Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1356: Counterfeit Rat

"Uh...hehe, this kind of thing that is completely dependent on luck, I'll forget it, and leave it to you."

The young woman Li Jiao smiled when she heard the words, looked at Bao Shaolong and Chu Chen and waved her hands, "Sister, my luck has never been good."

And Bao Shaolong yawned and waved at Chu Chen: "I have never been interested in this kind of luck thing, or Brother Chu, come, I will not have any personal opinions, everyone. It’s better to be faster, I don’t want to spend my time shopping in the market."

Chu Chen nodded lightly, but he didn't care about this.

And Lu Fei smiled and clapped his hands after seeing the three of them making a decision: "Well, in this case, I will take you to a place specializing in the sale of relic maps. I know the stall owner very well, and I will definitely not cheat we."

Not long after, Lu Fei led everyone to a stall in the corner of the black market, where many jade slips of different shapes were placed on the stall.

There is no doubt that these jade is a map of ancient relics.

And this stall owner is a middle-aged man who looks a bit wretched. He wears a thick blindfold in one eye and a fierce look on his face. What is impressive is that this man has two extremes. The big front teeth, which were exposed outside the lips, looked a bit similar to rabbits, which made it a bit more funny in its fierceness.

"Yeah, our beautiful little Mayfair is here. Why, bring these newcomers to try their luck again?"

Seeing Lu Fei, the one-eyed bucktooth man walked over first, his eyes lit up, he smiled and beckoned, "I haven't seen you in a few days, Xiao Fei'er is much more beautiful, really looks stunning, full of beauty, I miss you It's tight."

"Oh, people are a little embarrassed to praise me so much."

Facing the one-eyed buck-tooth man's smirk, Lu Fei grinned with a big grin. She didn't seem to be angry about it. When she saw her eyes rolled around, she suddenly pursed her lips, "I think Uncle Big Tooth thought. Not me, but the fairy crystal in my hand."

"That said, your Uncle Ya is such a person."

The one-eyed bucktooth man chuckled, "It just happened that a batch of new maps sent by explorers just arrived this morning. They are all treasures that have just been discovered recently. Come and choose whatever you want."

Everyone looked at his booth carefully, and it turned out that there were many jade slips on the stall, and the spiritual energy aura emitted by the jade slips fluctuated slightly, which seemed to have just been sealed.

After looking at the booth for a while, Chu Chen had no other way. After all, although his spiritual sense was unmatched, he knew very little about the situation in the Little Immortal Realm. He didn't know the aura contained in those jade slips. Where is it bad?

And he kept thinking about when he should say goodbye to Lu Fei, and then go directly into the Little Immortal Realm by himself, so he started staying in place for a while.

"Heh... Brother Chu just came to Little Immortal Realm. I'm afraid I don't know the aura of various places here. If this is the case, should I give some advice?"

Seeing that Chu Chen seemed to hesitate, Zhu Han next to him smiled and asked.

Chu Chen smiled, ready to say yes.

He didn't have any thoughts, he was just faking him, he didn't care what relic jade slip to choose.

Just before he could answer, a familiar voice suddenly came to mind: "Don't worry, kid, let me choose the map. I am more familiar than you."

This voice is... little hamster!

Chu Chen was really stunned. When he entered the Little Immortal Realm from the summit of Duxu Peak, he only sensed that Zi Xi and Feng Qiang had entered the space crack behind him, but he didn't know one. When did the little hamster, who didn't know where he was, rushed over.

And unexpectedly, he rushed back into his arms again without even realizing it!

Ghost rat!

His lips twitched twice, and Chu Chen waved his hand at Zhu Han: "Don't bother you, I have a pet with the blood of some ancient'treasure hunting rats', and I have a unique feeling for exploring the breath of certain treasures."

While talking, he stretched out his hand to lift the little hamster out of his arms, and asked viciously in the soul exchange: "Dead mouse, when did you follow me into the little fairy world?"

"Just when you get dizzy by the space channel."

The little hamster grinned, replied with a telepathy, and then stretched out on the ground.

With a twist of his chubby butt, he began to sniff left and right on the stall, searching for it with all his might.

I don't know when it started. The little hamster seemed to have gained a lot of weight again, and his whole body had become a chubby ball. When he climbed up the stall, he could hardly see where his four legs were.

And seeing the naive look of the white little hamster, Lu Fei suddenly exclaimed: "What a cute little mouse, is this the legendary treasure hunter?"

"It's just a bit of the blood of a treasure hunter, not orthodox."

Chu Chen replied with a light smile, and the little hamster who heard him staggered, and glared at him viciously, which caused Lu Fei to exclaim again.

"So cute, so cute!"

After sniffing for half a cup of tea at the stall, the little hamster carried a gray-black jade slip to Chu Chen's hand, and swished over his shoulder.

Just before it sat down leisurely, a pair of snow-white jade hands stretched out and grabbed it in his hands and kneaded it.

"What a cute little fat mouse, what is your name~www.ltnovel.com~ can you understand human words? You seem to be very spiritual..."

Chu Chen turned his head to look, and saw Lu Fei next to him rubbing the little hamster with both hands, looking like he couldn't put it down.

And the little hamster "ravaged" by her palm was grinning with anger, but it was too small to break free for a while, so the girl had to crumple it into various shapes with a bitter face.

It is estimated that it will be interrogated by the girl in various ways, considering that it will speak, and can only bear to pretend to be dumb.

"In that case, choose this jade slip."

Chu Chen smiled faintly, and here Lu Fei was teasing the little hamster intently, and nodded when he heard the words.

But Bao Shaolong and Li Jiao didn't have any objection, any ancient ruins were unfamiliar to them anyway, and they didn't know the good times and bad times.

Not far away, Zhu Han frowned slightly when he saw this scene. To be honest, when the little hamster came out, he also carefully observed the fat and outrageous little mouse, but found that it is incompatible with the legend. The treasure hunter in the movie looks nothing like it at all.

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