Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 601: The Maiden of the Black Mist Valley

Even though Chu Chen had evolved to this level, he still couldn't get rid of the rules of the sky and the earth in the Black Mist Valley forbidden air flight, and could only walk across it with one foot and one foot.

But now this silver giant eagle clone is much taller than an adult when it stands up, so the speed of this advancement is not slow, it can walk several feet away with one step.

One foot, two feet, three feet...

When Chu Chen moved forward ten feet away again, he couldn't help frowning. Every step forward in the Black Mist Valley, the pressure he was subjected to increased exponentially.

When moving from eighty feet away to ninety feet away, the surrounding pressure is already incredible.

Ok? There is still the last ten feet, fight it!

Chu Chen gritted his teeth secretly, and his figure shuddered slightly and the two sturdy silver claws stepped forward again. The pressure in the void increased in vain, and Chu Chen could almost hear the bones in his body creaking and muffled because of the tremendous pressure.

The qi and blood all over his body were running to the extreme in an instant, and the scattered golden feathers on Chu Chen's body suddenly trembled for a moment, emitting a faint golden light covering his whole body.

Jin Guang is very thin, but it instantly offsets the pressure a lot. Chu Chen held his breath and walked dozens of steps to a distance of ninety-five feet away. When he was about to take another step, a strong sense of danger instantly enveloped his whole body, making his body slightly stiff.

No, ninety-five zhang is already the limit. Even with the secret power of those golden feathers, the pressure in front of him is not something he can resist...A step forward will be crushed by the huge pressure! !

Chu Chen frowned, and finally had to sigh helplessly.

Ninety-five feet, only five feet away from the goal of one hundred feet.

If the distance of Wuzhang is placed outside, almost even a moment of time can be spent, but in Heiwugu, the distance of Wuzhang is no less than the end of the world!

Looking at it, Yunzuo could see a green skeleton lying quietly five feet away in the thick black magic fog.

The whole body of the skeleton was green and shiny as if it were carved from jade, even after the endless years of death, it still glowed with green and misty light, exuding a sacred atmosphere of peace and greatness.

Chu Chen knew that the turquoise bones were probably the remains of the founder of Biquan Xianzong, "Biquan ancestor". It is said that when he was young, this ancestor obtained a mouthful of the legendary "Biluo Xianquan" by chance. Use the fairy spring water to baptize the body, cut the hair and cleanse the marrow, and cultivate the "Biquan Spirit Body".

Later, relying on this fairy spring to make a fortune, the Biquan fairy sect was founded and became a generation of heroes.

The emerald green remains carved out of jade is the embodiment of the "Biquan Spirit Body" who has cultivated to the realm of Dacheng. In his time, this body was known to be immortal, and it could even be confronted with powerful instruments with bare hands.

Under the leadership of Biquan's ancestors, Biquan Xianzong was once brilliant, defeating several sects and families around, and became the largest sect in the area tens of thousands of miles!

After the inexplicable disappearance of the Biquan ancestor, Biquan Xianzong went downhill for a while because he did not have the support of his level of super power.

It was jointly suppressed by several external forces, but after all, there was the existence of the "Biluo Xianquan". Therefore, the strong within the sect was endless and accumulated a lot. After decades of turbulence, it became a hero of the party, and the other The big forces sit on an equal footing.

The ancestor of Biquan has an extraordinary significance for the entire Biquan Immortal Sect, and he can be said to be an amazing time.

It's just that no one has thought of using the means of such a peerless character to cultivate in the Black Mist Valley, only to travel a hundred feet distance and burst into death, which is really sighing.

At this moment, above the aquamarine remains, the cyan "Cyan Emperor Ring of Good Fortune" was emitting a pure and blue glare, and Chu Chen's eyes were extremely hot.

What a pity: If this is outside, even if he can't pass a distance of five feet away, he can set off a storm and roll over the remains of the Biquan spirit body.

It's a pity that no spiritual power can be used in the Black Mist Valley. If you really rush to make a move, you will probably be directly bombarded by tyrannical pressure!

Next time, next time I will definitely be able to break through the pressure of the last five feet of distance, and get the good luck Qingdi ring from the ancestor of Biquan! !

Looking at the ring with a little regret, Chu Chen retracted his gaze and walked towards the exit.

He wasn't discouraged in his heart. The distance from eighty zhang to ninety-five zhang was far beyond his expectations.

As long as he evolves one more time, he will be able to break through the last five feet of distance, uh, imprisonment. It seems that the "good luck blue emperor ring" will become his bag in a short time.

After coming out of the Black Mist Valley, Chu Chen hovered in the void for a moment. Just as he was about to fly towards the legendary "Netherworld Ancient Forest", a slender black figure shocked his heart!

At this moment in front of the Black Mist Valley, a slender figure was wandering back and forth.

It was a beautiful figure, dressed in a black robe floating in the wind, with a magnificent appearance.

The girl's skin is white as fat, and her eyebrows are cold and picturesque. The most conspicuous thing is that there is a white skull-shaped hairpin on the hair that looks like an ink cloud.

She stood coldly at the mouth of the empty and lonely Black Mist Valley, exuding a quiet, mysterious, and indifferent spirit like a lonely black lotus.

Ling Xuan! It was Ling Xuan! ...She...she came here!

Chu Chen's heart was beating frantically like a running wild horse~www.ltnovel.com~ After seeing the face of the figure clearly, he almost screamed in surprise.

Ever since his soul traveled to the far north and saw Ling Xuan's Dao Xin being broken by a Withered Heart, he has been worried about this cold and indifferent Demon Cult woman.

At the beginning, I entered the Little Fairy World and desperately wanted to hit the rankings to be able to see her again and see how she was going.

It was just that he could not reach the area where Ling Xuan was while he was desperately rushing in the Little Immortal Realm. He had only seen her twice before entering the arena, but it made him even more worried.

That black shadow has always been the most worried and distressed existence in his heart.

Now, I didn't expect that she would come to him on the initiative. This scene made Chu Chen ecstatic! At this time, Ling Xuan frowned slightly, her gaze constantly scanning back and forth in the direction of the Eagle's Nest and Black Mist Valley, as if she was looking for something.

Is she looking for me? Is she looking for me? ? Is she really looking for me? ? ?

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