Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 377: Mysterious waste fire

"I remember, it's that guy! The guy who dug out the dual-attribute Ultra-Level Spring Soul Purple Void Flame Ice Spring in Zhong Luck the other day... he was smelting the potion!

After looking at Chu Chen carefully for a while, a slightly chubby disciple was taken aback, as if he suddenly thought of something, let out an exclamation!

"That's the lucky one who dug four and one, a super-level spring?" Someone was surprised when he heard the words of the short and fat man. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable) When Chu Chen was digging in the Lingquan Forest, the two of them were there. At this time, they both looked at Chu Chen with a surprised look. The "Fiction" novel chapter was updated the fastest

"This lucky guy actually came to smelt the potion fire. What kind of fire did he collect? He is willing to use the main altar. It seems that this flame must be extraordinary!"

As the two men whispered softly, more and more people gathered to the edge of the main altar. After Chu Chen sat on the main altar, his expression became more serious than ever.

He ran the exercises slightly to adjust all his qi, blood and cultivation base to the peak state. Seeing him so solemnly, others became more curious about the type of potion he smelted.

The light on the melting platform is getting brighter and brighter, and that kind of power is getting stronger and stronger.

When the power of the entire formation became strong, all the rays of light instantly dimmed and disappeared into the depths of the Melting Fire Platform. This is the unique phenomenon of returning to nature when the main altar is opened to the greatest extent!

All the formations of Melting Fire Platform have been fully urged!

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen exhaled slightly. With a mouth open, a group of extremely rich black spiritual light spit out from the mouth.

As the strong spiritual power on the surface began to fade, that mysterious and special fire finally appeared in front of everyone...

In an instant, everyone's eye sockets throbbed violently. Many people even rubbed their eyes a few times, wondering if they were mistaken.

In everyone's eyes, there was a small, light gray flame floating in front of Chu Chen.

In fact, it feels a bit wrong to use the word "flame" to describe that thing. It is too small and weak, like a gray air mass. no

No matter how you look at it from any angle, it is like a mass of waste gas without the slightest attribute or the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power!

This... Is this the kind of fire that will spur the refining of the main altar at the expense of 50,000 contribution points? This is the mysterious fire that has stirred up the entire melting fire platform almost to the ground?

This is the potion fired by the lucky person who has obtained the first Purple Void Flame Ice Spring Ultra Spring Soul since the ages? ?

Everyone feels stupid... To be honest, watching Chu Chen's solemnity, everyone would think that the potion he was going to smelt must be an incredible super fire.

At least it should be a real fire of more than five or six. Some people even think that this lucky guy has received a legendary fire of level seven.

But no one thought that this guy had spent so much time to refining, it turned out to be... a bunch of waste fire?

"I... Am I wrong."

The slightly chubby Yaogong disciple rubbed his eyes again in disbelief, and made sure that there was nothing Wèntí in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the thinking of a genius is different from that of a normal mortal? Ultra-Order Spring Soul with waste fire... This guy's behavior is definitely unprecedented."

"Even real fire is not Shìde waste fire? Are you mistaken! Did this guy accidentally burn his brain when he caught the medicine fire! Not only does it take such a big task to start the melting fire platform, the main sacrifice? Taiwan, this guy can't spend too much money!"

"This, this... this is simply the waste of his purple virtual flame ice spring, which is rare in the world! Prodigal son, really a living prodigal! Using the purple virtual flame ice spring to smelt waste fire, this guy wants It was struck by thunder!"


A whisper full of shock, doubt, and disbelief emanated from the crowd, and everyone felt that their brains were not enough.

No matter how unreasonable or against the sky, I am afraid that it will not be more confusing than the scene they saw before their eyes.

It's just that no amount of unbelievable questions can affect Chu Chen sitting on the main altar.

When released from the bottomless spiritual spring again, Chu Chen clearly felt that the surrounding void had undergone some very small and subtle changes, which was a change in the rules of heaven and earth.

At the moment the sky fire came out, one could feel that the whole world seemed to have a faint smell of "fear". Obviously, this piece of heaven and earth is afraid of this sky fire!

Among them, the most "fear" is probably the melting platform under Chu Chen's ass.

This huge "fire-refining crystal jade" has not refined, dissolved, and annihilated many flames since its birth.

The medicine fire is alive, even if the legendary legendary flame of the seventh or even the eighth reaches the melting fire platform, it will be suppressed by the special "refining fire" aura here, and will not dare to be fierce.

But when the fire of the day appeared, this huge ancient mysterious "melting fire station" composed purely of "refining fire crystal jade" mixed with several ancient powerful formations was the first time in history that there was "fear". feel!

This flame is terrifying, terrifying! If it broke out, it would not be able to withstand this melting platform!

The melting fire station is afraid of this sky fire! Chu Chen really felt the smell of "fear"~www.ltnovel.com~ and even the power of the vast "fire-refining array" hidden in the depths of the melting fire platform seemed to be affected. , It won't work at all!

Tsk...no, the aura of the sky fire is too strong, and the melting fire platform can't be suppressed, what can I do!

Chu Chen was slightly startled in his heart and felt the entire melting platform for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up! There is such a good thing on the main altar!

It turns out that when this melting platform was designed, it was considered that the younger disciples might have amazing fate and Kěnéng obtained some rare and rare fires. If even the main altar of the melting fire was unable to suppress the power of those rare and rare fires. If you do, you can also open the special "fire barrier" of the main altar.

These enchantments were jointly laid down by the ancestors who founded the Medicine Palace back then, and have been carefully blessed by generations of the Medicine Palace holders. They have extremely powerful fire protection capabilities and are specially used to suppress the terrifying heat of those rare and strange fires. The cost of opening these "fire barriers" is also very high: a barrier requires 10,000 contribution points! Legend has it that there were five ancestors when the founding of the Liyao Palace, so there are five ways in this "fire barrier".

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