Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 355: Lingquan Forest

After the consciousness returned to the body, Chu Chen breathed a long sigh of relief: The Black Eagle clone has always been his strongest last support. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

Since the clone evolved to the bottleneck, his heart has been as heavy as a big rock.

But now the black eagle clone is finally going to refining and fusing the Primordial Immortal Bone to break through the evolutionary bottleneck, which really makes his heart relaxed.

This time, it took a long time for consciousness to leave the body, so after returning to the body, Chu Chen stood up to let Hǎode relax the blood all over his body. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

When the profound arts were turned slightly, the thick and vigorous spiritual power was felt like a dignified molten iron flowing in the body.

This time Chu Chen felt that his soul power seemed to have grown a lot, allowing him to control the spiritual power in his body more subtle and precise.

The fighting intent of the ancient strongest contained in the ancient fairy bones is of great benefit to his soul power. While helping the black eagle clone to break through the evolutionary bottleneck and condense the physical body, it also continues to nourish his soul origin.

Now he can clearly sense that his soul power is constantly becoming stronger, and it seems that an unknown transformation is taking place from the most original source.

"Huh? You seem to have benefited a lot from sleeping this time."

While Chu Chen was enthusiastically experiencing the various benefits brought about by the enhancement of his soul, a furry head protruded out of his chest.

"Is it my illusion? When you slept this time, your soul became very weak. But after waking up, it seemed to become stronger than before. What is this? Is it some kind of secret method for soul cultivation?"

The little hamster stared at Chu Chen with two bean-sized eyes for a moment. His eyes were suspicious, and he obviously didn't understand Chu Chen's situation.

"Don't you boast every day that you are the omnipotent **** of all beasts? You can't understand my little secret technique?" Chu Chen squinted at the little hamster, his eyes filled with involuntarily. A hint of joking.

"Hey, there have been hundreds of millions of years since the Primordial Era. If the deity remembers everything in detail, it will not break the brain! To Zhīdào, there are all the secrets of the exercises that can be remembered by the deity. The top ancient university!"

The little hamster shook his head and shook his head and was not angry at Chu Chen's ridicule. Instead, his tone was full of pride, "Your secret technique for soul cultivation is probably just a small technique, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

"You just don't tell me that it's over." Chu Chen shook his head. The dead mouse's skin was really thick to a certain extent. Ignoring it at the moment, he started to run the whole body's spiritual power through his body.

The Spirit Devouring Art has been running for several cycles, and I feel that all the power on the body has reached the most Hoode state again.

When the final exercise was collected, Chu Chen frowned slightly, and seemed to sense the diligence of his soul power again, and a familiar wave in the depths of his dantian suddenly jumped!

Ok? It turned out to be this thing! I almost forgot about being so busy these days!

Chu Chen's heart moved slightly, and his mouth was opened, and a black ball of vigorous spiritual power came out from his mouth.

As he withdrew his spiritual power slightly, the dark black light ball slowly faded, revealing a small light gray flame inside, and above the small flame, there was also a trace of extremely light golden gold!

This is the ancient fire that Chu Chen harvested in the Medicine Palace.

After returning from Yaohuo Cavern, Chu Chen had been busy with cultivation and various chores, but it was too late for Hǎode to refine this celestial medicine fire. Only now has he free to take a good look at it.

Looking at it again this time, this little kind of fire has almost no "fire" appearance.

From the outside, it was a light gray spot barely maintaining the appearance of a bean-sized flame. If it were not for the occasional gleam of golden light flowing above, it would almost be considered a mass of exhaust gas.

"This thing... won't have been extinguished."

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched.

Such a kind of fire was only obtained after he had been busy in the Yaohuo cave for a long time. Isn't it true that Zhīdào was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth at first, but now there is no flame at all.

If this sacred fire was really extinguished by the rules of heaven and earth, then he would have no place to cry.

"What do you say? It's not melted, it's terrible!" The little hamster shook his plump buttocks and rushed to Chu Chen's shoulder to sit down, and his pointed mouth spat in disdain.

"You're welcome, even if this piece of heaven and earth is destroyed, this fire may not necessarily be extinguished! The divine fire of the heavens contains the Hunyuan Bagua formation, which can automatically absorb the essence of the heavens and the earth.

This fat mouse won't forget Chu Chen's words as long as he catches the opportunity.

"Then this thing...how to refine it?"

Chu Chen opened his mouth, and the pharmacist smelted the fire, usually to completely melt the fire and the Dantian Qihai into one, so that the spiritual power in the Dantian Qihai was completely indistinguishable from the fire.

In this way, as long as there is a need, the spirit power can be used as fuel to urge the real power of the fire flame.

Smelting powder and fire is a very dangerous process. After all, there is a saying that water and fire are ruthless.

The process of smelting medicinal fire is actually a process of enduring flames. When the fire completely melts into the dantian sea, the pharmacist will endure unimaginable heat burning.

If his own will is not firm enough and his cultivation level is not strong enough~www.ltnovel.com~, Kěnéng will be burnt to ashes directly by the fierce flame!

In fact, in the history of the monastic world, there are not a few pharmacists who have been burned to death by the flames of medicine fire because of their insufficient cultivation!

Once you fail, you must die!

No matter how stupid a person is, Zhu Chen certainly can't directly pour the heavenly divine fire into the Dantian Qi Sea without saying a word. The horror of this flame was originally experienced by Chu Chen in the Yaohuo Cave.

Therefore, Wèntí, who is now in front of him, is how to refine this flame into his natal potion.

"Actually, if you wanted to refine this sacred fire with your ability, it is tantamount to idiotic dreams." The little hamster cleared his throat, "cough cough...but your kid is lucky, now this sky fire is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth. The power of backlash was suppressed to the lowest level, and your cultivating technique is also clever, the spiritual power you cultivate is far higher in quality than other monks in the same realm...Well, to sum up, I will give you two You choose the path." "Oh? Which two paths?" When it comes to his own cultivation base, Chu Chen is still very serious. He straightened up slightly, his expression also becoming solemn.

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