Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 353: Invincible favorite

And at this moment, the bright silver eyes of the black eagle that were close at hand clearly revealed a hint of ridicule, making his hair horrified!

"Then catch you!"

After Chu Chen finished speaking, his claws closed hard! A group of stern flesh and blood burst out of the wide eagle's claws, spilling down one after another, forming a pool of blood on the ground. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

The super strong silver-haired old demon in Lingxi realm fell to death! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Looking at the blood mist that exploded, everyone's open mouths couldn't close at all, all of them were stupid!

The whole space is as quiet as death.

There is no hard fighting, no gorgeous spiritual power, no fighting, roaring and roaring.

With just a grasp, a simple grasp, this black eagle made the silver-haired old demon in Lingxi realm unable to break free even though all the spiritual power in his body broke out, and it was crushed into pieces before he could even make a sound. No bones left!

All of this, like an incredible myth, made everyone feel a complete shock.

"I...I'm not mistaken. Then... is that true?"

"The old demon in Lingxi was killed... really the old demon in Lingxi? A super power in the realm of Lingxi..."

"This, this...what kind of **** is this eagle! Old Demon Lingxi can do it!"

"God, this is the real god..."


A whisper spread slightly in the space. In the gazes of everyone's extremely shocked and respected, Chu Chen, who killed the old demon of Lingxi, shook his wings slightly, as if a silver and black two-color arrow rushed into the entrance of the three-dimensional array magic treasure pavilion in mid-air. .

boom! !

The entire treasure pavilion is completely boiling!

The blazing silver light turned into sharp and unmatched sword auras and madly cutting on the black eagle's body. Each of these sword auras is equivalent to a full blow of a swordsman in the spirit of the spirit stream.

Even a super power like Lingxi Old Demon didn't dare to try the law with his own body, but when these sword qi slashed on Chu Chen's body, they only emitted dazzling sparks, unable to cause any harm to it.

Om...! !

It seemed that he had sensed the intrepidity of Chu Chen who had broken into the treasure pavilion, and the entire three-dimensional formation in mid-air was mobilized with full force.

The bright silver light beams that formed the formation instantly radiated a ray of light, and the Sùdù visible to the naked eye gradually built a larger formation outside.

And the range of this formation has rapidly expanded to the entire...

"No! I didn't expect this underground treasure pavilion to have such a strong restriction. If the formation that fills the entire treasure pavilion is formed, all of us will be trapped inside and killed by those silver light sword auras!"

Seeing this scene, someone finally screamed in horror.

If the huge three-dimensional formation covering the entire underground space is really formed, everyone in the entire space will be attacked by those silver lightsabers!

Thinking of the scene where the four strong men at the pinnacle of Lingquan were smashed into meat sauce with a single blow by those sword auras, a hysterical panic appeared in everyone's hearts at the same time...

"Quickly, look for an exit, everyone quickly leave! Get out of here before the outer formation is completely formed!"

"Oops, the entrance was sealed long ago! We are trapped here!"

"It's over, all of us are going to die in this!!"


Seeing the dazzling silver light gradually spread across the entire underground space, a wave of despair spread, and almost everyone was frantically running around, hoping to find even the slightest exit in this huge underground space, so as to be able to Escaped life.

At this moment, even the always-stable Lingxin complexion was slightly pale.

The area covered by the silver light has filled 80% of the entire space, forcing everyone into the corner. If these silver lights really construct a huge formation that encompasses the entire space, and those silver lights sword auras will fall down, I am afraid that no one can withstand it except the tyrannical senior Black Hawk...

"Pre... Senior..."

Elder Lingxin clenched his hands unconsciously, and there was a rare panic in her pupils, but her voice hadn't completely fallen yet, and a dull, heavy voice suddenly came from mid-air...

"The fart is a bit big, what's the panic!"

With that cold snort, all the silver light burst in an instant.

In an instant, it seemed that there was a sudden blast of the sun in the void, and the dazzling bright light radiated, causing everyone to subconsciously cover their eyes.


After a loud noise, the silver light gradually dissipated.

At this time, everyone dared to slowly open their eyes, only to see that the three-dimensional array formed by a huge bright silver beam had exploded.

The entire space seems to have become a silver ocean. The chaotic air currents were wrapped in pieces of treasures, and the wreckage shot in all directions.

"The Underground Pavilion... exploded!"

"Saved! The underground treasure pavilion exploded, and the restrictions finally disappeared completely..."

"That guy... that black eagle actually broke through the entire Primordial prohibition!"


In the respect and fear of everyone, Chu Chen grasped a dark golden ancient skeleton in his left paw, and a golden ganoderma-like ancient flower in his mouth flew to Elder Lingxin. Her mouth was slightly open, and the Jiu Xuan Jinzhi held in her mouth fell securely into her hand.

"Senior... thank you senior!"

When Lingxin saw this, she was overjoyed, and she was really nervous for a while when she saw the whole Baoge exploding.

After all, Jiu Xuan Jin Zhi is not as strong as those magic weapons~www.ltnovel.com~ The power of Bao Ge’s explosion made the ancient magic weapons exploded to pieces. The fragile Jiu Xuan Jin Zhi is in such boundless The consequences of the turbulence can be imagined.

It seems that Chu Chen deliberately guarded this elixir.

"Okay, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, sit up and I will take you away."

Chu Chen nodded without saying much.

After the elder Lingxin leaped on his back lightly, his broad wings slammed, and directly broke through all obstacles with brute force, turning into a lightning bolt to skyrocket.

"The prohibition is completely destroyed, this ancient immortal cave is about to collapse and collapse! If you don't want to die, leave as soon as possible!"

After leaving a word from a distance, Chu Chen's figure quickly disappeared. Hearing what it said, the rest of the people didn't dare to neglect, they summoned their flying riders one after another, and flew away from this ancient fairy cave one by one along the channel that Chu Chen opened up. It is said that after these people left, this ancient immortal cave had an unprecedented collapse, and even led to the complete collapse of an aerial island covering thousands of acres.

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