Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1298: 2 Brother's doubts

In the wind and snow, everyone's eyes were focused on the twelve peak masters whose spiritual power was greatly weakened.

All of them looked gloomy and their eyes flickered, although they were still like twelve gods of destruction, exuding endless aura of destruction.

But the aura of destruction also decayed a little along with their spiritual power. The twelve-day-level ancient peak peak master, headed by the scholar in Qingshan, still did not dare to act rashly for a while, staring at the mysterious blue on the summit of Crossing Void Peak. Silver-haired woman in robe.

At this time, the disciples of Du Xufeng sighed in excitement.

"As expected, Master Peak Master, as soon as he came back, he sealed the twelve masters of the Tianhe Realm, too domineering!"

"I didn't expect that someone would be able to seal twelve old demons of the Tianhe realm at once. Is the peak master a human or a god?"

"Each of the twelve peak masters is a side hegemon, and at the same time, we have suffered a loss in the hands of our peak master, they will retreat when they are in trouble."

In contrast, the excitement of all the disciples of Crossing the Xufeng Peak was beyond self-control, but the second senior brother Zhao Shi was terribly calm.

"Master, I have a question for you?"

"You said."

Chu Chen found that the Lingxue was getting denser, he knew that the real Lingfeng awakening was about to begin.

"Why will Peak Master return at this time?"

Zhao Shi asked word by word.

Chu Chen frowned slightly, "This, it's hard for me to answer, and I don't know she will return at this time."

"Then let me ask you another way, what did you do to get the peak master to return early?!"

As soon as Zhao Shi said this, Han Ye, Zi Xi, and Feng Qiang were shocked. They knew that the second brother would not make rash assertions.

Among the crowd, especially Han Ye, he couldn't help but hit a spirit. The peak master's return period has been a time when the peak master returned for thousands of years.

And this time the time has been advanced. Is it really weird?

Who is the big brother who can make the peak master return in advance to awaken the spirit peak?

Could it be that Big Brother knew Master Peak Master, but the moment Master Peak Master appeared, Senior Brother had never seen her at all, so what did he do to allow Master Peak Master to return early?

Han Ye thought, Chu Chen sat on the top of the peak every day before breaking the formation. Could it be because of what he did on the top of the peak?

Chu Chen took a breath, "Actually, I can't control when Master Peak Master returns, and I heard that this mysterious Master Peak Master is indifferent to the world and everything, but will only return to the void regularly. Feng performs the Lingfeng awakening ceremony. For such a mysterious powerhouse, there is only one way to influence her return date!"

Zhao Shi, Han Ye, Zi Xi, and Feng Qiang all looked at Chu Chen silently.

"The only way is to destroy Duxufeng, so that her once-a-hundred-year Lingfeng awakening cannot proceed."

What Chu Chen said surprised Zhao Shi and others because they didn't understand what Chu Chen meant.

"To be precise, I have been creating a signal that Duxu Peak is about to be destroyed. Every day, I am at the top of Duxu Peak, where the spirit veins of the entire Duxu Peak are located, and penetrate my sky fire into Duxu Peak. It’s spiritual vein, burning this spiritual vein every night to generate a signal that the Crossing Void Peak is about to be completely destroyed."

Chu Chen said slowly, "I don't know if this signal can be transmitted to the mysterious Master Peak Master, because she must have a mysterious connection with Du Xufeng, and I am also making the final fight. The signal was passed on by Du Xufeng himself. After Master Peak Master received the signal that Du Xufeng was about to be destroyed, if Du Xufeng was destroyed, it also meant that her Lingfeng awakening ceremony would not be possible, so she was very Maybe he will return early before Duxu Peak is destroyed."

Zhao Shi's eyes bloomed with brilliance, "Big brother is really big brother, and when everyone gives up, he still insists. Fortunately you bet this one!"

"Big Brother, you are so handsome. Twelve Peaks mainly kills all our disciples of Crossing Xufeng. This ancient peak must be maintained by them, because they still want their disciples to enjoy the Lingfeng feast! Unexpectedly, Da Brother, you actually created a signal to destroy Gu Feng itself, and brought Master Feng back in advance! My Xiaoqiang is completely convinced!"

"Thank you, big brother, you really are the true inheritor of my crossing Xufeng!"

Han Ye, whose tears were still wet on his face, bowed to Chu Chen again. At this time, except for Zi Xi, all the disciples were grateful and bowed to Chu Chen.

"Everyone, get up, Lingfeng's awakening begins!"

Chu Chen's gaze crossed the wind and snow, and looked at the top of Duxu Peak under the sky!

On the top of the distant mountain, a dazzling golden light beam suddenly soared into the sky, straight into the cloud night, and then spread everywhere. In a flash, it enveloped the entire Duxu Ancient Peak!


The entire Duxu Peak was already surrounded by a huge golden beam of light, as if it had been coated with a light golden light, becoming extremely dazzling.

In the middle of the seventy-two peaks of the dark Mo Ming, it seems that a pure golden mountain suddenly appeared, extremely gorgeous and noble!

This sudden eruption of Lingfeng completely suppressed the peaks at once.

Void trembles, and in the faintly dispersed golden light, a virtual shadow expands dramatically, covering the entire peak of Duxu Peak!

It was the mysterious figure of the Peak Master Duxu Peak who had just appeared.

This phantom of thousands of feet, standing silently on the top of the peak, like a colossus of a goddess, immaculately dusty, flawless and unsullied, its body is crystal clear, beautiful and indifferent overlooking the world.

She wore a blue robe like a fairy robes out of dust, endless silver hair flying like a waterfall, and silver hair all over the sky, like endless growth, drifting into distant time and space.

She quietly hung on the top of Duxu Peak, as if she had existed for thousands of years.

Waves of golden yellow ripples centered on her huge phantom, and they continued to spread around, and the entire Duxu Peak seemed to come alive!

Chu Chen could even feel that the spiritual energy was like a storm, one after another, a group of Duxu Peak disciples protected themselves in the spiritual storm, hunting and dancing with their clothes.

At this moment, Du Xufeng, who was previously attacked by twelve peerless experts of the Tianhe rank, had become lifeless, suddenly seemed to "waking up".

Obviously, I can feel an incomparable vitality and a rich spiritual source, from the cracks in the bottom of the feet, the volcanic eruption bursts and splashes!

Du Xufeng has been transformed into Lingfeng!

Under the effect of this incredible vitality, the rocks that had collapsed in Duxu Peak were restored one after another! ?

Like time reversal~www.ltnovel.com~ The land destroyed by the twelve peak masters inch by inch, reclose!

Within the domain of Duxufeng, everything began to grow rapidly.

On the ground and in the mountains and rocks, a little bit of emerald green sprang up, endlessly.

The green grass spits out buds, the dead wood comes in spring, and the branches and leaves pull the core.

In just a few breaths, Duxu Peak, which was originally dark, was covered with a layer of vibrant green.

The entire ancient peak became lush and lush, like a fairyland.

Moreover, everywhere in Gufeng, there appeared a gleaming bird and beast, such as deer, wolf, tiger, eagle, crane, and fish, all running or running.

Some soar in the mountains, some fly in the ancient woods, and some spirit fish jump out of the water, stirring up the waves of the stream.

Where did these spirit beasts come out?

Chu Chen didn't expect that Lingfeng awakened, so miraculous?

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