Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1363: The shy senior sister is following

"Do you know that the ancient ruins are no better than other places. In addition to some ancient formations, there are many strange places in that place.? ((For example, there was once a ruin with a clear spring, which seemed clear. The bottom is full of spiritual power, but the rules of heaven and earth contained in it are very different from today. A monk took a sip without knowing it, but the whole body was rotted and destroyed. There are many places like that!"

The enthusiastic girl still wanted to persuade Chu Chen to think twice.

"I'm not afraid."

Chu Chen didn't want to entangle the girl too much, so she could only put on the appearance that a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers.


6 Fei couldn't help feeling that one head and two were big. To tell the truth, she had some good feelings for this unassuming young man and didn't want him to die in vain.

It's just that now I see him so persistent, but there is nothing he can do about it.

He has cultivated to the level of a powerful person at his age, and he is considered a genius in the outside world, and naturally has his own obsession.

"Don't worry, Junior Sister 6, leave it to me here. Since I'm going to the ancient relics, I will definitely protect them."

Seeing 6 Fei seemed to want to say something, Zhu Han next to him gently smiled and patted Chu Chen on the shoulder, "After all, Junior Brother Chu has also cultivated to the realm of Lingxi, so it's okay to see it."

"If that's the case, please trouble Brother Zhu."

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and didn't say much. He smiled and arched his hands at Zhu Han.


Zhu Han is a good person except for the arrogance of a genius.

Zhu Han nodded indifferently.

"Junior Brother Chu, since you are going to enter the ancient ruins, we can say in advance, no matter what happens, you have to listen to me. Otherwise, if you rashly enter, you will really worry about your life!"

Zhu Han's expression was full of seriousness, but when Chu Chen heard this, he smiled and nodded gently.

Seeing that the two men had discussed, Liu Fei sighed lightly and patted her forehead.

"Well, since you are so persistent as a newcomer, let you see this adventure of ancient ruins. But you must be careful. If you encounter any danger, you must hide behind Senior Brother Zhu. Don't try to do it yourself. Do you know? I know you naturally have your own arrogance at such an age, it's just a matter of life and death. The ancient ruins are definitely not a place for you to brave for a while."

"I see, you can rest assured, Junior Sister 6."

Chu Chen couldn't bear the enthusiasm for the girl.

The number of people who went to explore the ancient ruins was quickly determined. In addition to Chu Chen, Li Jiao, Bao Shaolong, Liu Yan, and Zhu Han, there were also four monks whose cultivation reached the late stage of the Lingxi realm.

One of them was the sturdy young man Chu Chen had seen who followed 6 Fei into the black market. He was more than nine feet tall and stood out in the crowd like an iron tower.

And the other three cultivators in the Jiuxi realm are naturally the elites in this rookie team. Two of them have very similar appearances and look like brothers.

The other was an old man, wearing a dirty green sermon robe with wrinkles on his face.

As the strongest existence in the team, Zhu Han, who is a great Linghe realm-level powerhouse, is naturally the center and pillar of the entire team, so everyone intentionally or unintentionally hopes to get closer to him while walking.

After all, in this dangerous little fairy realm, the powerhouse of the Linghe realm is equivalent to a kind of life guarantee.

A group of nine people said no more, no less, and walked mightily towards the location of the ancient ruins.

Chu Chen stepped out of the safe zone, and a dangerous and strange breath came upon his face.

With his absolute spiritual sense, he almost immediately felt the danger that exists in the void at all times.

The world has completely become chaotic

Chu Chen flashed this thought in his mind for the first time, others may not have sensed it yet, but relying on his own tyrannical and unspeakable soul power, he sensed this kind of danger from the source!

If the world itself has a will, Chu Chen can clearly feel that the "will" of the "world" of the little fairy world today is full of tyrannical, bloody, anxious, and murderous flavors.

The more you leave the safe zone, this feeling becomes stronger and stronger. It seems that this small world is full of resentment and anger towards the monks themselves, and we must do everything possible to kill all the monks! !

Little Immortal Realm, Little Immortal Realm, what kind of changes have you made? Why are you so tyrannical and impatient this day and this place? What are you in a hurry? What are you afraid of? What do you want to do? ?

Sensing the faint smell of danger between heaven and earth, Chu Chen frowned unconsciously.

on the other side. Zhu Han had long discussed with several other powerful experts in the late Lingxi period. Although they could not sense the will of this world with their spiritual strength, they felt something wrong instinctively.

There is no doubt that the world of Xiaoxianjie now repels all the monks in the faint! !

"Junior Brother Chu, be careful! Don't run around, if you accidentally run and lose it, everyone has no chance to save you!"

A soft drink awakened Chu Chen, who was in deep thought, and when he looked up, he saw that most of the people had already walked to the woods ahead.

And he himself seemed a little distracted because he sensed the badness of this world and did not know it. It seemed particularly sloppy, not as nervous as others.

Therefore, the sturdy young man in the late Lingxi period frowned and warned him.

"Hehe I see."

Chu Chen smiled and nodded without saying much.

After all, if he said that he could sense the will of heaven and earth now, he would be considered an out-and-out madman.

It wasn't long after leaving, Chu Chen showed an abnormality in the team.

I saw that Liu Yan, who had been walking in front of the team, didn't know when she started to slow down. This beautiful and shy girl came to him at the back of the team unknowingly.

The girl seemed to have something to say to him~www.ltnovel.com~ But maybe it was because of her shyness. After a few glances, her face became a little red, but she never said anything, just walked beside him not far away. not talking.

Uh, is this girl looking for me?

Seeing Liu Yan's seemingly hesitant to speak, Chu Chen coughed lightly and became playful.

Her footsteps quickly turned into a gray shadow and hid behind a big tree. The girl really stopped and looked around, looking for him who had disappeared.

So Chu Chen rushed to Liu Yan's side, and suddenly leaned in front of her and said something softly.

"Senior Sister 6, did you follow me? Why have you been following me?"


When Chu Chen rushed to her side so suddenly, the girl gave a soft cry in surprise.

It's just that before the exclamation could be heard, she subconsciously slammed her mouth, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the gray-clothed boy looking at her with a smile, her white cheeks could not be helped. Become pink

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