Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 473: Chu Chen's Baoshan

"What the **** is going on here, it's been ten days since I can't redeem competitive points, how long will I have to wait?"

"That's right, I'm still waiting to use competitive points to redeem contribution points to cultivate in the Spiritual Ascension Platform recently. After such a delay, I don't know how long it will take to reach the tenth spiritual consummation..."

"Why should I give us an explanation, it has been ten days whether this sports store can be used. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable

"That's right, it must be solved, you can't always drag it like this..."


As soon as Chu Chen walked into the sports shop, he felt a noisy atmosphere rushing towards him, and saw seven or eight young medicine palace disciples shouting around the edge of the counter in the middle of the shop.

Almost all were annoyed by the fact that the Unreal Fairy World was closed and could not be exchanged for competitive points.

Among the few people, there was a plain-faced girl with a round face, looking at the crowd apologetically, and apologizing constantly.

"Sorry, sorry, everyone. Xiaoxianjie has been temporarily and completely closed for no reason. We can't contact the people in the Xiaoxianjie Chinese Medicine Palace Competitive Store, so there is no way to check your specific competitive points. Please everyone For the time being, I can’t use other methods to obtain contribution points. I’m really sorry everyone..."

Seeing that under the noisy noise of a few people, the girl still apologized without any impatience, and the male disciples were also a little embarrassed.

After all, the sudden closure of the Unreal Little Fairy World is not something the girl in front of her can control. Several people sighed helplessly and had to go back temporarily.

"Look, Xiaoxianjie is really closed this time, and I don't know what happened."

Shen Qian was a little depressed and at the same time embarrassedly glanced at Chu Chen, "Um... if there is nothing wrong, I will go back first. The Little Immortal Realm is closed and won't even be able to fight. It's boring..."

The girl lowered her head slightly and walked out with a bit of thought. I don’t know why when she stayed by Chu Chen's side, she always felt some inexplicable nervousness. It was a panic that could not be expressed in words. I just felt the whole mood. And thinking seems to be out of control.

"Well, come find me if you miss me." Chu Chen grinned.

"Xiaoxianjie is closed, is there any good way to make money now? How about millions of quick spirit stones... This is really not a small amount."

After returning from the sports store, Chu Chen woke up the sleeping hamster in his arms to help him come up with an idea. When he thought of making such a huge sum of money, Chu Chen had a bitter expression on his face.

"Why, just such a small amount of money will stump you?"

The little hamster stood on Chu Chen’s shoulders with a look of disdain, “It’s because you guys took so much effort to break through the ultimate **** level talisman level. He clearly guards Baoshan but doesn’t know it...”

"You sound pretty good, you think it's a lot of Chinese cabbage for the millions of Kuai Lingshi!"

Chu Chen flicked on the arrogant mouse's ears angrily, "Stop selling it, what do I have that Baoshan can sell for millions of spiritual stones?"

"Medicine talisman!" The little hamster patted Chu Chen's ear, and said earnestly.

"If we learn something, we should learn it and use it. You can't be stubborn. You have made so many medicinal charms in the **** of ultimate charms and you can't use them all by yourself. Why not just go to the auction house in Dancheng to sell them. Yeah! And the medicine charms you made during practice can also be sold at a good price."

"Pharmaceutical charms? Can the medicine charms that I refining easily sell for a high price?"

Chu Chen glanced at the little hamster with some doubts, "What I need is millions of spiritual stones. This is not a small amount of hundreds or thousands."

"You too underestimate yourself." The little hamster stroked his long beard slowly, "You are not a disciple of ordinary people, and you are different from those little medicine charm masters. You can pass the ultimate **** level talisman level. The pharmacist itself is a golden mountain...the value of those medicine charms is much higher than you think."

"Then why go to Pill City and not sell directly in this Ding City." Chu Chen asked suspiciously.

At the beginning, Chu Chen enrolled in the Medicine Palace in Dancheng, and traveled a full twenty thousand miles of the boundless desert before arriving in Dingcheng.

It would be really a hassle to run so far just to sell medicine charms.

"You stupid! Dingcheng was originally the base camp of the Medicine Palace. The buyers inside were mainly the students in the Medicine Palace. How much money and oil can those students have? And most of the students basically do it as long as they cultivate to a certain level. How much do you want to sell for yourself if you can refine things like medicine talisman?"

The little hamster looked like an expert pointing the world.

"Pan City is different. It is a place where many forces from all directions converge, so there is a mixture of fish and dragons, everyone! Generally speaking, you can sell a hundred spirit stones in Ding City, and you can sell at least twice when you arrive in Dan City. Above... now you understand!"

"It seems that you, a dead mouse, really know a lot of things." Chu Chen grabbed the little hamster's beard and smiled.

He rushed from Ding City to Dan City again, but Chu Chen felt completely different from the last time.

At the beginning, his cultivation base only reached the fifth level of Lingshui, and it was indeed a big burden to travel 20,000 miles in the desert within twelve hours.

But now that there is no mission, Chu Chen is not so anxious, and rushes towards Pill City on the special "Sand Traveling Giant Beast" of the Medicine Palace without delay. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Along the way, he was full of the unique and majestic scenery in the desert. As the so-called "the desert is lonely and the river sets in the sun", these two poems of the ancestors and sages thoroughly revealed the charm of the entire desert.

When I came to Dancheng again, Chu Chen clearly felt a different atmosphere.

Since Dingcheng is the base camp of the Medicine Palace, the whole city reveals a solemn, solemn, heavy, and calm temperament.

After all, Dingcheng represents the image of the entire Medicine Palace, full of that noble academic flavor.

Dancheng is located at the intersection of two great dynasties, three major sects, and four great families. Here, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people from all walks of life, so it seems more prosperous, noisy, and full of people. The worldly taste of the world.

Therefore, as soon as he entered Pill City, Chu Chen felt like he had suddenly returned to the world from the high monk world, and the sense of difference was particularly obvious. Of course, as a city in the monk world, Pill City is still different from a city in the real world, at least the aura of red dust is not that serious. Having been practicing, studying, and adventuring desperately for a long time, Chu Chendu, who suddenly returned to this city with a lot of "human touch", felt a little dazzled.

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