Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1116: Rogue landlord cold tenant

After Chu Chen made his "cohabitation" request, compared with the look of contempt with half-squinted eyes of others, Zi Xi didn't care at all.

She nodded stupidly, "Yes."

There was no unpleasant expression on the perfect face of the purple-haired girl.

All the new disciples couldn't help but be shocked at this moment, no one thought that this girl who looked so beautiful and had a good cultivation base was so casual.

However, since even this person has agreed, outsiders like them are not easy to say anything, they have to shake their heads while sighing that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

It can only be said that this new big brother Chu Chenming is really good, and he directly took a beautiful monk who didn't seem to understand anything to the cave mansion.

"Well, now that everyone has chosen their own cave mansion, let's go back to rest each." Dong

Zhao Shi finally breathed a long sigh of relief after finishing the assignment.

"The training task of this peak is not onerous, you can follow your own rhythm and habits. But every three days, the senior brother will teach everyone in the book tower of this peak, and then we will work together. Just go to the book tower and meet up."

The disciples nodded one after another, and dispersed without saying much.

Obviously everyone knows that Duxu Peak has been abandoned for many years. Because the big disciples have lost their generations, they don't expect to receive how systematic cultivation and study here.

And speaking of it, although Chu Chen's strength is strong, many people don't have much hope about how much a young master can teach.

After the crowd dispersed, Chu Chen walked in the direction of the Dongfu he had chosen. Behind him, the expressionless purple-haired girl followed suit, looking like a small attendant.

I have to say that this Duxu Peak is too desolate, the vast ancient peak that is as high as ten thousand feet, only a few dozen disciples live on it.

When everyone was gone, one glance showed that the vast mountains and rivers were endless and deserted.

Staying here for a long time is afraid that it will give people the illusion that I am the only one left between heaven and earth.

Because the cave house that Chu Chen chose was the highest point of the entire ancient peak, close to the top of the mountain, the more you walk up, the more you can feel the violent wind blowing down in the void.

The wind was accompanied by low and low whimpers, as if some unknown demon was whispering, and it sounded a frightening feeling.

The so-called top of the mountain is actually the fractured part of the entire Duxu Peak, which is so tall and straight into the sky, even the clouds are just floating under the peak.

At first glance, the surrounding area was vast, and there was no other mountain comparable to it.

When he stepped into the vast peak, Chu Chen almost had the illusion that he had come to another piece of land.

The top of this peak is too vast, and I can see a vast expanse of black land at a glance.

Surprisingly, the ground on the top of this peak is extremely flat. Although it is covered with traces of wind and rain erosion, it is generally clean, as if it were polished from a huge black stone.

How did this ancient peak break? The fracture is so flat, could it be cut by a sword?

A shocking thought suddenly appeared in Chu Chen's mind. Looking up from the top of the peak, the blue-black sky seemed to be within reach.

The naked eye can see bursts of fierce wind in the void, drawing a black arc. This wind can forcibly tear the void to form a spatial crack. It is hard to imagine the wind in the depths of the void. How fierce it is.

Here...is the place where the Golden Wing Roc once left an immortal mark?

Looking up at the sky blankly for a while, Chu Chen turned his head thoughtfully and glanced at Zi Xi, only to see the purple-haired girl also looking up at the sky, a pair of amethyst-like eyes gleaming faintly.

The cave house that Chu Chen chose was in an ancient pine forest near the top of the mountain. These ancient pine trees did not know how long they had lived. The trunks were vigorous and thick, as if an old dragon was entrenched.

Because they have been baptized by the wind on the top of the mountain for many years, these ancient pines have excellent toughness, and they will not break even if they are blown by the strong wind.

The ancient pine forest occupies a huge area and looks like a sea of ​​pine forests from a distance.

Once entering the sea of ​​pine forests, it was obvious that the wind in the void was weakened a lot.

When Chu Chen and Zi Xi came to the gate of a closed cave, the surrounding wind had disappeared without a trace, and the world became extremely calm.

From the outside, this cave mansion is about ten meters high, and the entrance of the cave is sealed by a huge blue stone gate.

There are many weeds and shrubs growing around the cave. It is clear that there has been no one inhabited for quite some time here.

Walking to a place not far from the door, Chu Chen took out a black jade card that Zhao Shi gave him.

As a mellow spiritual power was injected into it, a faint glow began to be emitted from the jade card.

At the same time, the door that had been closed for so many years slowly opened with a dull loud noise.


As soon as the door opened, a rotten breath that had been sealed for a long time, mixed with clusters of spider silk, dust, etc., hit his face.

Chu Chen frowned, and his sleeve robe violently shook, and he waved an invisible gas to blow away the surrounding dust.

From the entrance, you can see that this cave mansion occupies a very spacious area, and some stone tables, chairs, and beds are all available in the magnificent cave mansion.

It's just maybe because no one has cleaned it for too long, and the entire cave is covered with a thick layer of dust, and a large cloud of dust will fly away after a little movement~www.ltnovel.com~ Chu who saw this I looked around in the morning, leaped slightly to a thick pine tree in front of the gate of the cave, and waved at the purple seal.

"Don't you want to live in it? Clean it up now."

Zi Xi nodded and didn't speak, she saw her slightly stretched out her palm and waved forward, a fierce wind rushed out from her, like a mighty dragon taking the entire cave. It's full.

Under the blowing of this violent wind, the thick dust in the cave was swept up by the violent wind instantly.

When this gust of wind rushed out of the cave again, it had completely turned into gray-black, and the thick dust contained in it was as thick and heavy as a black dragon.

After sweeping away the dust in general, Zi Xi quickly buckled several seals with her hands in front of her, and walked seven steps in the void.

In front of her, an azure sea area appeared. With the wave of her palm, the azure sea area turned into a fierce blue torrent and rolled out, rushing towards the interior of the cave.

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