Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 500: Sister who doesn't play the cards

It's just that Chu Chen didn't know exactly where Yandi was. He only knew a general direction but he had never been there.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Chu Chen decided to go to the mission hall of the Medicine Palace to see if there were any students who went to Yandi to do the mission together. This way, Chu Chen's aimless search was avoided.

And if you want to go to Yandi, you have to go through a dangerous fire and quicksand zone, and you can only travel safely by riding on the "Fire Swallowing Giant Tortoise" dedicated to Yao Palace.

Fire-swallowing giant tortoise is a very powerful spirit beast kept in medicine palace. Riding this giant tortoise is not only expensive...every ride will cost tens of thousands of medicine palace contribution points or millions of spirit stones.

On the way through the fire sands, you must continue to feed the fire swallowing giant turtles with fire, otherwise the giant beasts will easily lose control in the fire sands, so if you walk with others, you can greatly relieve the economic pressure... after all Now Chu Chen is not enough for both the medicine palace contribution points and the spirit stones.

The mission hall is always one of the most lively places in the Medicine Palace, with people coming and going. When Chu Chen first walked into the hall, he saw a slender figure who just finished the mission and was observing the huge mission. Guangping, at this moment, the girl's face unconsciously showed a tired look, it was Shen Qian who hadn't seen her for a few days.

"What have you been up to lately? See how tired you are."

Chu Chen, who walked behind Shen Qian, asked a little, Shen Qian hadn't come to him much since he confessed his thoughts in the rune level of the ultimate **** level. At this time, the girl might still be adjusting her mood. Therefore, Chu Chen did not act too intimately, just gently squeezed her little hand.

"Huh?...oh, nothing."

Shen Qian was startled when he saw Chu Chen passing by, and then let go, watching Chu Chen grab her hand and his face blushed inexplicably, "Recently, Xiaoxianjie was unable to enter, so I took a few tasks to pass the time. , I haven't had much rest after I just handed in the task, by the way, am I looking haggard?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Shen Qian quickly pulled back his palm and touched his face, and asked nervously.

"It's a bit, I haven't had a good rest recently." Chu Chen hooked his mouth and took out a delicate mutton jade porcelain bottle from the storage ring and handed it to her, "This is for you."

"What's this?" Shen Qian stared at the porcelain vase and took it with embarrassment.

"A token of love." The corner of Chu Chen's mouth clicked, "The precious beauty pill can skin care, beautify, dispel freckles, wrinkle, and relieve fatigue. The effect is several levels higher than the precious beauty pill. You go back and take one. After resolving the medicine, you can sleep well, and you will definitely feel refreshed and a hundred times more beautiful than now."

"Really? Then I'm not welcome." No woman would refuse such a beautiful temptation, not to mention that it was given by someone she likes. Shen Qian took the small porcelain bottle with a sweet smile on her face.

"After receiving my token of love, you will be my one from now on."

Chu Chen smiled, perhaps because of her character's tutor, the girl seemed to be a little hesitant about her feelings. Chu Chen couldn't help but molested when she saw the little fairy's uneasy appearance.

"I want to be beautiful, I want to buy this girl with a pill!" Shen Qian snorted softly, "By the way, what are you going to do in the past few days? See your cultivation level rise quickly."

"How can you protect you from being strong?" Chu Chen chuckled, "I'm going to Yandi to practice a peerless magical skill recently, and I will be invincible in the future."

"Just blow it on you, it's a peerless magical skill, I think it's a peerless rogue pervert skill."

Shen Qian's face blushed again, "Are you going to Yandi? It just happens that if I have nothing to do these days, I will go with you."

To be honest, I really miss him if I haven't seen him for a few days, but of course Shen Qian's arrogant personality will not say it.

"No, look at your haggard face recently. If you don't take a good rest, you will become a yellow-faced woman."

Chu Chen's face became serious, "Moreover, the dry and hot inside of the scorching land is bad for your skin. If you go without a good rest, you won't be able to use it even if you have the precious beauty pill."

"Really..." Shen Qian touched his face and felt a little depressed, but Chu Chen didn't look like he was joking, so he nodded helplessly, "Then I will go back and rest. You must be careful on the way."

"Well, I will definitely not resist if a beautiful woman robs him." The corner of Chu Chen's mouth curled up.

"Go to hell, pervert!"

Watching Shen Qian leave the mission hall happily, Chu Chen's face was full of smiles. He had to say that this elf-like girl had a great position in his heart. Although the two had always been noisy, but Both have extremely heavy weight in their hearts.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the little brother to hide such a cute little beauty in secret."

Just as Chu Chen's eyes widened and looked for mission information about Yandi on the mission light screen, a charming voice came over. This voice was soft and greasy, and it felt like a sudden in his heart. Climbing into a small worm, sand and sand, pacing, making people feel like a whole body.

What a powerful Mei Gong!

Chu Chen's eyes fluttered fiercely, and when he turned his head, he saw a smiling Zhou Mei style walking from the corner of the hall, and a smile filled with thousands of charming and charming styles.

"Now my poor sister Tang Routang is going to feel sad."

"Uh...Senior Sister joked." Chu Chen helplessly rubbed her temples. "Senior Sister may have misunderstood a bit, there is nothing wrong with Sister Tang..."

"Gee... don't explain to me."

Zhou Meijiao walked over with a smile and lifted Chu Chen's chin slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ Such a handsome, charming and gifted junior would naturally fascinate countless girls, and it is certain that someone would be hurt. "

"Sister, didn't the instructor say to take you and Senior Brother Shen Houshen to practice? Why do you still have time to stroll around here."

Chu Chen calmly changed the subject. To tell the truth, he had never been able to see through this seemingly coquettish senior sister. He always felt that she was hiding some secrets, so he was always very careful when getting along with her.

"Cultivation is so boring and tiring, I don't want to go."

Zhou Mei gently closed her waterfall-like hair and cast a wink at Chu Chen, "I ran away by myself, and the bearded man took Tang Rou to practice."


Chu Chen was speechless for a while, and to be honest, facing this senior sister who didn't play cards according to common sense, he didn't know how to get along for a long time, so he scratched his head helplessly.

"What about the intermediate pharmacist promotion competition? I heard that many disciples from the Tianyuan Academy will participate. Sister, if you haven't cultivated to the realm of Lingquan, wouldn't it be a disadvantage if you met them?"

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