Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 754: Burn all stars


As soon as the red light shuttle left Chu Chen's palm, it instantly evolved into a vast and boundless ocean, like an endless ocean of magma sweeping across the sky.

The dazzling silver stars in the void were shrouded by this ocean tide and burst into intense flames, and began to burn violently.

The waves of fire surging to the sky, burning stars, this is a rare spectacle. The stars formed by the gasification of those sharp silver swords have been burned out by the blazing sky fire before they erupt, and the whole sky becomes bright in an instant.

Ok? My sword formation... was actually broken like this? ?

At this moment, even with the grace of a silver-haired man, I was extremely surprised.

I have to say that the scene that happened before my eyes was too shocking. You must know that his silver-haired sword seal has been cultivated to a very high level, and the general fifth-grade and sixth-grade real fire must not even think about its own sword print.

But the flame of the gray-clothed boy was able to forcibly burn his sword aura. What grade did his flame... reach? This is simply unbelievable! !

In the next moment, after breaking through the silver-haired man's silver-haired sword formation with the Sky Fire God Shuttle's secret skill, Chu Chen's figure instantly rushed in!

As he rushed to the silver-haired man, his palms began to shine with fiery golden rays. It was a vision created by the secret technique of the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal being urged to the extreme, rounds of golden bright suns. It began to gather in his palm.

Humph, do you think you can be arrogant after breaking my sword formation? presumptuous! !

There was a sneer on the silver-haired man's face.

Seeing Chu Chen quickly approaching with a ten thousand zhang golden light on his body, he screamed fiercely up to the sky, and a fiery silver sword light burst out of his mouth, turning into a silver divine sword and heading towards Chu Chen angrily!

Life Sword Soul! At the critical moment, the silver-haired man finally used his natal sword at the bottom of the box. At this time, the two had completely fallen into a battle of life and death!

The silver sword is dazzling!

It was just a sword light, but at the moment it blasted out, it seemed to turn into a river of heaven, sweeping away with a terrifying power that seemed to tear the sky and smash the stars.

At this time, even though the palms of Chu Chen who were on the opposite side were golden light, after all, the sky fire in his body could not keep up with his consumption. Without the sturdy sky fire filling it, the power of the nine suns burning sky seal in his hand could not help but The weakened.

Comparing the two, one could tell at a glance that Chu Chen was at a disadvantage, and the power of the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal was far less powerful than the power of the Sword Soul!

Just as the two brilliant rays of silver and gold were about to collide fiercely together, a violent roar suddenly exploded from the sky, shocking the entire void like thunder:


In the thunderous roar, two big hands covering the sky and the sun appeared from the void, and patted Chu Chen and the silver-haired man one left and the other right. Chu Chen only felt a slight shock in his figure, a vast and boundless vigor pushed him away like a tide, and the silver hair of the silver-haired man on the other side was also shot away in an instant, and he stepped back.

Two huge palms separated the two and then squeezed them in the middle, utterly and neatly annihilated the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal and the Sword Soul which had not yet been completely formed into the void.

After Chu Chen returned to his mind to take a closer look, he discovered that there was an extra person in the court unknowingly.

It was a tall figure, and his body burned with a layer of dazzling light. The mighty and violent and domineering aura spreading in the void like a sea tide, as if an ancient sacred mountain shocked the entire space.

This is... a big beard, it's a big beard! !

When Chu Chen glanced over the person's cheek and saw his iconic beard, his pupils shrank unconsciously.

He never thought that he would actually see a big beard on the ancient glacier in this far north. Didn't he take Tang Rou Shenhou and them to a very remote place for a trial?

Could it be that the place where they went is this far north?

Now that the beard appeared, then the two of them...

Thoughts turned slightly, when Chu Chen's gaze swept around, Tang Rou and Shen Hou were found on a glacier.

The two of them were covered with thick snow and ice, and they looked like they had been running in the extreme north for a long time. Seeing Chu Chen's gaze, Tang Rou and Shen Hou, who showed concern, both gently nodded to him.

It seems that they are indeed cultivating in this far north, because the aftermath of spiritual power caused by their fight with the silver-haired man is too vast and they are attracted.

But speaking of it, the strength of this bearded man is really hidden, and he abruptly bears his Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal and the silver-haired man's life sword is actually like a okay person...

When these thoughts flashed in Chu Chen's mind, the bearded man who appeared between the two suddenly snorted heavily, and a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes stared at the silver-haired man coldly, and his whole body exuded a fierce fighting spirit.

"Gong Mu, what are you going to do? Could it be that you don't know the rules in the Medicine Palace, it is absolutely forbidden to kill each other among the same family?"

"A disciple of Medicine Palace?"

The silver-haired man smiled coldly when he heard the words, and glanced at Chu Chen and the many students behind him with contempt, his voice was full of disdain, "I am a disciple of the Yaogong Branch, naturally I have never seen anything from this courtyard.' High-quality students'. Seeing that the aura of these people is so immature, how could I have thought that they would also be official disciples of the Medicine Palace!"


The words of the handsome silver-haired man immediately made all the students' faces show a touch of anger~www.ltnovel.com~ Even Chu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

To be honest, it was the first time he knew this guy’s name was Gong Mu. He had always thought that he was the descendant of the ten most powerful people in the evil way. He didn’t expect that he had another identity, which was actually from the Yao Gong branch disciple! !

The bearded face was as cold as iron. The meaning in Gong Mu's words was obviously that the disciples of Yao Gong's main hospital were nothing but that, even he was scolded.

Slightly snorted, and the bearded eyes were full of warnings: "Don't be clever in front of me, look at the way you shot just now, you want to kill them all!"

Hearing this, Gong Mu snorted and did not speak, but slightly narrowed his eyes, showing disdain.

The face of the bearded man who saw this scene was even more angry, and his eyes even clearly carried a strong murderous intent.

"Don't think that you are a genius student recommended by the instructors of the branch, I will not move you!"

The bearded eyes are hideous!

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