Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 338: Fairy cave ghost

"I don't care where you are from, and I don't want to have any support for you. (Baidu search updates the fastest and most stable) Now, since we are here, you can go!"

The white-clothed boy took the lead and walked into the room first, unconsciously revealing a sense of nonsense in his voice.

This kind of temperament can only be cultivated by people who have been in high positions for many years, with an indescribable taste of nobility.

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched, and did not speak, but a pair of bright silver eagle pupils stared at the white-clothed boy unblinkingly, his eyes were like watching a clown boasting, full of a strong look of contempt. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Flat-haired beast!"

Chu Chen's gaze instantly made the white-clothed youth angry. He had never been so thoroughly despised by anyone before, let alone such a contemptuous gaze came from an eagle! This is nothing short of the world.

"Give it to me, throw out this flat-haired beast! Just a spirit, dare to enjoy the treatment of human beings and live in the private rooms of human rooms. This is simply a joke! If it is passed out, my human race will still How to gain a foothold between the world?"


Behind him, a group of subordinates agreed and rushed towards Chu Chen.

These people are full of breath, surging. Under the operation of spiritual power, the spiritual spring is surging, and it is obvious that the cultivation base is not low.

How come no matter where they are, someone will send them to the door to find abuse?

Chu Chen shook his head and sighed helplessly.

The next moment, his wings shook slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The next moment, accompanied by a slight sound of breaking through the sky, a dazzling silver-black two-color light was like a lightning bolt, which quickly shuttled back and forth in the void. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable) Suddenly there is a dazzling power grid in the whole room, which is fleeting in the blink of an eye. In the end, Chu Chen's body appeared.


The moment the lightning disappeared, everyone stiffened in an instant. In the next moment, all the clothes on their bodies suddenly broke into tens of thousands of rags, and they fell down one after another, all of them turned smooth in an instant.


"How... how could this happen!!"

A strong man in the famous Spirit Spring Realm was completely dumbfounded. After a while, he suddenly thought of something and quickly reached out his hand to cover the important part.

In this way, a group of people who were still aggressive a moment ago are standing on the ground like girls stripped naked, their faces panicked and helpless.

When everyone was frightened and angry, and just about to yell and yell, Chu Chen stretched out the three-foot-long sharp claws, grabbed a naked person and threw it like a trash The window flew out and was thrown onto the street outside the door.

He fell heavily to the ground with a "bang". Suddenly aroused an exclamation on the street.

After all, in Shenyang City, a man without clothes was thrown on the ground in the middle of the night, and it would inevitably cause a sensation.

Suddenly, several female nuns huddled in the group and surrounded the person with a clatter, all talking about it.

"This young man has a Bùcuò figure, look at this muscle, look at this arm, look at this thigh, you look like a strong young man who has been practicing martial arts all year round!"

"I was thrown out, did I not pay for double repairs, or did something happen?"

"The young people nowadays are very heavy-mouthed, and go to the streets with their bare butts, humiliating the family and the sect!"

Hearing the endless discussions, Young Master Mo's face turned green. He was the one who wanted a face.

"No, you can't do this..."

The frightened Young Master Mo completely lost his previous elegant demeanor. He watched Chu Chen throw a group of people out one by one in a straightforward manner, and then collapsed by the crowd on the street.

He was really frightened and angry. He just wanted to urge his spiritual energy to take out the spare clothes from the storage ring and put on them, but the next moment, his heart sank fiercely!

Spiritual power... The spiritual power is completely sealed, and it can't be used at all!

At this time, he finally understood why those subordinates couldn't resist at all. It turned out that the Black Hawk sealed their body's vitality while cutting their clothes!

too terrifying!

At the next moment, Chu Chen didn't give him any time or opportunity to resist. He simply stretched out his claws to grab it, and then threw it down.

"Wow, what a handsome little guy. What day is this today? How come there are so many naked men..."

"Okay, this little brother, look at this thin skin and tender meat... Yeah, he's still shy, look at this little blush, he's almost catching up with the monkey ass..."


Listening to the unbridled laughter of a group of female monks outside, Young Master Yu's complexion instantly turned pale, and he naturally found that all the spiritual power in his body was completely sealed and could not be used at all.

His lips twitched fiercely. Seeing Chu Chen fanning his wings to fly slowly, his heart was completely broken, and he fell to his knees with a plop, crying with tears in his nose.

"Shenying... Grandpa Shenying, please don't be like this. I am the eldest son of the Yu family. If I get bombed like this, I won't be able to gain a foothold in my Yu family in the future... Grandpa Shenying, what do you want? I'll give it all, please don't throw me out..."

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, his expression unmoved, and his three-foot-long claws stretched out slightly, blasting him out of the gate. Suddenly, the entire Shenyang city heard a terrible scream.


The heavy wooden door closed again, and the whole world was quiet.

But at the same time, the entire Shenyang city was boiling.

At the moment when Chu Chen turned to lightning and tore all the clothes of those people~www.ltnovel.com~, they used spiritual power to seal their meridians, making them unable to use a trace of spiritual power to even wear them with them. The storage ring can't be opened! So there was an unprecedented scene of dozens of people running naked together in Chengli, Shenyang.

Especially after someone recognized that this group of naked men actually had two sons from an extremely long-standing ancient family, the crowd of onlookers instantly reached its peak.

This scene was even recorded in the annals of Shenyang City by the good deeds. It is said that thousands of years later, there are often empty and lonely old women and sisters in Shenyang who cast statues of these naked men and worship them in the shrines, hoping that God can give them a man like this...Of course, these are all Later.

In the following days, Chu Chen spent two peaceful days.

In the early morning of the third day, the whole world suddenly seemed to be coated with a layer of pure silver, becoming extremely dazzling. The mighty silver-white brilliance rushed straight up, imagining a looming light and shadow in the void, covering the entire ancient city of Shenyang. Amidst the light and shadow, weird and indescribable scenes appeared from time to time: there are organ puppets all over the body of steel and as high as ten thousand years; there are cold and powerful swords, guns, swords and halberds; there are dead forests full of white bones and tombstones... … Scenes of light and shadows that seem to be true and illusory are either weird, eerie or dazzling, dizzying.

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