could not fall into reincarnation. Over time, they became extremely evil. Resentful spirit."

Speaking of this, the old man in Tsing Yi sighed again: "Later, it took a big price for the medicine palace to resolve the accumulated grievances of the dozens of resentful spirits and liberate their souls. However, this also led to this library being Evil pollution, there is always a stubborn evil spirit in it, which cannot be completely eliminated. In order to prevent that evil spirit from harming people, I put a ban on most of the book collection hall, and I want to use the awe-inspiring contained in these thousands of ancient books. Righteousness completely resolves the stubborn evil spirit."

Hearing these words from the old man in Tsing Yi, Chu Chen nodded slightly, revealing a clear look. However, Tang Rou just frowned, showing nothing to say ~www.ltnovel.com~ But Zhou Mei's reaction was bigger, her face was full of horror, and her face was pale.

"Elder, what you said is true? I used to slept several times in the northwest corner. I won't be infected by that evil spirit? Come and help me see."

"Hehe, don't worry, the place where you sleep is outside of the restrictions. As long as you don't enter the heavy restrictions that I have placed, you will never be attacked by evil." The old man in Tsing Yi shook his head when he heard the words. He was angry and funny. .

"What happened to the Tianyuan disciple who fell into the devil's way in the end? Was he caught?" Shen Hou cared more about the key points and asked quickly.

The old man sighed and shook his head: "That disciple can be regarded as a generation of outstanding people. He is extremely talented. He knows the ways of killing the medicine palace very well. Therefore, he can always get out of danger at critical times, so that the current medicine palace's The law enforcement team has not completely brought him to justice. Maybe... Maybe you will meet him when you cultivate to that level in the future."

"It is said that Beard left the Tianyuan because of a disciple who rebelled against the Medicine Palace. Could it be..." Shen Hou in the corner suddenly thought of something and muttered to himself.

Several people looked at each other and each had their own thoughts.

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