Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 476: Miss Super VIP

Once you enter the infield, there will be dedicated auction staff to evaluate the price, and then suggest a reserve price to the customer for reference. In the real auction, there will also be dedicated bidders to promote the atmosphere, raise the price, and in short. It is a one-stop service from beginning to end.

After passing through the outfield hall with endless crowds, a delicate hall door appeared in front of Chu Chen. Around the hall door were four beautiful women in white clothes standing quietly.

After seeing Chu Chen coming, one of the women with Danfeng eyes and oval face smiled slightly: "Your Excellency is going to enter the infield? Please take out the infield ticket and show us."

"Uh, more admission tickets?"

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't know that the auction house didn't enter the field casually. He scratched his head subconsciously, "How can I get a ticket?"

"Oh, yes, if you want an infield ticket, you need to go to the front desk..."

Dan Fengyan's woman didn't have any impatient expressions on her face, but when she was about to explain in detail, she saw a woman with a melon-faced face in the back and looked at Chu Chen blankly. After a few glances, her face was fierce. With a look of surprise, he hurried forward and pulled the woman with Danfeng's eyes slightly, and smiled at Chu Chen.

"Your Excellency is Chu Chen Chu Gongzi?"

"Uh... you know me?"

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched, he wasn't so famous, right? Even the waitress in this auction house knows herself.

"Hehe, the eldest lady once passed the portrait of Lord Chu's spirit to our major auction branches for observation, so I know what Master Chu's looks like."

The woman with a Guazi face smiled and stepped forward and waved to the woman with Dan Fengyan to leave.

"The eldest lady once ordered that if it was Mr. Chu, no admission ticket was required to enter this auction house. Wind chime, Xiangxue, you two should go and prepare the first-class seats in Tianzihao, prepare tea and snacks, and tell the meeting at the same time. The long said that the distinguished guest of the eldest lady has arrived, Master Chu, please come here."

The woman with the face of Guazi cleanly ordered several other women, then made a gesture to Chu Chen with a smile on her face.

This scene made Chu Chen stunned for a moment. The so-called spiritual portrait was a means similar to the spirit crane, in which a dynamic portrait of a certain person was imprinted on paper with spiritual power to make it vividly displayed in front of everyone.

Just who is that so-called "eldest lady"? Could it be...

When thinking of this, a bright light flashed in Chu Chen's mind.

Make a wish! Only wish! !

When he was still in the Biquan Immortal Sect, he used to go to an auction house in a city below the mountain to buy the spiritual water phase evolution of the spirit devouring technique. In the auction house, he met the wish of being a young lady, so look at it. The auction house that came to this Dancheng is also the property of the wishers... This girl, she did not expect that she would have such a prominent life experience!

You know, if you want to create such a huge auction house in a place like Pill City, the family power behind it not only needs to be in the world, but also needs to be a leader in the monastic world to have such qualifications.

In the past, Chu Chen always thought that the family who made a wish was only more famous among the world. It seems that he still underestimated her...

Thinking of this, Chu Chen shook his head helplessly, and had to walk in behind the maid in white with Guazi's face.

The infield rest room is a spacious hall that can accommodate hundreds of people, and rows of half-person-high seats are covered with graceful fur cushions.

Just as Chu Chen followed the girl and walked in to the highest and best seats in the entire auction hall, suddenly a few noisy shouts came from the infield entrance behind him:

"Welcome Da Young Master Fan to come, but you haven't been here for a long time."

With a sweet laugh, the former maid in white clothes with Danfeng eyes led a group of people to enter with a smile. The leader was a handsome young man in purple clothes. When she saw him, Chu Chen's face jumped, and the corners of her mouth subconsciously hooked. For a moment: It was him!

Chu Chen didn't expect to be able to meet "acquaintances" in the Medicine Palace here... In fact, he was not an acquaintance. This purple-clothed young man was exactly what Chu Chen met when he entered the Lingquan Forest of the Medicine Palace to dig out the spring soul. Fan Ling, the young disciple of Old Bing.

At the beginning, Chu Chen's luck exploded, and he unearthed the dual-attribute super-level spring soul, purple virtual flame ice spring, that only existed in myths and legends. Fan Ling wanted to take a snatch, but was beaten twice by Chu Chen. Almost all efforts were made for serious injuries.

I haven’t seen it for more than a year. The young disciple under the Bing Lao seat has now regained his cultivation. It’s just that his arrogant, arrogant temperament still hasn’t been constrained. At this moment, he puts one hand on the white robe with Danfeng eyes. The maid squeezed her chin gently.

"Why, miss me after only seeing Xiao Mier for more than a year?"

"Master Fan joked."

The maid of Dan Fengyan, known as Xiao Mi'er, showed an unnoticeable embarrassment on her face. Only the women who can dress in the auction house are all well-trained, and no matter what kind of guests they meet, they must be treated respectfully.

Therefore, she gently leaned over her body without a trace, "My son, please, the first-class seats of Tianzi are ready."

"Haha... My son has to see if it hasn't been here for more than a year, if there is anything good in this auction house!"

Fan Ling walked in with a laugh. Behind him, there were several waiters waiting around him respectfully, obviously treating him very seriously.

The seating distribution in the rest room of the auction house is very distinctive. There are hundreds of seats in the rest room because of their different positions, heights, and spaces. Therefore, the area of ​​each seat is different~www.ltnovel.com~ is divided into days, There are four regions: earth, xuan and yellow.

The seats in the Tianzi area are the highest and the best, not only the best view, but also the dedicated maid waiting, snacks, fruits, fragrant tea, snacks and so on.

A seat is equivalent to a small private room, dedicated to entertain distinguished guests, while the locations of other areas are obviously much worse.

Therefore, as soon as Fan Ling entered the rest room, he almost attracted the attention of the entire auction house. After all, everyone who is eligible to enter the infield Tianzi seating area is a distinguished person.

Fan Ling's natural character was so thrilled that he was admired by everyone, and he walked up to the Tianzihao seating area and waved at everyone.

"To tell you the shopkeeper, today this young man brought some good things to sell to you... That is the medicinal talisman made by Huangfu Yinhuangfu, the master of the Medicine Palace Tianyuan! Such a good thing is not even here. See you more!"

"Yes, yes, I don't dare to neglect the medicinal talisman made by Prince Huangfu himself. The shopkeeper will be there soon, please wait a moment, Master Fan."

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