Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 221: Temporary couple

"I suggest that everyone stay on the watch and help each other. It's all up to this point. It would be a pity if you can't get to the place at the last moment. Don't be too impulsive and keep moving forward at an even speed. This way, the breath is united and not only can be greatly improved. Save your energy. If you encounter quicksand or some fierce beasts in the desert, you can take care of each other."

A burly, heroic disciple began to organize the crowd, and they immediately nodded their heads. After five days and five nights of the blizzard in the secret medicine realm, the surviving hundreds of disciples could be regarded as "shared adversity" with each other.

At the moment, everyone opened the storage ring in situ, taking various Qi Qi Pills to supplement their spiritual and physical energy consumption. Then more than ninety people faintly arranged in an array, and with a loud shout, all the spiritual power instantly joined together, transformed into a continuous spiritual power light and shadow and flew towards the northeast.

According to the current speed, everyone can fly about two thousand miles in an hour. If it has been maintained, it will definitely be able to rush to the medicine palace location after twelve hours. So everyone's confidence has increased a lot.

In the crowd, Chu Chen's figure was not hurried, and he was very leisurely following the crowd.

Everyone can form a general trend, so that the spiritual energy consumed by a single disciple is greatly reduced, but it can still maintain an extremely fast speed.

And Chu Chen had the nameless footwork that he unwittingly realized during the battle with the snow mountain explosion wolves, so it was easier, and he could maintain the same speed as everyone else with almost no effort.

And behind Chu Chen, Shen Qian quietly followed Chu Chen.

The two of them relied on the spiritual power of that innate spiritual eye in the secret medicine realm, so they didn't consume much spiritual power during the trial process, and their strength was preserved intact.

Shen Qian accidentally saw that Chu Chen’s walking in a leisurely courtyard was extremely magical. He wanted to ask Chu Chen for advice, but he still couldn’t hold his face to say clearly. He simply followed him and subconsciously followed his footsteps. stand up.

"Always following, do you want to confuse me?"

Chu Chen turned around and smiled at Shen Qian, who was also following him.

"Don't be ashamed of anyone who wants to soak you, I just think your footwork is very strange, study it."

"No need to study, I can point you."

Shen Qian glared at him, his nose turned slightly, "Dead pervert, I won't be fooled, you don't use my name to hit my attention, otherwise I can't spare you!"

Okay, this satyr's reputation seems to be inextricably ridden, Chu Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, this little Nizi was really wary of him.

On the contrary, a tall, seemingly simple man next to him saw this scene and cast an enviable look at Chu Chen: "Brother, you are so lucky. Walking with the beautiful, I am envious of others."

"Uh..." Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

On the contrary, Shen Qian behind him blushed inexplicably when she heard these words, bowed her head slightly and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, even the few people next to him couldn't help but look over: "Yeah, yeah, this pair of brothers and sisters is really a match made in heaven. Both become disciples of the medicine palace, really only envy mandarin ducks. Xianxian."

"When two people sit on the top of Lingshan, they are definitely a couple of gods and goddesses!"

Chu Chen didn't respond much to the people's comments, only a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, but Shen Qian's face became redder and red, and she deliberately kept a certain distance from Chu Chen.

However, in the eyes of a group of disciples, there was a bit of a taste that wanted to cover up, but they all understood the shyness of "juvenile lovers".

Flying all the way, because of the beginning, everyone seemed very relaxed, and it didn't take much spiritual energy to follow the speed of the large army.

So many people started talking and laughing with each other. After all, everyone will be disciples of the Medicine Palace in the future, and there will always be no harm in having more contact points.

Seeing Chu Chen and Shen Qian, one was embarrassed and the other blushed. It was clearly the appearance of the young girl in love being said to have broken her mind, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, I also have a childhood sweetheart. It's a pity that she is not talented enough and her cultivation base is low, so she can't accompany me to the Medicine Palace."

"Hey, who said it's not..." As soon as the topic opened up, everyone quickly started talking. After all, most of the disciples are teenagers and girls in their teens and 20s, sharing common topics, and the atmosphere soon became quite enthusiastic.

As time slowly passed, everyone who was running at full capacity gradually felt a little bit tired.

The scene in the desert is extremely boring. At first glance, it is all covered with vast yellow sand. Occasionally a few withered plants are scattered on the endless Gobi, revealing a sense of vastness and desolation.

From the fourth hour, almost most people began to feel tired.

It has been running at the same speed, although everyone is connected to each other, the spiritual power consumed is far less than the spiritual power required for a person to fly at a fast speed.

After all, humans are not machines, they always need to rest. Even if everyone is watching and helping each other, the spiritual energy and aura are integrated, the spiritual power in the body does not consume much, but the physical fatigue can not be concealed.

Everyone gradually stopped talking, and focused on running.

But there was still no way to stop it, and everyone's speed dropped again and again!

The people who are getting slower and slower even have an illusion that they have been walking in place, because the surrounding scenery has not changed at all, and it will always be endless yellow sand.

At the eighth hour, almost everyone had a feeling that the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry... The most serious problem was that the qi elixirs prepared by many people in their storage rings had been exhausted.

Without the support of the elixir, the depletion of spiritual power in the body can no longer be replenished, and the spiritual power mask surrounding everyone is shaky, and finally, at the moment when a disciple can't support the fall, it shatters.

Without the blessing of spiritual power~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone feels the body is heavy. The legs seemed to be suddenly tied with a weight of tens of millions of catties. Can no longer maintain the original galloping speed, really fell into the most difficult state.

The strength of the monk mainly comes from the strong spiritual power in the body. Without the blessing of spiritual power, the monk is actually just a stronger mortal, even if he runs with all his strength, his speed is no better than a fast horse.

Up to this point, no matter it is a disciple of the tenth layer of Lingshui or a strong person in the virtual spring realm, they can no longer walk as fast as they can, and can only trek through the desert step by step like a mortal!

And now, everyone has run for nearly 14,000 miles, and there is still a full thousand miles away from where the final medicine palace is! And time, there are only four hours left!

Four hours running for a thousand miles...

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes felt violent bursts. This was almost a desperate result, and everyone finally understood how pertinent the old saying is:

Those who travel a hundred miles are half to ninety! The final thousand miles to this last, but the most difficult and arduous!

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