Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 403: Brother Huangfu is so pitiful

In terms of cultivation base, Chu Chen is indeed inferior to him, after all, the difference in the realm between the two lies.

But on the purity and sensitivity of spiritual power. Chu Chen's performance surprised him!

In Huangfuyin's spiritual sense, Chu Chen's spiritual quality was extremely high and dense. That dark black spiritual power is as hard and dense as a piece of mysterious steel.

In contrast, his own spiritual power is as soft and fluffy as ice and snow.

Therefore, although on the surface his spiritual power might appear to cover the entire river surface, his momentum is extremely astonishing, but the actual situation is that he is actually unable to suppress Chu Chen's spiritual power at all, and cannot stop it at all. Live him! !

How could this be! A new born who just entered the Spirit Spring Realm, how could the quality of the spiritual power in his body be so terrifying! !

The horror in Huangfuyin's heart was already overwhelming.

Where did he know that Chu Chen had gone through a series of arduous cultivation, baptism, and adventures. The depth of his cultivation base accumulation is beyond the imagination of others.

Innate black spiritual power, bottomless spiritual spring, purple virtual flame ice spring dual-attribute super spring, nourished by the divine fire of the heavens... the accumulation of these one by one makes the spiritual power in his body extremely dense, pure, and quality Very high.

At the same level of cultivation, others must use ten percent of the skill to crush a piece of steel.

But Chu Chen only needed less than half of his skill to break steel.

And the steel he crushed will definitely become complete iron powder, not even a small piece of debris! This is the horror of the spiritual power in his body!

"Huh, what about the high quality of spiritual power? I don't believe that you can compare to me in real spiritual power competition!"

After the initial shock, Huangfu Yin quickly calmed down.

After all, as the big brother of the Tianyuan, one of the best "Three Masters of the Tianyuan" in the entire Yaogong Tianyuan, his mental quality is very strong.

The next moment, as he waved his hands vigorously, the white spiritual power on the entire river was instantly violent and stirred frantically!

Huangfuyin's spiritual power has been urged to its limit. At this time, if someone looks down from a high altitude, they will find that the entire Linghe River is completely boiling!

It was like an invisible giant holding a huge pillar to the sky and stirring frantically, the originally calm and waveless Linghe River completely rioted, and a huge vortex appeared in the middle of the river, and then instantly swept the entire river surface.

Huangfu Yin's plan was that since it was unable to suppress Chu Chen's spiritual control, he would completely disrupt the entire Linghe, so that no one could control it.

In this way, if the two compete with fishing skills with their rich experience, Chu Chen will definitely not be able to beat him!

"Last shot! Kid, give up!"

In the huge whirlpool sweeping the world, Huangfu Yin violently raised his fishing rod. A silver-white fish shadow was thrown out and fell heavily beside him.

Everyone turned their eyes and looked at it, and they saw a big fish about three feet long and shining like a silver spar, writhing crazily, hoping to return to the water.

"Silver silver carp, this is a silver crystal-level black crystal fish."

"Uh, silver crystal level, not even gold crystal level..."

"In this way, Brother Huangfu hasn't caught a single amethyst fish so far, but that guy has caught two..."

Amidst the people's discussion, Huangfu Yin was already covered in dust. He did not expect that he would eventually mess up the Linghe River, and also mess up his own square inch. In the end, at the last moment, a silver mysterious fish bit the bait!

The more anxious the more chaotic, the last fishing can be said to be extremely miserable!

"What's wrong with Senior Brother Huangfu? Isn't he not able to face even before Taishan collapse?"

"This time, a little junior who has just entered the medicine palace, played between the palms and messed up the square inch."

"Brother Huangfu is wise, that's it..."

For a moment, everyone looked at Huangfu Yin, the last shot he just kept saying, look like this, no matter what quality fish Chu Chen caught on the last shot, he would definitely lose!

"Haha... Huangfu Yin, I would also like to thank you for your tossing just now, for actually causing a top-grade black crystal fish buried deep in the vortex of the river bottom to be shaken out! Come out!"

Everyone saw Chu Chen let out a long laugh, and the soft willow branches instantly collapsed and straightened out of the water.

At the end of the willow branch, an extremely gorgeous fish twisted and was involuntarily bound by Chu Chen's spiritual light net, and was thrown to the ground.

This is a small fish more than a foot long, not very big, but everyone was shocked when they saw it!

It is really gorgeous and beautiful. This is a white fish, but on the pure white as snow fish, the moiré light waves of blue, silver, gold, blue, and purple are shining from time to time.

Lines of brilliant colorful moire light spread out on the snow-white fish, like a cloud brocade woven with colorful clouds, exuding an indescribable sacred and beautiful feeling.

When everyone saw this little fish clearly, the whole Linghe was completely boiling! A huge cheer came out from all directions, and went straight to the sky!

Ok? what happened?

Chu Chen was taken aback for a moment. Before he could fully react, an exclamation came into his ears, which made him grow up in surprise:

"All the colors are available, the holy crystal is born! The king of the mysterious crystal fish, the holy crystal fish! This is a holy crystal fish that is rare in a thousand years!!!"

"Little Junior Brother caught a sacred crystal fish, Senior Brother Huangfu was completely defeated!"

"It seems that Brother Huangfu's original title of God of Fishing, I'm afraid I will hand over to Junior Brother."

Huangfuyin's complexion instantly became extremely ugly.

His face was difficult not because he lost the title of the so-called "God of Fishing", but because of the Saint Crystal Fish that he had always dreamed of, Chu Chen actually caught it!

The sacred crystal fish is an incredible legend in the entire medicine palace and even the entire monk world~www.ltnovel.com~ In fact, according to common sense theory, the "sacred crystal fish" is an impossible fish.

Because the "fish crystal bone" in the sacred crystal fish has the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five attributes are balanced with each other to achieve a state similar to "chaos", it can manifest on the body surface. Brilliant colorful moire light waves come out.

It's just that this "chaotic" state does not exist in the world.

Because since the creation of heaven and earth, heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, three talents, four images, five elements, Liuhe, Bagua, and nine palaces. Many rules have been clearly differentiated, and it is impossible to have a "chaos as one" life existence.

In ancient legends, the "chaos" type of life similar to the sacred crystal fish, only the "fairy world" of the ancient mythological era can exist!

It's just that hundreds of millions of years have passed, and even the legendary "Fairy World" has long since disappeared without a trace, and the myths of all kinds of magic have long been unverifiable.

There are many legends like "Sacred Crystal Fish", but they rarely appear in front of everyone.

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