Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1368: The immortal stele warns again

There are some mysterious stone steles hidden in various places in Xiaoxianjie. I don’t know who made those stone steles. Whenever there is a change in the world, there will be silver lights rising from the sky to show some mysterious inscriptions. . ※%,

And those inscriptions usually convey some extremely important news!

Every time a small immortal realm immortal monument changes, it will represent a possible change of heaven and earth!

Therefore, seeing the sight of silver lights rising into the sky, after the initial astonishment, the cultivators used their spiritual power to rush towards the nearest silver light.

And at this moment, the bunches of bright silver light took on new changes, and the rich silver light spray turned into huge bright silver light screens in mid-air!

Ok? This silver light... seems very mysterious!

Seeing the magnificent silver light piercing through the sky in the sky, Chu Chen's eyes instantly shone.

He wanted to use his own spiritual sense to sense what the aura was made of, but when the profound sense of spirit spread, what he sensed was nothing but nothing!

How could this be?

At this time, Chu Chen's expression finally changed.

The vast silver light exudes an astonishing pressure and penetrates through the sky and the earth, and you can feel the majestic and unimaginable power contained in it just by looking with the naked eye.

But if you use your spiritual sense to sense it, it turns out to be nothingness... This is the first time that Chu Chen has encountered such a situation since the power of the spiritual sense was achieved!

Go and see!

Slightly squinting his eyes, Chu Chen followed the cultivators and quickly flew towards the silver light nearest here.

After crossing a piece of ancient forest and coming to the place where the silver light gathered, I found that many monks had gathered here, all of them looked nervous and excited, staring at the void without blinking.

This is a simple altar. On the hexagonal gray-brown stone altar, a simple stone monument stands proudly about thirty feet high.

At this moment, the incomparable silver light sprayed out from this stone tablet, and has been immersed in the high sky.

"The immortal monument has changed. I don't know what kind of changes will happen to the world..."

"It's a vast and unimaginable secret power! The fluctuations caused by the self-illumination of this immortal monument are too strong, far more intense than the monks themselves using immortal crystals!"

"The world has changed, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse..."


Seeing that huge bright silver light screen appeared in the void, many monks began to talk in low voices, and through the words among the people, Chu Chen finally understood part of the mystery of this mysterious ancient stele of Xiaoxianjie.

In addition to the change, other messages are delivered!

It is said that there will be such ancient monuments in many places in Xiaoxianjie. In addition to warning people when the world changes, this ancient monument can also be used to send each other if someone is willing to spend a lot of immortal crystals to activate. message. , It's just that the cost of using this ancient monument is extremely high, so few people use it.

In the voice of everyone's whispered discussions, the huge bright silver light screen fluctuated slightly, and huge pictures began to appear.

Seeing that scene, everyone's breathing became a little frozen in an instant.

It was an ancient pagoda, a thousand-zhang ancient pagoda that was as red as blood washed.

In front of the broken blood-colored ancient tower, ten people stood silently, including men, women and children.

What's more eye-catching is that everyone is wearing a bright silver cloak behind them, with a huge red "Mie" on it that is extremely dazzling.

The image was not very clear, so the faces of the ten people looked a little fuzzy.

It's just that although they couldn't see the appearance of those people, everyone felt a wave of terror that seemed to be enough to swallow the sky and sea in an instant.

Those ten people just stood there, but they seemed to have affected the entire space, making them the only ones in the world!

Strong, extremely strong! These ten people are definitely truly strong!

Chu Chen's expression became solemn, and at the same time, when other monks around saw the image of the top ten strong men, bursts of cheers suddenly resounded through the void:

"Mie Xian! It is the legendary Xian Xian group!"

"One of the five most powerful teams in the legendary breaking formation, the Miserable Immortal Group!"

"It's really an Xianxian group! It seems that this time they spent a lot of immortal crystals to activate the immortal monument, to send us a message!"

"Miexian Group is the dark horse that has the most hope of reaching the top of the Immortal Realm Divine Formation among all the breaking formation teams! It seems that it must be extremely important for them to release a message, and it is very likely to be about the Immortal Realm Divine Formation. thing!"

"Don't talk! The adults of the Miexian Mission are about to speak!"


Amidst a loud cheer, with the light waves rippling from the light screen again, the image on the light screen finally became clear.

Only saw those ten people standing proudly in front of the Scarlet Ancient Pagoda, one in front and nine behind!

The leader is a monk who looks extremely young. He is dressed in an ancient monk robe and has a fair complexion and looks like a handsome young man.

It's just that his solemn red monk robe is embroidered with a huge black monster god. The demon **** has four eyes and six wings, a big mouth, and looks extremely ferocious and tyrannical.

Contrary to the peace and tranquility of ordinary monks, the aura of this young monk is extremely violent. The fierce light in those dark eyes is like an ancient monster lurking in the darkness, always Choose people and love!

"Demon Buddha, it's a monster Buddha!"

"The leader of the Miexian Po Formation Group, demon Buddha! One of the saviors of the Little Fairy Realm, that is our savior!"

The moment I saw the young monk, the atmosphere in the entire clearing was instantly detonated~www.ltnovel.com~ All the monks who looked at the monk showed a strong feeling of fanaticism.

Even the young man who was as strong as an iron tower behind Lu Yan was full of fanaticism, as if he had seen the **** in his heart!

"What's wrong, Li Yuanxuan, why are you so excited."

Chu Chen twitched at the corner of his mouth and asked in a low voice. During this journey, he also gradually became familiar with other people in the team. This sturdy young man named Li Yuanxuan has a good relationship with him, and he has a very honest temperament.

"That is the demon Buddha, the leader and founder of the strongest team breaking the formation, a strong man in the realm of Tianhe!"

Li Yuanxuan looked at Chu Chen with excitement, he almost couldn't help but dance like this.

"Although this person is a Buddhist disciple, his character is completely different from that of ordinary monks. He is almost an out-and-out madman. Don't look at his handsome appearance, but he is arrogant and bloodthirsty. The right people hardly end up well!"

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