Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1032: Who is the Linghe Great Realm?

All the monks clenched the weapons in their hands, staring at the endless golden flames ahead.

Although everyone is ready to go in at any time, before that, Chu Chen's life and death are everyone's last bargaining chip!

The realm difference between the Lingquan realm and the Linghe realm is too great, even if they seize the opportunity, the gray-clothed boy may still be alive and well!

Want to live!

The golden flames billowed, and the intense blazing golden flames burned, and the surrounding air emitted a faint blue smoke under the intense high temperature burning.

I have to say that the nameless golden flame of the gray-clothed boy is indeed very domineering, and the terrifying power and the aura of destruction that exudes makes everyone feel palpitation.

There is an instinctive feeling of wanting to stay away from it!

The plain-clothed old man's land is quite powerful. Everyone saw inside the blazing golden flames, a thick purple light group bloomed from the old man, expanding rapidly and becoming more and more dense.

Obviously, under the suppression of the terrifying golden flames of the gray-clothed youth who seized the opportunity, the plain-clothed old man was still as solid as a rock and quickly countered!


Seeing that the purple light is getting stronger and stronger, it seems to be breaking away from the sea of ​​flames!

Chu Chen on the back of the donkey gave a fierce anger, and sent his hands forward again, holding out two rounds of golden sun, and pressing hard!


The surging golden light burst out, and the purple light shield of the old man in plain clothes shrank violently. Although it was not broken, it became dim. The old man staggered and took a half step back! ?

No one had expected that Chu Chen would be so strong that, with the cultivation base of the Spirit Spring Realm, under continuous storming attacks, he suppressed the plain old man in the Spirit River Realm!

If you talk about this situation, you will definitely be scolded, isn't it crazy?

The monks saw this incredible scene unfolding.

The purple light on the old man in plain clothes wrapped in billowing golden flames is like a candle in the wind, and it is faintly extinguished? !

The next moment, that crazy black lightning started again, bursting into the void!

The violent black donkey was wrapped in a billowing black air wave, like an angry dragon, and one head fiercely hit the old man's abdomen!

That ferocious momentum is no less than the Dragon God Gonggong who knocked down Wu Zhoushan.


The purple mask on the plain-clothed old man suddenly exploded to shreds, turning into billions of tiny purple stars, and the turbulent impact force directly threw the plain-clothed old man's body out and tossed into the sky!

It's now! !

Chu Chen's eyes flashed with divine light, and at the moment the old man in plain clothes was blown into the air, he stretched out a hand and slammed Wangcai's head, and the whole person rose into the air.

Everyone saw Chu Chen flying into the air with his palms dancing again and again, palm after palm, violently volleying towards the old man.

With every palm shot, a dazzling golden sun bursts out of the sky.





With palm after palm, round after round of bright scorching sun, it constantly hit the old man in plain clothes who was flying upside down in the air, and then exploded!

The roaring sound in the sky is loud, like countless angry thunders being detonated in the sky.

The entire void is boiling, and every time the golden sun erupts, the entire sky suddenly shines!

At first, the cultivators felt that the sky was bright and dark, light and dark intertwined, and when the scorching sun exploded more and more frequently, the entire sky became brighter and brighter.

In the end, the intensity of the light above the sky made everyone hardly dared to look directly, and they used spiritual power to protect their eyes.

Between the lightning and flint, the purple body mask on the old man in plain clothes was repaired and broken again, broken and repaired again. I don't know how many times it was repeated!

The blazing golden flames created a round of radiant golden sun in the void, like a golden cage, completely trapping the old man in it, and refining it alive!

Could this... is this the real strength of this lame boy?

How does the existence of such a spiritual spring realm cultivator let people in the Lingxi realm live?

Almost all the monks opened their mouths wide, and watched the magical scene in the sky!

If it hadn't been for everyone to watch the battle on the spot, they would definitely think that the lame boy was the realm of Linghe.

The vitality that was originally unattainable suddenly appeared in a place within reach, and all the monks had strong expectations in their eyes.

Maybe this lame boy can really come back! ?

Everyone ignored the boiling air all over, and only hoped that the hotter the better, the old monster could be burned to death.

The monk stared directly at the high sky above his head, where the void was shattered and the golden flames were overwhelming.

I saw the old man in plain clothes trapped in mid-air. Under the continuous impact of the golden sun, the invincible battle body of the Linghe realm unexpectedly burst out a bunch of dazzling blood.

What made everyone feel the most exaggerated was that the crazy-haired black donkey kept leaping high again and again, bumping into or opening the blood basin and madly biting the trapped old man in plain clothes.

Soon everyone discovered that Chu Chen had been able to trap the unclothed old man's greatest hero, is this crazy black donkey contributed? !

Because whenever the old man wanted to open the purple light shield to fight back strongly, this black donkey came, treating himself as flying rocks or rocks, and slammed into the old man in plain clothes, shaking the old man with blood and blood. , The aura goes against the current, hurriedly adjusts the interest rate to protect himself, and can't care about the counterattack.

This black donkey is not only crazy, but also ferocious. It makes everyone feel cold all over the body, and the shuddering thing is its big mouth.

This looks skinny black donkey, the bite force of the big mouth is abnormal!

It can not only smash the purple light shield of the old man in plain clothes, but between the opening and closing of the big mouth made up by the fangs, the void even collapses in pieces, and there are layers of scary spatial cracks between its teeth. !

Is this a monster?

Where is the donkey?

There is no donkey that can crush even space. This lame boy, where did the monster come from, is too abnormal.

The mood of everyone at this moment can be described as ups and downs~www.ltnovel.com~ momentarily excited, momentary panic, momentary full of fighting spirit, I feel that the old man in plain clothes will undoubtedly die, and then I think he will get out of trouble at any time.

What is different from everyone is that Qiu San has always kept his calm, squinting his eyes to pay attention to the evolution of every detail of the battle.

This donkey is too strong, and its cooperation with Chu Chen is almost perfect.

Its explosive power and Chu Chen's endless and endless attacks formed an excellent complement, thus erupting an unparalleled impact.

The old man in plain clothes was forced to fly back again and again in mid-air, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

"The overall situation is determined! The old dog must die!"

"What about the Linghe Great Realm, it's not the same as death."

"Old dog, your deadline has come, boy brother, send him on the road!"

A group of monks roared again and again, the entire void was already boiling, but Qiu San's expression became more and more solemn and cold.

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