Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 362: Yushu Qiongjing Spring

It is not unusual for a god-level spring soul to be born, but if the same person dug up two spring souls in succession, this can be a major event that can be included in the annals of the mysterious realm of the spiritual spring forest!

Everyone wanted to see if Chu Chen could create a miracle again, so everyone followed in Chu Chen's footsteps to see if he was as everyone thought. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

I have to say that the spring spirit in the Lingquan Forest is indeed very difficult to sense.

Even if it is Chu Chen's tyrannical spiritual sense, when exploring the god-level spring soul, he must carefully distinguish the difference of every trace of spiritual power in the void. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Only after having the experience of digging for the first time, it was obviously easier, so not long after the three sticks of incense, Chu Chen pulled his fingers again, and the jade-white spirit shovel came in without the soil.

When layers of mysterious charms were wrapped in a cloud of purple-black light that broke through the soil again, the entire Lingquan forest boiled again.

God-level spring soul, really is a god-level spring soul!

Only one sacred spring will burn like a dazzling flame, and at the same time it will spray out vast fluctuations of spiritual power around it.

This time, the unearthed Shenquan was full of purple and black. At first glance, it looked like a magic lotus from the depths of the Jiuyou of the Underworld, exuding a cold, deadly smell.

From time to time, dazzling black electric lights flashed on this spit, which looked extremely strange.

"Nine Minglei turns, one turns and one ascends to the sky! This is the magic spring of death that can destroy the nine heavens in the legend..."

An old man with white hair and a bright head in the crowd sighed slightly, Minglei Jiuzhuanquan, this is a kind of spring that only exists in the deepest part of Jiuyou Hell in the legend. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

Its attribute is extremely special, it is "Underworld Thunder". It can be regarded as a branch of the lightning attribute.

Minglei not only has the powerful attack power of ordinary thunder and lightning and the unparalleled Sùdù, it also contains a pure breath of death, and any living thing that is alive will be suppressed as soon as it is enveloped by this breath of death.

People with weak cultivation bases can even take a breath of death directly, which is a very terrifying magic spring.

According to legend, in the ancient times, there was once a prestigious fierce **** who possessed such a magic spring, and he was almost invincible after his cultivation.

Even in the legend, he directly hit the legendary Heavenly Palace Immortal Realm from Jiuyou Difu, breaking the nine heavens all the time.

The fierce flames of its fierce flames, the gods and Buddhas dare not suppress its sharp edge.

The legend certainly has exaggerated words, but it can still reflect the power of this magic spring.

It's just that after seeing this magic spring full of death breath, Chu Chen couldn't help but frowned. This kind of breath is very cold and evil, making people involuntarily produce something that wants to destroy everywhere when they get close.

Although the power of this magic spring is powerful, the backlash is also extremely terrifying. If one is accidentally controlled by the evil spirit of death contained in it, it will turn into a monster killed by Zhīdào.

Therefore, Chu Chen waved his hand again without thinking about it.

The second one of the sacred spring was recovered. At this time, the people in the entire Lingquan forest should not say anything. After dug out two sacred springs in a row, and both sacred springs were recovered by the medicine palace, Chu Chen created an unprecedented new record for the medicine palace.

"This guy is still looking for Quanpo? Two divine springs have been dug out... Is he still not satisfied?"

"What kind of spring spirit does he want to dig!"

When Chu Chen looked around the ground in detail again, an incredible exclamation sounded from all directions. How many sacred waters does this guy have to dig out to be willing? Judging from his appearance, it seems confident?

At this time, even the people who were stationed in the main hall of the Medicine Palace stationed in the Lingquan Forest were alarmed.

All the elders, disciples, and attendants who were stationed in the main hall gathered around Chu Chen, watching just how much movement this peerless geek, rare in thousands of years, wanted to make. At this time, no one cared about anything like Fan Ling. Character.

After about three sticks of incense, Chu Chen finally showed a stretch of smile on her face.

As the jade-white shovel danced, a mouthful of green, crystal clear springs that seemed to be carved out of crystal broke the ground, and fluttered softly in Chu Chen's hands.

"Yi Shenquan, Yushu Qiongjingquan!"

Someone exclaimed. This is a magical fountain of wood attributes, and it is also an extremely special "crystal wood" attribute of wood. If a monk refines this divine spring into the body, it will not only possess the unique vitality of wood, but also the strength and defense of its physical body will become as indestructible as a fairy crystal. It is an extremely rare kind of divine spring.

"Are there any mistakes! If you don't make a move, it's just a matter of fact. One move is a **** spring... how much is this!" Seeing this scene that could be called against the sky, someone finally couldn't help it.

The third sacred spring, this is already the third sacred spring. what is this? This is the **** of one! It is not the Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere. In the entire Lingquan Forest, Kěnéng has only been born once in decades, and now it has three mouths...How can people believe it!

Many people even squeezed their face severely. The scene before me is so incredible that it makes many people think they are dreaming. If it is not dreamy, how could this scene be so bizarre?

"Well, I finally collected a sacred spring with wood attributes. Come on, Tang Rou, this is for you."

In the midst of everyone's jealous or jealous or surprised or unbelievable expressions, Chu Chen held the crystal-like Yushu Qiong Jingquan to Tang Rou, with a relaxed smile on his face~www .ltnovel.com~ His expression is very calm, as if handing something insignificant like a chopstick and spoon to a good friend, gently handing Shenquan to Tang Rou.

Tang Rou was stunned, really stunned.

To be honest, Chu Chen said at the beginning that she must find her a great sip of water. It's just in her heart that this kind of remark is probably just what the young man said casually.

This is nothing else, this is a **** spring! The sacred fountain that only appeared in more than ten years! It's a sacred spring that anyone can grab a **** head! No matter how generous a man, Kěnéng would not give such precious things to himself.

I'm used to seeing people's warmth and coldness, I'm used to seeing people's sinister hearts, and I'm used to seeing the world. Tang Rou has never dared to expect too much from others. Although Zhu Chen is relatively practical, it is normal for her youth to be arrogant and open.

But when Chu Chen really cherished that bite of the wood attribute Shenquan that he couldn't add to him, Tang Rou found out that he was wrong. The mistake was very outrageous. He actually gave it? With such a sacred spring that made everyone jealous, he was really willing to give it to himself? ?

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