Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 365: Haohuang Tribulation Fist

An elder of the Medicine Palace with white hair and withered face took a sip of water with difficulty, and slowly spit out a word full of incredible!

What is Zixu Yan Bingquan? Purple is the color of the primordial age; the dual attributes of flame and ice match the power of yin and yang in the world. The combination of all this only represents six words: Taichu Yinyang Avenue!

The legend of this mouth-watering spirit only exists in the age of ancient mythology.

After the age of mythology, the gods fell. No one has ever seen this kind of super-order spring in the whole world. From then on, this purple virtual flame ice spring has completely become a myth and legend. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

According to legend, in some ages after the myth age, there were indeed a few stunning talents who had received other dual-attribute super-level springs. It's just that the dual-attribute springs they get are all super-level springs with wood, water, wood, wind, water, and soil attributes. No one has ever obtained the dual-attribute super-level spring spirit of water and fire, which represents the yin and yang avenue.

The dual-attribute Super Spring Soul is a legend. And the super-level spring soul with dual attributes of flame and ice is a legend in the legend! ! Chu Chen is the only person in the world for hundreds of millions of years who has obtained this super-level spring soul that represents the Yin-Yang Dao of the primordial primordial avenue! !

The entire forest is completely crazy!

Zixu Yan Bingquan is actually the Zixu Yan Bingquan.

The god-level spring is rare for decades, and the dual-attribute super-level spring is rare for thousands of years! And Zixu Yan Bingquan was the first time it appeared before the world after the era of myth!

"Uh...Is this stuff so good?"

Seeing everyone around him in shock, Chu Chen subconsciously scratched his scalp.

To be honest, he only sensed that the special power possessed by this divine spring was the most powerful in his spiritual sense, and he never expected that he would dug up a good thing that only existed in the age of myth.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, just as Chu Chen was about to sit on the ground to refine this super-grade spring soul, a violent roar suddenly resounded from the void.

"Well, something like yours is also worthy of owning the Purple Void Flame Ice Spring? Die to me! Only me! Only I am qualified to own it! Haohuang Tribulation Fist!!"

In that violent roar, there is an extremely strong hatred, unwillingness, anger, and shame.

Everyone only saw a figure violently rising into the sky, and the next moment, a blazing light beam of spiritual power was wrapped around his body and struck Chu Chen fiercely!

"Haohuang Jie Miequan, that is Fan Ling's ultimate ultimate move! Fan Ling shot this kid!!"

Among the crowd, a continuous exclamation suddenly sounded...

In the legend of heaven and earth, "Hao" is a prestigious emperor in ancient times.

In the ancient barbaric period when the human race was still in ignorance, leading the human race to defeat several tyrannical savage beasts, and made great contributions to human beings as the only dominant race in the world. It is enough to compete with "Tai", "Qi", "Yu", etc. A generation of holy emperors of equal fame.

As the saying goes, "the tiger father has no dog son", Haohuang's son is also a wise and determined ancient king.

He obeyed his father's order and disciplined himself all his life, leading the human race to a new glorious era, and achieved great achievements not inferior to his father.

In order to record this pair of father and son holy emperors, later generations called them "Haohuang", father "Taihao", and son "Shaohao".

The legend of "Haohuang Jiejiequan" was created by "Shaohao" of the two Haohuang emperors.

It is said that when Shaohao saw Taihao's invincibility across the world, his life was full of mythological legends. In his later years, he looked like an ordinary old farmer, withered and skinny, and fell into an irretrievable state of internal collapse, unable to escape the world of birth, old age, sickness and death. Reincarnation.

Involuntary grief came from it, and he created the world-famous "Haohuang Jiejiequan" with his unwillingness, respect, regret, and heartache to his father.

Expect to use this set of boxing techniques to break the secret of human longevity and break through the confinement of reincarnation.

In ancient times, this set of boxing techniques was one of the most powerful supernatural powers between heaven and earth, possessing the terrifying power of breaking heaven and earth and destroying mountains and seas.

It's just that after endless years, the true essence of boxing has been lost in the long river of history.

Later, someone obtained the incomplete fist score of this set of fist in the ancient holy emperor ruins, plus some deductions and derivations of his own to form the current "Haohuang Tribulation Fist", which was later passed on to the medicine palace. Bing Lao's hand.

Therefore, seeing Fan Ling perform this set of boxing techniques, many medicine palace disciples were shocked and envied in their hearts. I didn't expect that Old Bing would love this closed disciple so much that he actually passed this prestigious set of boxing techniques from ancient times to him. !

Although everyone is nominally a disciple of the Medicine Palace, the actual treatment received is very different!

"Fan Ling, you are looking for death!"

Seeing the fierce Haohuangjie Miequan Jin's violent spiritual power surge towards Chu Chen, Tang Rou's face shook fiercely, and she furiously scolded her and shot.

With her soft rebuke, a faint green glare burst into bloom like a lotus flower, with layers of lotus petals crystal clear, with a total of nine layers, forming a solid light curtain that firmly surrounded Chu Chen.

With Tang Rou's temperament, since he had already said beforehand that he would protect Chu Chen, he naturally did what he said. Therefore, as soon as he saw Fan Ling's troubles, he stopped in front of him and used his strongest profound art "Nine Lotuses of the Nine Lotuses" to stop Fan Ling.

"Hmph, the fireflies dare to compete with the sun and the moon! Do you want to block my magic fist? Break it!"

Along with a cold snort from Fan Ling~www.ltnovel.com~, a roar that seemed to be true and imaginary suddenly sounded in the void, and it seemed that an ancient emperor was angry.

When the humming sounded, the faint green lotus petals surrounding Tang Rou suddenly gave a slight pause! At this moment of inadmissibility, the fiery fist blasted through the nine layers of lotus petals in an instant, and slammed down towards her in Tang Rou's horrified eyes!

How could this be!

Tang Rou was completely stunned by the scene before her eyes.

Her "Nine Lotuses" is a set of famous profound arts inherited from ancient times. The nine lotus petals constructed by spiritual power can attack and defend, especially for defense.

Moreover, the "Shenmu Duhaiquan" she just refined has extremely strong vitality, with unparalleled patience and toughness.

In her expectation, the nine lotus petals constructed with all her strength, even if the powerhouse in the middle and late stages of Lingquan has a full blow, it might be difficult to break it in one blow! And who is Fan Ling in front of him? He is a monk who hasn't turned the spring and entered the spiritual spring realm! With one blow, she completely broke through the spiritual defense that she had built with all her strength...How could this guy be so strong!

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