Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 456: Rune Hell

"Hehe... really a good girl."

Seeing that the wishing figure gradually disappeared outside the door, the corner of Chu Chen's mouth was slowly curved.

For the next two days, Chu Chen took a good rest. After the arduous training in the far north, coupled with the use of soul power to make a wish to suppress the Jiuyin cold, he felt a little tired, and he slept full for two days. Completely recovered.

After resting, Chu Chen rushed to the Medicine Palace Forest non-stop. The refining method of the Shenxi Talisman was so important to him that he did not dare to neglect it at all.

After all, with this thing, he can burst out the power of Lingquan peak level with the cultivation base of Lingquan early stage, which is a rare treasure for any cultivator of Lingquan realm.

When I came to the bamboo building in the forest again, I saw the little boy standing at the door and winking at him. Chu Chen didn't understand his meaning for a moment: Why do you want to go out to play now? This is not the time!

Chu Chen returned a look that couldn't take him out now, but saw that the little boy shook his head and the expression on his face became more anxious, and at the same time, his mouth was moving slightly as if to say something.

It was just because the two were so far apart that Chu Chen didn't understand it for a while, and when he walked into the kid, he saw his mouth repeating two words over and over again:

"Run away!"

Ok? What do you mean?

A bad feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart. I don't know why Chu Chen suddenly fought a cold war for no reason.

It's just that he didn't have time to react when he saw an old man in Tsing Yi appearing behind the little boy, looking at him and nodding, "You are here."

"The disciple has seen the teacher. (Baidu search updates the fastest and most stable

Chu Chen respectfully bowed to the old man, and saw the little boy who was winking just now. After the old man appeared, he silenced without saying a word, and stood there honestly without daring to move.

"What, did you say to him just now?"

Seeing the little boy's silence, the old man glanced at him lightly, and saw the little boy shook his head quickly.

"Teacher Mingjian, I didn't say anything! I didn't tell him that you want to let him enter the **** of "Fu Hell", nor did I tell him that he might die in it if he is not careful..."


The old man in Tsing Yi sank his face and his eyes revealed a fierce feeling, and suddenly the little boy was so frightened that he violently covered his mouth without daring to say a word.

It's just that after hearing his words, Chu Chen's heart jumped! Fu hell? Where is that? One will die inside if one is not careful? There is such a place in the medicine palace?

"Since I'm here, then prepare for the next course." The old man in Tsing Yi nodded, and he waved his hand without saying much, and a space channel glowing with dark red light turned out in the void.

"Follow me in."

Seeing that the little boy's face suddenly appeared bitter after the spatial passage appeared, he reluctantly shook his head and waved his hand at Chu Chen before stepping in. Chu Chen behind him quickly followed and walked in.

This space channel didn't look as long as tens of meters, and at the end of the channel was a dark space emitting a deep light.

After reaching the end, a broad world suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is a black world, and the entire sky is extremely dark gray and black at first glance, like a dark cage.

There is a blood-red city on the wide and vast black ground, and the towering walls are hundreds of meters long and winding, turning the whole city into a huge maze.

Looking down from high above, you can see many gate-like buildings in the maze.

"This is Fu Hell."

After bringing Chu Chen to the ground, the little boy smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"This is a secret realm that the teacher accidentally discovered. Later, he transformed it with earth-shattering means to finally form the lost city of the talisman hell. It is a trial place that the disciples of refining medicine talisman must go through."

"The talisman **** is divided into four levels: elementary hell, intermediate hell, advanced hell, and ultimate hell. The difficulty of each level of **** is different, and the rewards after completion are different. Generally, practitioners who have cultivated to a certain level of medicine must enter. Among them, you can only pass through the level of Rune Hell before you truly graduated from the discipline of making medicine. But if you can’t solve the level of Rune Hell... Hey, it’s troublesome. Up."

"Oh, won't you be trapped inside if you can't solve it?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, but when he saw the little boy nodded with a wry smile.

"Yes, if you can't solve the levels in the **** because of your aptitude, comprehension, and cultivation level, only the simplest elementary **** can get out at any time."


"The intermediate **** will take a month to come out; the advanced **** must be trapped for a year before you can escape. As for the ultimate hell...hehe, if you can't solve it, you will be trapped forever. Wait until you unlock it."

Chu Chen's eyes jumped fiercely. The two of them were talking while approaching the entrance gate of Fu Hell, but they met a group of people at the door. This scene made Chu Chen stunned: Why is there someone else here?

"Look, this isn't our rare earthly genius Chu Chen for thousands of years. I thought that the medicinal talism genius who was paid special attention by the teacher would receive any special treatment. It is not going to come to the **** in the end~www .ltnovel.com~ With a sneer, a man in white turned his head, revealing Huangfuyin's cold face.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Chu Chen's face was calm, thinking that this guy who had always been humiliating himself was coming again.

Although his cultivation base is higher than himself, it is never himself who suffers when confronting him!

There were several young men and women beside Huangfuyin, all of them in brocade clothes were extraordinary. The aura from them all resembled a boiling volcano, and they all seemed to be powerful in the realm of Lingquan Peak.

After listening to Huangfuyin's cold snort, Chu Chen didn't speak, but the boy next to him was a little bit uncomfortable with Huangfuyin's arrogant appearance and spit out "Bah".

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be an ineffective disciple who was kicked out by the teacher. It's so bad that he fart everywhere and made the whole rune **** stinky. The teacher gave Chu Chen a special rune crystal with all his medicine charms. The phantom imprint of the refining method, is such a kind of love that an outcast who has no qualifications to apprentice can enjoy?" The little boy said that he handed a light blue crystal to Chu Chen, and Chu Chen took it in a daze. Crystal Weiwei used her spiritual sense to probe for a moment with shocking expressions!

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