Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 274: Climb the Dragon List

"Xiaoxianjie's points can be changed to contribute points to the Medicine Palace..."

It was the first time that Chu Chen heard this statement. The last time he entered the Unreal Little Fairy Realm was when Biquan Immortal Sect. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

Since the defeat of Yao Jinghai, many things have come one after another. If it weren’t for Ling Xuan’s still inside, he would have almost forgotten about the Little Immortal Realm. Now he is mentioned by a militant like Shen Qian. Suddenly remembered.

He will continue to attack upward in the little fairy world until he sees Ling Xuan!

"If you don't know, just ask me for advice." Shen Qian smiled brightly, thinking that Xiao finally had something he didn't know. "Xiao Xianjie generally doesn't have many battle points between scattered people. After playing for a long time, he is exhausted. It’s just a few hundred points."


"But once you get to the top of the dragon ranking list, the points will be higher. If you enter the top ten of the dragon ranking list, you will receive a fixed amount of free points every day! The first place is five thousand, and the second place is three thousand. , The third place is two thousand, the fourth place is one thousand, and the fifth place is eight hundred. Six to ten can receive 500 points for free every day.

Chu Chen listened to it in his heart. Forget it, the points are really a lot. If you enter Qianshi, the ranking is a little higher, and 10,000 points are almost a few days after lying down.

"I have an elder sister named Lin Ha... Yes, it was one of the three spiritual spring realm experts when the Medicine Palace recruited students, a student of the Tianyuan Academy."

When talking about Lin Hao, Xiao Nizi's eyes flashed, and she looked proud of Lin Hao.

"Don't look at her quiet appearance, she is extremely powerful, but the super powerhouse who is ranked second in the dragon list, can directly receive 3,000 points for the medicine palace without doing anything every day...the legend is Big family!"

While talking, Shen Qian shook his head in admiration, her expression full of envy that could not be concealed. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

"With your strength and fighting skills, I think you should be able to enter the top ten. Why hasn't it been in the top ten?" Chu Chen glanced at Shen Qian, he was always very puzzled about this issue.

"The top ten is rare." Shen Qian shook his head.

Shen Qian's expression suddenly twisted, biting her lip, and looking at Chu Chen, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Yeah! You need to make money, and I want to make it to the top of the dragon list. How about this, let's get together How about hitting the dragon list?"

"Huh?" Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, but saw Shen Qian's expression on his face and happily clapped his palms, "That's it! I will wait for you at the gate of Xiaoxianjie at three quarters tomorrow. If you dare to be late, please It's dead!" As he said, he patted Chu Chen on the shoulder with a grin, and quickly walked back to his courtyard.

Chu Chen hadn't fully reacted yet, and he didn't even have a chance to refute, as he saw Shen Qianlian's next sentence long ago. I couldn't help but laughed bitterly: This girl is really troubled.

The last time he entered the illusory world, he was in Biquan Xianzong. Because he was worried about the comfort of the witch Ling Xuan, he wanted to enter the dragon list as quickly as possible, so as to enter the more advanced arena and Meet Ling Xuan. Really fought crazy in the arena for a while.

But Xiaoxianjie's promotion system is too cumbersome. No matter how clever his fighting skills are, even if he meets any opponent, he can be knocked down with one punch. It takes too much time to break into the top ten of the dragon list step by step. . Later, because of various things, he had no time to enter the arena to compete.

Now that Shen Qian’s invitation, coupled with the fact that he also needs a lot of Little Immortal Realm points in exchange for Medicine Palace contribution points, it rekindles some excitement in his heart: Ling Xuan ah Ling Xuan, I hope you don’t compete in high-level competitions. Go too fast in the field. I will grow as fast as possible to find you...

Shen Qian was very punctual. When Chu Chen's consciousness passed through the message of Yugui and entered the Little Immortal Realm, she found that she had already been waiting at the entrance of the arena. Seeing him appear, Shen Qian's face suddenly showed a smile: "Yes, you are quite punctual. I didn't make me wait much. It seems that the charm of beautiful women is really great, and you know whether you are such a small person. Will let me down, hahaha..."

Chu Chen touched his nose speechlessly. He really didn't know how to answer this kind of words that raised himself and devalued others while still cursing him with no seriousness. Shen Qian next to him was very happy. He and Chu Chen came to the huge fighting skill light screen next to the sports square and looked at the dragon ranking list that spanned the entire square. A trance suddenly appeared in his expression: "Denglong List... Since I first entered the world of little immortals three years ago, I vowed to conquer you. Now, the famous little fairy Shen Qian is coming for real! Are you ready? | Hehehe..."Girl low He hummed twice, suddenly as if he had discovered something, he patted Chu Chen on the shoulder in surprise: "Huh? It has only been more than two months, and the dragon ranking list has changed so much. Even the first place was dropped by someone!"

Following Shen Qian's gaze, Chu Chen's eyes shrank slightly.

He was also very familiar with the list of the dragons. For the entire Unreal Fairy World, entering the Denglong List is undoubtedly the ultimate dream of all warriors ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Thousands of people challenge the strong on the Denglong List every day. Therefore, among the 500 strong players on the Dragon List, the rankings of the next few hundred strong players are frequently changed.

However, relatively speaking, the stronger one ranks in the top of the dragon list, because his own fighting skills and experience have become closer and closer to perfection, but it is not easy to lose the ranking. Especially the top ten powerhouses, if not for a particularly powerful dark horse, will not change every few months.

For most warriors in the illusory fairy world, the top ten powerhouses are an insurmountable monument, representing the limit of a spiritual water realm battle. That is the true pride of heaven.

However, if Chu Chen checked again after two months, he was surprised to find that the top ten most stable players in the entire dragon list had undergone a major change. The formerly ranked No. 1 and invincible "death sickle" alone Actually fell to the third place. Instead, there is a brand new name "Ji Hao" that has never appeared on the dragon ranking list before. It is precisely because of the entry of this dark horse that almost all of the top ten rankings have dropped by one place. Only Lin Hao, who was originally ranked second, remained unchanged, still firmly holding the second place.

Who is Ji Hao? Chu Chen and Shen Qian called up all the materials of this name almost at the same time, and they were surprised by this look!

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