Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 820: The most unexpected situation

How is this possible?

Although the effect of the Nine Turns Creation Spring Pill is claimed to be able to directly tap the potential limit in the monk's body, it can open up at least one spiritual power spring. 【】

However, this effect is inversely proportional to the number of spiritual power springs in the monk's body. If a monk who only has the first spring realm swallows this pill, then as long as his luck is particularly good, there is a certain chance of reaching the second spring. degree.

But if it is a cultivation base that reaches the level of three springs or six springs, then it would be good to be able to improve one spring.

However, at this moment, Chu Chen directly rose from the Six Springs realm to the level of Dzogchen, which is as incredible as a myth!

Apart from other things, the barrier between Diquan and Tianquan and the barrier between Tianquan and Dzogchen would make it impossible for more than 90% of the monks to break through for a lifetime!

The speed of this kind of cultivation is simply abnormal! !

"I know!!"

When everyone was looking at Chu Chen with incredibly wide-eyed eyes, a handsome and masculine teenager dressed in purple and gold silk robe suddenly shouted as if thinking of something.

"No wonder, no wonder he swallowed so many Nine-Ranked Spring Pills! He knows that once the medicinal properties of the Spring Pills are stimulated, there is only one chance, so when he took the first one, he did not urge it. Refining the medicinal properties, but accumulating these medicinal properties, waited until after taking five spring-making pills, and then ignited them at once and broke out completely!!"

Once these words were said, everyone's expressions flashed over with a clear look, but the next moment they were shocked by a deep sense of shock and couldn't say a word...

The words "accumulate medicinal properties" seem easy to say, but it is too difficult and difficult to do.

First of all, the Nine Transformation Creation Spring Pill has a special property: that is, the entrance is absorbed.

Generally speaking, if a Nine Transformation Pill is swallowed by a monk, its internal medicinal properties will instinctively explode. The extent of this outbreak is beyond the control of the monk himself: it is like a person drinking water. Once water enters a person's throat, it will flow down spontaneously, which is beyond control at all.

As the saying goes, "covering water is hard to harvest", this is actually a rule of heaven and earth, and it is a fundamental characteristic of everything.

I have accumulated the medicinal properties of five pills in a row...How accurate is this guy's control of medicinal properties? This is simply unimaginable!

The more important issue is that the Nine Transformation Spring Pill requires a very high level of soul power for the monk. If the monk’s soul power is not enough to completely control the medicinal properties of the pill, a Nine Transformation Spring Pill is likely to explode, causing The incomparably wonderful Nine Turns Creation Spring Pill instantly turned into a super poison that was a hundred times more violent than any poison, causing the monk to go into danger and die!

A total of five spring-making medicinal properties...the power between the medicinal properties is not as simple as one plus one, but increases by multiples!

Chu Chen can actually control such a huge unimaginable medicinal power...To what extent is his soul power? This is simply appalling!

Break through the small realm of the four-fold spiritual spring at one time...The monks who have been able to reach this step throughout the ages are true peerless talents. They are the protagonists who can lead an era. They have unimaginable huge luck. They are among the true geniuses. Genius!

This method of promotion and cultivation, even those ancient sacred sites with incomparable wealth and profound heritage, and the strongest genius in the family would not dare to try this way.

Regardless of whether their soul power is overbearing to control all the medicine properties, the value of these five spring-making pills has made many people discouraged... Those are five real "peer-quality"-level pills, each All of them are invaluable and may be regarded as a real priceless treasure!

However, just as everyone was shocked by this shimmering scene of ancient and modern times, that is, when the four brilliant white broken mirrors around Chu Chen's body were about to dissipate, another bright white beam of light shot straight up. , Once again towering between heaven and earth.

"Another small state, the...the eleventh spring of spiritual power..."

A sound of inhaling air-conditioning came from the surrounding space, and the entire Medicinal Palace forest had completely fallen into a dead silence.

Even the bearded tutor who had been smiling at this moment was surprised to grow his mouth, revealing a mouthful of sharp white teeth.

The corners of Tang Rou's mouth twitched fiercely for a moment, she didn't know what to say at all.

The spiritual spring realm ranges from the lowest level Yiquan to the Dzogchen level ten springs realm, this is the level of cultivation that has been passed down for eternity.

Any cultivator who has cultivated to the realm of ten springs will not improve even a little bit of his cultivation no matter how hard he tries. The next thing he has to do is to let these ten springs of spiritual power merge with each other, thus forming an illusory " "Lingli Stream", so as to reach the "Illusive Stream Realm", and based on this, gradually entered the ranks of the super strong in the Lingxi Realm.

But at this moment, Chu Chen, based on the medicinal properties of the accumulated five Nine Transformation Spring Pills, reached an unprecedented realm at one time and opened up the eleventh spring of spiritual power!


The eleven spring eyes rumbling, turning slowly beside Chu Chen, as if a huge light wheel was crushing time and space.

It stands to reason that ten spring eyes should be the most harmonious one. After all, the word "ten" represents a number of perfection, and also represents the ultimate number of the "ten directions" of east, west, south, north, up and down, ancient, modern and future ~www .ltnovel.com~ But at this moment in front of everyone, the eleven springs around Chu Chen's body have a strange beauty. It is a harmony that transcends time and space and transcends the rules. It is bigger than ten mouths. The completion number is even more memorable.

And with Chu Chen’s silent exercise of mind, the five newly-emerged springs of icy flames surrounded by red and blue light quickly changed, completely turning into a series of burning flames, like a mighty volcanic crater. The endless "Yanquan".

The Bao Pill obtained by Chu Chen played a huge role in the intermediate pharmacist's examination and trial.

Lingquan's "ice core" was suppressed to the limit, turning into eleven icy blue glimmers slowly spinning in the depths of his dantian.

The eleven "flaming springs" exuded billowing heat, and one after another shining red light gushed out, twisting and tangled in the void into a huge disk instantly overturning, completely covering the eleven flaming springs.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone still shocked and astonished, the eleven springs of spiritual power shook violently, and they completely merged and swallowed each other, and finally turned into a huge spring, sending out a wave in all directions. Pale golden light.

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