Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 669: Do you want to be buried?

"Break it for me!!"

Under the oppression of the violent and cold aura, Chu Chen screamed fiercely, instantly liberating all the soul power.

The vast and tyrannical incredible soul power surged out, and the whole world suddenly seemed to be a bright sun rising, endless light and heat gushing out, instantly dispelling all the cold and darkness.

The face of Taoist withered heart changed slightly, Chu Chen stared at Taoist with dry heart in the vast soul light, and a strong murderous intent burst into his eyes.

"You can't help me, this is in Ling Xuan's spiritual world. To her world, I am just an'outsider', and how can you interfere with my soul power! So I will not let any attacks inside. In the eyes. But you can rest assured that one day I will personally come to your body and let all the pain Ling Xuan have suffered, all the pain that Ling Xuan has suffered, will be doubled back to you!!!"

Chu Chen had never had such a strong murder and hatred for anyone, even Yao Jinghai, the big brother of the outer sect of Biquan Xianzong, never made him so angry.

This man is simply utterly conscientious, a complete lunatic! !

"Hmph, although I can't do anything to you, but do you think you can change anything?" The dead-hearted Taoist sneered slightly. To be honest, he couldn't suppress the young man with his aura alone. This scene surprised him.

But soon he stopped paying attention to Chu Chen, and turned to look at the little girl beside him:

"Ling Xuan, go, kill everyone here. As long as you kill them all, we will be fine, and you can save me."

The little girl nodded slightly when she heard the words. At this moment, the strong murderous aura surrounding her even turned into a silver mist that was visible to the naked eye.

There seemed to be countless sharp long swords hidden in the silver mist, which made people feel as if the whole soul would be cut apart as incomparably terrifying.

"Ling Xuan, you can't do it."

Chu Chen turned around, and the little girl Shen Qian squatted down, staring at the girl's cold and merciless pupils with both eyes, Chu Chen's voice was anxious.

"If you kill these people, you will be trapped forever in this inner demon space, and you will never be able to go back... Wake up, think about the beauty of the world, you shouldn't hate it so much."

Seeing Chu Chen's sincere gaze, the little girl's immature gaze was full of doubts: "Who are you?"

"I'm Kitty! Kitty who depends on you for life!!" Chu Chen was anxious, with a nervous expression in her tone unconsciously, "You must listen to me, don't kill these people!"

"Xiaoying? I don't know." The little girl shook her head in some doubt, wondering why the person's eyes in front of her made her feel familiar, "I don't want to kill you, you go quickly, I want to eliminate this evil City, save my master."

"No one wants to kill your master, that's all fake! You have to listen to me..."

Chu Chen was anxious, and immediately wanted to take the dagger from the little girl's hand.

Just when his palm was about to touch the little girl, a blazing silver beam of light suddenly burst out and hit him fiercely.

boom! !

The silver light was vast, and at that moment Chu Chen felt as if he had been hit hard by a mountain falling from the sky.

The immense power was invincible, and directly blasted him dozens of feet away.

Before the person fell to the ground, Chu Chen in mid-air already felt a sweet throat, and a big mouthful of blood came out with a "poof".

"I said, you can't change all of this."

Seeing Chu Chen hit the ground heavily, a sneer appeared on her dry heart, "This is her spiritual world, and in this world she is the omnipotent god. This entire spiritual world is controlled by herself. Created, no one can compete with her."

The black light flickered, and the figure of the dead-hearted Taoist came to Chu Chen in a flash, a pair of eyes bright as stars staring at him condescendingly with a coldness from the bones:

"I advise you not to be too troublesome. Although I don't know how you entered her mental space, if things get out of hand, once she takes action on you, she may stay here forever. So take advantage of this opportunity and leave now!"

"I won't leave." Chu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly stood up from the ground.

That's not too big, the figure finally stood up straight, as arrogant as a javelin, "I won't let her mind and soul be trapped in this place, and I won't let her completely destroy her soul and become your battle. Corpse, I will definitely save her out!"

"Hmph, how is it possible, do you think she will listen to you?"

A sneer appeared in his dry eyes. He glanced at Ling Xuan slightly, and the smile that appeared at the corner of his mouth became more and more intense. "Once she starts to slaughter the city, I will manage the layout for several years to successfully capture her. His humanity and conscience, everything is over."

At this moment, the little girl's face suddenly skipped a look of impatientness, she gave Chu Chen a cold look, her immature voice contained incomparably cold and ruthless words: "Master, what is this unknown person saying here? , So long-winded!"

"Don't worry about this person~www.ltnovel.com~ Let's start, kill everyone here, and we will be able to be rescued." Withered Xin said lightly, it is obvious that this person will connect him with Chu Chen. The conversation was blocked and Ling Xuan could not hear it.

The little girl nodded slightly. In her pair of clear eyes, there was no longer the innocence and clarity that originally belonged to children, only the endless killing intent, cold and pure killing intent.

Seeing this scene, the dry heart nodded in satisfaction, and gave Chu Chen a cold look with a trace of contempt and joking.

"I said, you can't stop her. If you are not reconciled, you can try and see if you can stop a **** of the world. She will be destined to obliterate all conscience and humanity, and eventually become my most perfect invincible war corpse. ."

"I said, I won't let her be trapped in this place, if I said, I will definitely be able to do it!" The coldness in Chu Chen's eyes was even worse, and the firmness and determination in those pair of eyes even made her mind dry. All slightly changed color.

"Are you crazy, if you really want to stop her in this world, you will immediately be shattered and wiped out! Since then, your consciousness will be lost, and only your physical body will be outside, becoming a living dead!!" There was a strong cold light in it.

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