Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 326: Best Flying Rider

"Good Eagle!"

Elder Lingxin's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but let out a soft admiration. With her insight, she could tell at a glance that this silver and black eagle is definitely a rare flying knight. And this eagle's pair of cold and electric silver eyes actually gave her a familiar feeling faintly inside. Why is that?

Elder Lingxin frowned slightly. I felt like my sleeves were pulled a few times. Turning around, I saw Qingyue's expression with a trace of confusion: "Weird, elder, how does this eagle give me a familiar feeling? It seems that I have seen it somewhere before..."" Novel "Novel Fastest chapter update


With a movement in Lingxin's heart, he looked at Leng Qianxue carefully.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon if something goes wrong. This woman has such a Hǎode flying horse, and so many people in the whole market come to buy flying horses. Why does she find herself?

Thinking of this, Lingxin suddenly felt suspicious, and coughed slightly: "Girl, how many spirit stones do you want to sell for this flying horse?"

"Uh...huh?" Leng Qianxue was taken aback for a moment. To be honest, she wanted to sell Chu Chen to Lingxin, but she didn't think about how much she would sell.

Seeing the suspicious look in Lingxin's eyes, she didn't feel good to answer.

If the sales are low, it always feels too fake and makes people feel ghostly. But the sale is high, what if this beautiful elder doesn't bring much money? This little Wèntí was stumped by Leng Qianxue.

"Since the girl hasn't figured out the price yet, I will look at it again."

Seeing Leng Qianxue's hesitation, the elder Lingxin's mental doubts grew stronger, he bowed slightly and bowed, and walked to the other stalls.

"Uh...hey, don't leave. How much do you think this flying ride is worth? As long as you sincerely want to buy it, we can talk about it."

To be honest, Leng Qianxue has been the Sect Master for more than half a year, and has experienced many things, but this experience of doing business has never happened.

Seeing that the elder Lingxin was about to leave, he hurriedly followed behind Lingxin and said sincerely, "I sell this flying horse sincerely. You look at it for money."

Still bring this?

Qingyue's eyes widened and whispered to Elder Lingxin: "Elder, be careful of fraud."

"The girl still thinks about the price." The elder Lingxin smiled and walked to a stall for a moment. This flying horse is a double-winged flying horse, the whole body is crimson, and it looks like an incomparable horse.

"Fantastic Feather Horse?" The elder Lingxin smiled with joy. "I just need a flying ride to go to Izumo Country, but I didn't expect to encounter this ancient alien horse."

"Girl, you really have a vision. This is the legendary feather-turning horse." The stall owner behind the double-winged flying horse smiled slightly, "This purebred winged horse is selling for 70,000 spirit stones, no bargaining!"

Elder Lingxin smiled slightly, just about to speak, but Leng Qianxue curled his mouth slightly behind him.

"In the legend, King Mu, the emperor of the ancient dynasty, drove eight horses. Jedi, turning feathers, running into the night, super shadow, afterglow, super light, rising fog, and flying wings. Among them, the two wings are the feathers. Buttock wings are meat wings; while the other name of the eight horses is named after the color of their hair, they are named Chi Qi, Pirate Li, Bai Yi, Qing Lun, Grey Mountain, Quhuang, Mo Li, and Green Ear."

"Fanyu is also known as Thief Li. The purebred thief horse should be pure black with white wings. Your body is red with fluffy feathers. Obviously you are not a purebred. The true feather pedigree is probably less than 20%... This kind of horse is enough to fly a thousand feet high. If you want to ride it to Izumo, I am afraid it is not enough."

With these words, the elder Lingxin and the stall owner were all stunned.

In fact, when Leng Qianxue followed the old master of Xuantianzong to go north and south when he was young, his own insight was first-class. For Feiqi spirit beasts, it can be said to be an expert among experts.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet a person who knows the goods. In this case, I will sell 50,000 spirit stones for this turning feather...This is the lowest price. Even if the blood is impure, this is a rare eight horses!"

Elder Lingxin smiled slightly. She bought the flying horse for the most fundamental purpose of going to Izumo. This mixed-blooded feather would not be able to fly to Izumo, and it was of no use at all. So shook his head and looked at other stalls.

"so beautiful!"

When Elder Lingxin came to another booth, Qingyue unconsciously exclaimed. In front of them, a huge goldfish was stretching its beautiful lines and swimming in the air.

This goldfish is about two feet high. The shark fins on the body are huge and soft. The two huge fins on both sides of the body are like two huge wings, supporting the whole goldfish soaring in the void, looking beautiful. Beautiful.

"Hey, how can fish fly? Can it not die without water?" Qingyue asked in surprise. This is a spectacle. It was supposed to be a goldfish living in the water, but it was flying in mid-air, and its golden-red fish scales reflected dazzling rays of light under the sunlight, which looked gorgeous.

"This is the dragon gate brocade." Lingxin elder smiled slightly, "The so-called carp jumps over the dragon gate and ascends to the sky in one step. This legend is actually based on facts. Some sea fish spirit beasts with extremely high levels of cultivation will survive the Dragon Gate sky successfully. You can truly incarnate."

"The Dragon Gate Koi is a fish spirit beast that failed to cross the Dragon Gate Heavenly Tribulation. If you survive the Dragon Gate Heavenly Tribulation, you will gain some special abilities, such as flying. This Dragon Gate Koi is such a strange spirit. beast."

"The girl has vision!"

The stall owner behind the Longmen Koi smiled slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ This is a Koi that I accidentally caught by hunting sharks in the sea and failed. If the girl wants it, 80,000 spiritual stones will be sold for you. This koi is extremely beautiful, and the appearance alone is enough to surprise people! "

Elder Lingxin nodded, but the stall owner didn't lie.

Goldfish itself is a very beautiful spirit beast, and its beautiful appearance alone is enough to make many women go bankrupt. What's more, this dragon gate Jinlin is a spirit beast that survived the dragon gate catastrophe. Although it failed, it was also a rare beast.

"Although it has survived the Dragon Gate Heavenly Tribulation, but has not been completely baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, this koi still has not completely got rid of the limitations of the fish spirit beast. Every once in a while, I am afraid that I will return to the water to add spiritual power."

"If I'm right, this dragon gate koi can only fly for three hours at a time. After three hours of leaving the water, you must return to the water immediately to replenish water, otherwise I am afraid you will die of thirst. If you ride for three hours, you won’t be able to reach Izumo country anyway. Moreover, replenishing water is always a hassle.” Leng Qianxue followed the elder Lingxin, and pointed out it without any kind of politeness. Disadvantages.

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