Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 393: Activated evil talisman

Viewed from the outside world, the entire book collection hall covers only four or five acres of land.

But once you walk inside, you will feel extremely wide inside.

This hall seems to contain a very sophisticated space-type formation, a bit like an array like "Mustard Seed Nasumi", but a small area hides a huge space.

After strolling in the library for half an hour, Chu Chen gradually felt a little abnormal. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

His keen sense suddenly felt that something seemed to be hidden somewhere in the book collection hall, and he pondered slightly.

When I walked to a blind spot near the bookshelf, I didn't turn a corner, but walked towards the wall in front...

The moment he stepped out, it seemed to pass through a thin layer of restriction.

Behind that "wall" was a wider hall. Bookshelves as high as ten feet are lined up, and you can't see the edge at a glance!

This... this book collection hall actually hides a bigger and wider book collection hall!

Chu Chen was slightly surprised. The hidden hall was too big, he walked in the huge hall, surrounded by huge bookshelves that were endless.

After walking for an hour, the surrounding scenery hasn't changed at all. He was dazzled by the rare catalogues of ancient books.

However, when he walked to a corner of the hall, a strange feeling suddenly surged from deep in his heart. At that moment, he suddenly felt cold all over, and a chill rushed from the spine to the back of his head, making him fight a solid cold war.

Ok? How is this going?

Why? At that moment, Chu Chen's keen spiritual sense seemed to feel a dark, cold, and evil aura flickering in the void, and it quickly disappeared. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

That breath appeared too suddenly and disappeared too quickly.

So that when Chu Chen reacted, he didn't think that it was just his own illusion, and Shìde really had an evil spirit.

How could this be? The book collection hall of the Medicine Palace has all been laid down with extremely clever ancient prohibition formations.

Moreover, the "Four Treasures of the House" itself has the function of warding off evil spirits and suppressing evil spirits.

It stands to reason that this kind of place filled with the scent of "Xuan Ling Mo" ink does not have the presence of evil monks in Kěnéng. Because Xuanling Moxiang, which has endless benefits for the righteous Taoist, is like a poison to the evil Taoist, it cannot resist at all.

Is it an illusion?

Chu Chen slowed down and walked step by step towards the direction of the evil spirit he felt.

As you move forward, the dark, cold, evil, and tyrannical aura in the void gets heavier and heavier. In the end, it can be easily felt even without spiritual sense.

This discovery surprised Chu Chen. If the book collection hall of the Medicine Palace were invaded by evil powers, it would probably cause an unimaginable disaster!

When thinking of this, Chu Chen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly urged the profound arts in his body to the extreme state, cautiously walking towards the place where the evil spirits were most intense...


Just when Chu Chen was about to move forward, a slight trembling sound suddenly came out in the air.

The next moment... the storage ring he was carrying suddenly trembled wildly.

Ok? what happened?

I thought I would be attacked, but I didn't expect the storage ring to change.

He could feel that something in the inner space of the storage ring was madly hitting the entrance of the space, trying to break through the shackles of the storage ring.

what is this?

When Chu Chen opened the exit of the storage ring, a black light broke out, transforming a black thing in the void.

At first glance, this thing looks like some kind of fragment, about the size of a half palm. The whole body was dark in color, and there were some broken lines on it, which looked like some kind of broken talisman fragments.

this is……

After frowning and thinking for a while, Chu Chen remembered where this thing came from.

At the beginning, his black eagle clone evolved to a depth of sixty feet deep into the Black Mist Valley, and he picked up such a mysterious black remnant.

For a long time, this remnant talisman stayed in the depths of his storage ring without any movement, which made him almost forget that there was such a thing. Now he suddenly remembered seeing the remnant talisman flying out of his own accord.

After the black palm-sized remnants flew out of the storage ring, it seemed to have an autonomous life suddenly, and the whole body emitted a dark light.

This light was different from the black aura in Chu Chen's body.

Although Chu Chen's Lingquan was also black in nature, it was full of majestic, unpredictable and magnificent artistic conception, and it was a magnificent righteous profound art.

But the light radiating from this remnant talisman was actually full of incomparable dark, cold, and evil flavor. It seems that there is a vicious evil spirit lurking inside, staring at the world eagerly.

When the dark light slowly spread, a sudden change made Chu Chen dumbfounded and shocked!

When the black remnants floated in the void, the ancient books on the tall bookshelves next to them seemed to be invisible traction, floating in mid-air autonomously and began to flip automatically.

Every time a page is turned, the handwriting written in "Xuanlingmo" on those pages gradually disappears.

At the same time, a slender ink thread began to spread out from the book one after another, continuously submerged in the residual talisman.

This... this weird remnant talisman will actually swallow Xuan Mo's spiritual power on its own!

Chu Chen's surprise was not trivial. UU reading www.uukanshu.com remnants swallowed the Sùdù of Xuan Lingmo, and almost a breathing time could swallow all the Xuan Lingmo of several ancient books.

When Chu Chen began to react violently to squeeze the remnants of the talisman in the void, hundreds of ancient books had already been swallowed up completely.

Those ancient books were scattered on the ground, and the white porcelain paper glowing with a pale blue light was white and clean, and there was no word.

How could this be!

Chu Chen was really panicked. It is well known that the "Four Treasures of the House" has always been the carrier of the human beings. Therefore, it is blessed by the human aura in the dark and filled with the awe-inspiring righteousness of the human being.

This awe-inspiring righteousness is incompatible with the evil ways and the evil spirits of the evil ways and the evil spirits, and they restrain each other. Therefore, in this book-collecting hall full of the fragrance of profound spirit ink, there are usually no evil people in Kěnéng. For them, this is equivalent to a huge poison cave! However, the evil spirit on this weird remnant talisman not only has not been restrained by the awe-inspiring righteousness contained in the profound spirit ink, but can instead swallow the profound spirit ink on its own. How pure is the evil spirit on this piece? ancient?

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