Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1003: Crazy black donkey

The black donkey looked dying.

And when its four thin donkey legs trembled when it was walking, the monks couldn't help but worry, suspecting that it would not be long before the thin legs would break directly.

The black donkey looks unreliable, but the lame teenager on the donkey is even more unreliable. His eyes seem to be open and half-awake, he is still dozing off! !

Riding on a donkey, the young man began to walk forward slowly.

Do you follow such a person and a donkey to find the exit of the giant mountain?

"This, this is too ridiculous? Is there such a way to find a way?"

"There are many crises in the huge mountain. Is this finding a way for us, or is it taking us to death!"

"Don't forget, last time we got out of trouble and left the sea of ​​blood, although it was because of the elder Lingxin, he also piloted!"

"But now it is not he who is leading the way, it is the donkey who is leading the way, he is sleeping!"

"It's too irresponsible. Give the donkey the lead, what are you doing?"


In the crowd, complaints of dissatisfaction continued to sound.

Because of the Battle of Blood Sea, many people still have certain expectations for this lame boy's ability to lead the way.

Unexpectedly, getting up early in the morning would be such a way to lead the way!

It's just taking everyone's lives as a trifle.

Who knows where this sick donkey will take everyone to, thinking of this, the monks have no confidence in their hearts.

While everyone was hesitating, an accident happened suddenly.

The black donkey that was originally sick and feeble suddenly let out a long hiss, as if going crazy suddenly, then ran away!

"Teng Teng Teng..."

Four hoofs fluttered, and the four thin donkey legs of the black donkey glared wildly on the ground like a convulsive wind, and the whole figure that it drove was like an electric light.

That violent speed even drove the air around him to make a low explosion.

"What's going on? This donkey went crazy suddenly?"

"This crazy donkey is very fast, wouldn't it be a flashback? It can actually run so far in one go!!"

"Don't talk nonsense, follow up quickly, don't let this donkey get lost!"

With a cry of exclamation, a group of monks hurriedly urged the cultivation in their bodies, turning into a ray of light and chasing in the direction where the black donkey disappeared.

What everyone didn't expect was that the road the black donkey walked was very rugged. Strictly speaking, it was not a "road" at all. There were jagged rocks everywhere, and in some places it was even impossible. Foot off.

But just on such a rugged and tortuous mountain road, the silhouette of that donkey seemed to have completely turned into a violent wind, like a gale.

The most terrifying thing is that after half a day, the black donkey did not slow down at all, but its speed was getting faster and faster!

At the same time, among the monks who ran wildly behind it, some people below the Lingxi realm already felt a little tired.

Even a super powerhouse in the Lingxi realm must constantly urge his own cultivation base to ensure that he will follow this sick donkey. The endurance of this donkey makes everyone feel extremely surprised.

Gradually, the team was getting longer and longer, and because of the difference in strength, the cultivators were in different positions in the longer and longer team, but everyone did not dare to neglect and kept up.

With the passage of time, the route that the black donkey walks becomes more and more rugged and steep. Sometimes it takes several feet away to find a place to stand, and in some places it is in the cracks of rocks or the edge of cliffs. The dangerous place made all the monks go a little bit frightened.

At the end, there was often almost no road around, and I saw the black donkey jumping horizontally and horizontally among the steep rocks, turning from left to right, looking like it was crazy.

The monks only felt that they were getting deeper and deeper into the barren land of the giant mountain.

"What the **** is going on with this donkey? How do you choose the most difficult place to go?"

"At first, I saw this donkey sick, as if it was about to die at any time, but now why is it getting more and more energetic? How powerful is this look back?"

"It seems to me, looking at the crazy appearance of this donkey, I'm afraid it won't be long to toss, and it will eventually fall to death."

"Everyone, hold on, we can't lose to this crazy donkey! It won't last long."

"Yes, let's continue to follow, killing this stupid donkey alive!!"


Along the way, everyone's heart was suffocating more or less, what was the bad road?

But at the same time, everyone is also curious, where will this crazy donkey lead everyone?

Before it falls!

The result was beyond everyone's expectation, until the sun went down, then the moon was high, and then the moon fell in the west and sunrise in the east.

The black donkey, who was originally sick, has been walking in the vast and barren mountains for two days and one night.

Not only did this black donkey fail to die violently as everyone expected, but it went more and more energetic, with no signs of weakness at all.

Its eyes are piercing, its expression is excited, and it even feels like it has just entered a state.

The face of a donkey, which was originally a bit simple and dull, became more and more hideous with the passage of time, with sharp white teeth intertwined, and the slightly blood-red eyes flashed with dazzling fierce light from time to time.

It seemed as if it had suddenly awakened a certain fierceness, and it began to exude a tyrannical and fierce aura.

On the contrary, the monks behind it who wanted to consume the black donkey alive were very tired.

After all, everyone's storage ring is no longer usable now, without any replenishment medicine ~www.ltnovel.com~ After two days and one night racing on the rugged and rugged barren mountains, most people will inevitably become tired.

Seeing that half of the people’s faces appeared a little haggard, Qiu San hurriedly flew up and down a few times, and accelerated to the side of Elder Lingxin: "Elder Lingxin, it seems that everyone is tired, please follow Brother Tonghu..."

The Elder Lingxin is at the back of the team and has always been responsible for the safety of the entire team. After hearing Qiu San's words, he glanced at the crowd, nodded, and the figure moved up. The whole person floated like a light feather and arrived. Chu Chen at the front of the team whispered a few words to him in a low voice.

Hearing the whispers of the elder Lingxin, Chu Chen nodded, and suddenly slapped the black donkey with a hard "slap" on the head.

The black donkey was leaping and climbing on several towering stone pillars enthusiastically. After being hit by Chu Chen, he was immediately stunned, then turned his head and grinned, and smiled at Chu Chen.

This donkey was not at all ferocious and cruel as before, and saw that long donkey face eased into a funny arc, eyebrows drooped, and a rather humane flattery expression.

This made everyone couldn't help but feel nauseous and nauseous!

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