Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 496: War shadow

Chu Chen's mind was fascinated in an instant, the golden light was radiant and vast, and every ancient character seemed to be cast in gold and imprinted in the void, extremely bright and conspicuous.

And at the top of the hundreds of words, the three dazzling handwritings bloomed out of ten thousand golden lights and filled the entire world. This is the cultivation technique that the Heiwugu Yujian evolved to the realm of Lingquan...

Violent tactic!

The Spirit Storm Jue is the third exercise method contained in the jade slips of the Black Mist Valley exercise method, and it is also a brand new exercise method formed after the Spirit Devouring Jue evolves to the realm of Lingquan.

The essence of this exercise is the word "violent", which can quickly compress a large amount of spiritual power in a very short time, and then burst out in an instant, exerting a terrifying power.

For a long time, the cultivation process of the Jade Simplified Practice of Black Mist Valley has focused on "absorption". Whether it is "Spirit Creation Art" or "Spirit Devouring Art", it is about how to absorb and refine the spiritual energy in the void of heaven and earth to the maximum. Own power.

This kind of exercises can be practiced very quickly and accumulate vigorously, but in terms of attack power, it is not much stronger than other exercises.

And this "Wild Spirit Technique" completely improved this weakness. Unlike the previous two exercises, which focused on "absorption", the "Wild Spirit Technique" focuses on a "release" process, compressing the powerful force and then bursting into Greatly improve their lethality.

Once the violent spirit art is successfully cultivated, Chu Chen's attack power, explosive power, lethality, and combat power will be greatly improved to a whole new level!

For example, before cultivating the violent spirit art, Chu Chen casually released a spirit power as if it were a "flow of water" flowing out. Without the blessing of weapons and combat skills, this water flow would not have any lethality. A pure spiritual power fluctuation.

However, once you successfully practice the Violent Spirit Jue, this "flow" will become a "bomb" with endless power!

If you release it casually, it will burst out with a strong power. This is just the most basic and primitive release of spiritual power! Once certain combat skills are used, their power will explode exponentially! This is a transformation and change in the essence of spiritual power.

It is not easy to practice the Violent Spirit Art. This requires the original peaceful, heavy, and condensed spiritual power in the body to be changed into a state that can "explode" at any time.

Of course, this kind of outbreak must be controlled at any time, otherwise, a carelessness will cause the spirit spring to collapse and cause unimaginable consequences.

Even though Chu Chen Lingjue's tyrannical Guardian felt very difficult when cultivating the Violent Spirit Art, after all, transforming his spiritual power essence is equivalent to cutting up all the bones, flesh and blood, muscles and collaterals in his body with a single knife and then rebuilding Combine, converge, and transform into a new state.

What's more, the spirit spring in his body is the super-order spring soul "Purple Void Flame Ice Spring" inherited from the ancient mythical era, so it is even more difficult to transform.

Fortunately, there was a "sacred fire of heaven" in his body. To some extent, this sacred fire of heaven might be the best "tool" for transformation.

No matter how tough the source of spiritual power is in front of the incombustible sky fire, it is as fragile as paper. The power of sky fire is so strong that he even makes every effort to transform his spiritual power source. To control the power released by the sky fire, otherwise one who accidentally burns his spiritual power source to ashes will destroy his cultivation base.

In this way, as Chu Chen urged his spiritual consciousness to the limit to transform his spiritual power source, waves of strange fluctuations began to spread to the surroundings.

The transformation of the spiritual power source is very difficult, but once the transformation is successful, the aura exuded is also very amazing. The light golden rays of light began to converge and condense in the void and finally turned into a golden flood dragon surrounding Chu Chen's body. Hovering slowly.

The misty pale golden light radiated in all directions.

The heaven and the earth have spirits, and the invisible heaven and earth avenue seems to have sensed the transformation of the origin of Chu Chen's spirit spring, and began to show magnificent visions.

There seemed to be ancient gods roaring, savage beasts roaring, trolls weeping blood, and looming lights and shadows lingered around, the scene was extremely terrifying.

what is this? Is this the battlefield of gods and demons in ancient times?

When Lingjue discovered this scene, Chu Chen was extremely surprised. He understood that this jade slip came from the ancient fairy mountain in the mysterious Black Mist Valley. There are countless gods and demons on that fairy mountain, even in the legend. The ancestors of Hongjun, the incarnation of the most powerful heaven, are all dying. It is difficult to imagine what kind of earth-shattering battle happened in the ancient mountain.

At this moment, the phantoms that appeared around seemed to be reappearing the battle of the gods and demons in the ancient times, but all the scenes were very vague and only some shadows could be seen.

As the source of the spiritual spring in Chu Chen's body became more and more transformed, the images of the ancient gods and demons appeared more and more densely, and in the end even a magnificent ancient battlefield was reproduced.

Roar……! !

Finally, when Chu Chen completely transformed the source of the spiritual spring in his body, the light and shadow of the gods and demons were also thick to the extreme, almost forming a black shadow that covered the sky and the sun to completely cover Chu Chen.

In an instant, a stunned dragon roar rang out, and the golden dragon lingering outside of Chu Chen suddenly let out a loud roar, and quickly merged with Chu Chen.

After just a few breaths, the golden dragon has completely disappeared. At the same time, Chu Chen's body shot out a misty pale golden halo like a scorching sun. The images of gods and demons around his body were removed cleanly.

The transformation of Lingquan's origin is completed, and the initial practice of the violent spirit technique is successful!

A touch of joy appeared in Chu Chen's heart, and transforming the origin of the spirit spring was only the first step in cultivating the spirit of violence.

When the spiritual power in the body is completely transformed, the next thing to do is to continuously activate and nurture the spiritual power in the riot, so as to change all the spiritual power into a very special "violent spirit Power", this is a very long process.

At the moment of successfully completely transforming the origin of Lingquan, Chu Chen clearly felt that his cultivation base, which had been trapped in the bottleneck, began to loosen, as if a dusty door deep in his body began to slowly appear, a brand new cultivation. For the realm suddenly appeared before my eyes...

Finally appeared, the barrier of the Earthquan Stage!

Chu Chen looked up to the sky and howled, and with his long howl, the void in all directions violently violently violently condensed into long white rivers of heaven and earth aura in the void, gathering mightily from all directions and sinking into his body.

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