Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 448: Skyfire mutation

In his feeling, the blue sky fire is like the difference between an adult and a baby compared to the white sky fire. After the blue phase, this sky fire finally possesses the power of the real "sky fire"... That is the power of rules!

The skyfire in the gray and white phases actually means a higher temperature than the average potion fire, and there is no surprising power.

However, the sky fire in the blue phase is different. From this stage onwards, the chaotic rules contained in the sky fire itself begin to gradually manifest... At this level, the sky fire is not only higher in temperature and more powerful than the general flame, but also more powerful. Some incredible magical powers.

For example, it can burn ice or fire...

The corners of Chu Chen's mouth twitched, and he didn't stand up, and directly used his spiritual power on the high ice platform to drive the sky fire in front of him.

Under the control of his precise spiritual power, that quiet and beautiful sky fire that resembled a blue lotus, fiercely split a burst of fine blue rain and fell towards the flame guard under the ice platform.

The fragile blue light rain is sparsely falling, and at first glance it seems as soft and weak as a piece of blue petals, lightly floating slowly in the air.

It's just that once these beautiful blue rain fell on the Flame Guard, it caused a tremendous change!

I saw that arrogant fireguard, once touched by a drop of elite blue light rain, the whole person was like suddenly exposed to a large group of pyrotechnic agent, and the whole body burned violently with a bang...

In fact, these fire guards originally had blazing flames burning, because their essence was actually a mass of fire.

But after that drop of light rain touched their bodies, those burning flames actually became stronger in an instant countless times!

It feels like being a guard of a flame, but it burns violently as "ignited" by the flame...

Can fire still burn fire? ?

This unbelievable scene appeared before us, leaving everyone in a daze. I saw the flames that rose up after the flame guards were ignited, burning for about half a stick of incense, and then the whole person was completely extinguished. It turned into a cloud of ashes and fell down.

A series of bright purple crystal-like nine flames of flames emerged from the void and scattered around Chu Chen's body.

This scene is really surprising, it feels a little weird just like the Arabian Nights.

how is this possible? How could the Fire Guard, who is a flame spirit, be burned to death by the flame instead? What exactly is the blue rain of light? ?

"Hehe, it seems you got lucky this time."

Just as Chu Chen smiled happily, a red-haired head stretched out of his clothes with a jitter in his chest, "Unexpectedly, by coincidence, your natural destiny would evolve. Now the blue The sky fire of the stage is far more powerful than the ordinary fire of medicine! At the level of the fire of medicine, you are already very powerful."

"Hey, what was that... you just now?"

Shen Qian walked in front of Chu Chen, stunned and pointed at Fire Guard and at him, she didn't know what to ask.

In fact, her brain has not fully reacted until now, using flames to burn guards with fire attributes, and using fire to overcome fire? This is too incredible.

"The flame can also burn the flame? Haha... The world is so big that the old man finally opened his eyes today." Li Taixin gently stroked his beard with a look of amazement.

On the other side, Huangfuyin's expression was even harder to see the extreme. Originally thought Chu Chen had consumed all of the two hundred Qingming Ice Marrow Ice Talisman, there should be no way to collect the Nine Flame Crystal Fire.

Who knew that after his weird blue light rain fell, he actually killed all the flame guards of the immortal body. There were dozens of flame guards killed by that blue light rain...

In this way, his speed at killing the fire guards is even faster than when using ice talisman! This guy... how did he do it?

Huangfu Yin's face was sullen, and his pupils showed entangled expressions of extremely suppressed anger and confusion.

He really couldn't figure out how Chu Chen did it! The flame burns the flame... Such a spectacle, even though he has never heard of his cultivation base, how is this possible?

Even the most powerful "Rank 7 True Fire" level medicinal fire he has ever seen is not so powerful! !

why? Why on earth? ?

"Hehe, it seems that guy is going crazy!"

Seeing Huangfu Yin's depressed and violent expression, the little hamster curled his lips in disdain, "Oh, he is still too young. After all, he is a young man who has never seen anything in the world. They really thought that the nine flame crystal fire was burned. Up?"

"Although on the surface it appears that the Flame Guard was burned by your flames, but in fact the rules of fire in the guard body were absorbed by Skyfire, so the internal fire power loses its restraint and bursts out to form an external phase, haha ... Such a person will make him depressed to death in ignorance!"

The little hamster laughed in Chu Chen's mind. What this unscrupulous mouse liked the most was the look of this arrogant Celestial Jie who was suppressed by Chu Chen with anger but helplessness.

In its words, these young people who have no great abilities but are arrogant and arrogant should be severely suppressed and let them understand how dark this world is.

"Okay, you do the most."

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ Once again he drove the sky fire to pour towards the fire guards in the canyon, only to see his hands slightly waving, a series of misty blue light spots poured out, accurate Hit the flame guards head to head.

A beautiful blue light rain suddenly fell in the air, just for a moment those flame guards that were hit by the light rain burned violently with a bang!

After a short period of half a stick of incense, all the fireguards hit by the blue light rain were burned clean, leaving only amethyst-like flames floating in the void.

Seeing Chu Chen easily and comfortably subdued the nine flame crystal fires in the air, everyone sighed unconsciously, and the speed at which the fire guard was killed was really abnormal...

After everyone’s killing for this period of time, the number of fireguards in the entire canyon is now only half of the original number, but with the help of Skyfire, Chu Chen's speed at killing fireguards has far surpassed others , So I am not afraid of others chasing me.

Just as Chu Chen put dozens of purple crystal-like nine flame crystal fires into the storage ring again, the whole earth trembled violently, and a low muffled roar burst out from the depths of the earth. , Like thunder in nine days, billowing and flowing.

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