Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 633: Wind Demon

These words are Xie Xueyun's heartfelt words. When they came to the fork of Yinfeng Road, few cultivators had the ability to leap in depth, and almost all of them relied on their vigorous cultivation base to move forward against the wind.

If this kind of yin wind pressure is magnified dozens of times, it will exceed the capacity of many people, and blow it directly!

"I also heard some legends before coming."

Xiong Tiangang frowned slightly as he looked at the bifurcation where the yin wind roared ahead, "At the end of the ancient times, the Yinshan Secret Realm was opened several times, but every time it was opened, many people returned on the Yinfeng Road without success. It seems that this legend is not exaggerated in the slightest."

"This is just an ordinary yin wind. It is said that the strong yin wind in the void in the later stage of Yinfeng Road even formed a kind of'yin wind demon' similar to the spirits. Those yin wind devil can transform all kinds of strange wind snakes and winds. Pythons, wind dragons, and even wind dragons are anxious to deal with! Even the powerhouses at the pinnacle of Lingxi realm may have hatred under the siege of those wind beasts transformed by the evil spirits!"


After hearing Xiong Tiangang's words, everyone was shocked, and even Chu Chen's heart moved slightly: Yin wind condenses and turns into a demon, which can actually become a mighty wind beast. What kind of spectacle is this? It's hard to imagine!

"Hehe... fellow daoists, I'll take a step first, and see you after Yinfeng Road!"

Just when everyone felt hesitated because of the strong Yinfeng power on Yinfeng Road, the evil-boned old man with a pair of goatees suddenly smiled and arched his hands at everyone, and then he saw his palms violently With a wave, the pipe in his hand stretched out quickly and regained the appearance of an ancient banner, fluttering in the wind behind him.

The next moment, the old man with evil bones slammed his arms, holding on to both sides of the ancient banner in a "big" shape.

Everyone saw that under the violent yin wind blowing, the ancient flag did not retreat but instead moved forward, flying directly toward the yin wind road ahead.

"Huh? Shouldn't he be blown away under such a strong overcast wind? Why did he fly in the opposite direction?" All the monks who saw this scene were in a daze, this scene is too unreasonable.

It stands to reason that when he opened the ancient flags, he would be blown back and fly back. How could he fly forward instead?

Even Ling Xuan was stunned when he saw this scene, and a touch of surprise appeared on his cool and beautiful face. Chu Chen glanced at the evil bone old man in front of him, and a blazing light flicked across his pupils.

"It turns out that this is the case! That ancient flag has a great secret, and it contains the blood-repelling yin and yang array that has been lost in ancient times! The blood-repelling yin and yang formation is so mysterious, it can go against the rules of chaos, and can transform the power of headwind into tailwind The power can also cause water to flow up high and rocks to fall into the sky. This is an inverse chaos formation that has been lost in ancient times...The ancient flag is really mysterious."

Ling Xuan nodded slightly, a clear look passed across his eyes.

She has also heard of the name of the Inverse Blood Yin and Yang Array. It is said that this array can be turned into a "Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Reverse Chaos Array" when it reaches its limit.

This evil bone old man actually possessed this kind of magic weapon that had been lost in ancient times, which was surprising.

The ancient flags are flying, light and fast.

The old man with evil bones holding the huge ancient flag in his hands is as effortless as riding a light boat.

The yin wind, which possesses unparalleled "resistance" for others, turned into a "booster" for advancing on him. This is the mystery of the blood yin and yang formation.

And the monks who were struggling forward with gusts of gale wind around saw this scene, they all jealously jumped up!

This is really a deadly comparison between people, and everyone else is suffering beyond words being blown by the violent cloudy wind, but this old man hangs the ancient flags leisurely and drifts forward.

Seeing his relaxed expression on his face, I'm afraid he's almost smoking a cigarette with a big pipe.

"Since there is no reason to leave this Yinfeng Road without interruption, I think everyone should try their best to move forward! Use your skills to the maximum, as long as you cross this Yinfeng Road. The Yinfeng is endless and continuous. Endless, in this case, the slower the speed, the greater the pressure."

Amidst the bitter wind, the sound of Xiong Tiangang's urn sound resounded in the void, and everyone nodded after hearing it.

Xie Xueyun's body shook violently, and the black cloud magical weapon that surrounded her quickly transformed into a huge black long knife in front of her, and her body was wrapped around her and burst out like an electric light.

The black cloud magic weapon possesses mysterious power, and it appears soft when it is in the shape of the black cloud, and it seems that there is no power. At this time, the shape of the long blade is changed, but it emits bursts of shocking and sharp blades.

Everyone only saw a sky-shattering sword qi splitting the sky and piercing the sky, leaving an extremely elegant figure in the void.

However, Lan Xuan, the weakest cultivation base among the crowd,’s performance at this time was far beyond the expectations of others. His body was covered with a faint blue light, and his thin body was shaking left and right in the violent whistling wind. It's as slippery and agile as a fish moving against the current.

No matter how violently the wind blows, his speed is actually very fast.

Obviously he has a very clever body technique, and at this time he showed a powerful force on Yinfeng Road. Xiong Tiangang raised his eyes and looked at him for a moment before he was slightly relieved.

To be honest, the leader of this team, Xiong Tiangang, is most worried about Lan Xuan~www.ltnovel.com~ This teenager is not only the weakest in cultivation, but is also naturally less courageous. It is easy to support everyone's hind legs.

Now it seems that he is doing pretty well at least on this Yinfeng Road.

With a thought in his mind, Xiong Tiangang's body also shook slightly before rushing toward the front.

Layers of earth-yellow light flowed around his body, and his body seemed to be completely integrated with the earth.

Xiong Tiangang didn't know any advanced body skills or other speed-like supernatural powers. He completely relied on his profound skill to resist the wind.

If anyone among the crowd is the most relaxed except the old man with evil bones, it is undoubtedly Ling Xuan.

The figure of this stunning girl with a cold complexion looked extremely light and graceful in the bitter wind. Her steps were not hurried or slow, and she seemed to be strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

If it weren't for the hunting sound of the black cloak on her body being blown by the yin wind, others would think that the violent and overbearing yin wind would have no effect on her at all.

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