Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1387: Baoguang Suddenly

The moment they saw the precious light in the distance, the eyes of all the monks lit up in an instant.

Only those treasures with extremely high ranks can automatically condense the spiritual power of heaven and earth, can they emit such pure aura, which can be seen from a distance.

There is no doubt that there is definitely a treasure in the depths of the stone palace!

It's just that even though the precious light in the depths of the stone palace is so obvious and seductive, no one dared to rush in rashly at this time. Everyone's eyes converged on the three figures wandering around at the entrance of the main hall...

They were three five-foot-tall human-shaped stone sculptures, all made up of stones of the same material as the Blackstone Hall, but they were patrolling around like real creatures.

These humanoid stone sculptures all hold two-handed swords that are more than seven feet long.

As they patrolled, the tip of the great sword dragged on the ground, drawing long sparks as they moved.

There is no need for anyone to remind, everyone at this moment sensed waves of tyrannical and tyrannical spiritual power emanating from these seemingly stiff human-shaped stone sculptures.

It is more than three stone sculptures, it is like three tyrannical hurricanes walking slowly! Everyone has no doubt that if these three stone sculptures are angered, they will inevitably provoke a thunderous blow!

The most frightening thing is that the aura exuding from these three humanoid stone sculptures is even more powerful than the old white iron wolf, shark-headed crocodiles, and **** monsters they had encountered before!

It was a real Xeon. The cultivators felt a shudder from the depths of their souls just by looking at them.

Unmatched, absolutely unmatched.

These three humanoid stone sculptures can definitely kill all of them easily, and there is no chance to fight! !

"What to do? These stone carvings are too strong for us to deal with."

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Han lowered his voice, his expression a little worried.

I have to say that the degree of danger of this ruin adventure is far beyond his expectations, making him, a super monk in the Linghe realm, actually in danger of being killed at any time, making him very frustrated.

"No, we still have a chance."

Chu Chen's expression was always so indifferent. He looked around carefully, then lowered his head and silently deduced the route explored by the memory puppet bat. The corners of his mouth moved lightly, lowering his voice.

"The entrance to this hall is small. We can go around the pillars on the side of the hall, avoid the detection range of these three monsters, go directly to the most edge area of ​​the hall entrance, turn to the top, and pass the three stone statues from above!"

"What, go in from the top of the stone hall? You are crazy!"

Zhu Han was shocked when he heard the words, "This stone temple is not very high from the outside. It is almost a map of Pingchuan. You can see the statues as soon as you look up. How can you get past the top of the stone temple?"

"Yes, they can see as soon as they look up, but the problem is that they don't have eyes."

Chu Chen looked calm, raised his finger at the three slowly wandering statues, with a hint of indifference at the corner of his mouth.

"Have you seen? Although the statues are in human form, they are real stone sculptures, but they may contain some kind of spirit or other organs. They have no eyes and rely solely on some kind of induction to explore the surroundings. And the roof of the stone temple is just beyond their sensing range and is the only place we can use."

"But these are all your speculations. What if the stone eyes can be used?"

Zhu Han couldn't help but ask.

"If they can use their eyes, then we won't have any chance to just kill ourselves here. Anyway, with our strength, we can't fight them at all. Since we can't enter this stone temple and the outside is occupied by other monsters, we can only wait died."

Chu Chen took a deep breath and continued to explain.

"Since the ancient great supernatural powers created this ruin, they will definitely not make a mortal situation. The people who died after the pit will have no meaning to them. So there must be a ray of life... in the stone temple. The roof is a ray of life. Come with me?"

Zhu Han fell silent, and the others looked at each other, all hesitating for Chu Chen's bold idea.

It was in great danger, the top of this hall was not less than a hundred meters tall, such terrifying three stone statues crossed over their heads, it was almost death.

However, the cultivators had no other choice. After a moment of silence, they had no choice but to agree.

"Junior Brother Chu, I believe you, let's follow you."

"Fight, since we are here to wait for death anyway, it is better to fight for it. If Brother Chu guesses right, we will take our lives back."

The arrogant Bao Shaolong just completely lost his previous arrogance and his desire to survive.

"I'll go too, Brother Chu is right, it's better to fight!"

Soon all the monks agreed to Chu Chen's bold adventure, because under such circumstances, this was the only way out.

"Well, everyone with me, hold your breath and bet on this one!"

Chu Chen gave a soft drink, and his figure bowed slightly like a civet cat, and walked around the side of the stone temple with light hands and feet like a light smoke.

Behind him, a famous monk concealed almost all the breath of his body, and followed him step by step towards the edge of the stone hall entrance.

Almost instantly, the cultivators came to the right end of the entrance of the main hall, and the end seemed empty, but with their hands, it was an invisible wall, making it impossible to move.

The whole black hall is like being imprisoned in space.

Chu Chen took the lead on the wall. His movements were very light and gentle, like a flexible cat, using the sword marks on the side of the stone hall to climb up quickly.

The cultivators also followed suit, although they were afraid to fly, for fear that the air flow would be too large, which would alarm the three stone sculptures.

The cultivators' bodies were also extremely tyrannical, and they climbed extremely smoothly.

During the whole process, the three majestic stone sculptures still wandered in front of the temple without any haste. In fact, the exploration scope of the three stone sculptures was vast enough to cover the entire entrance of the hall.

Everyone is dangerous and dangerous. If they act on the edge of their exploration, they will be locked in by them if they are not careful, and they will inevitably not survive.

It is also fortunate that Chu Chen has peerless treasures such as puppet bats, so that they can discover their perception distance.

After everyone followed Chu Chen lightly climbing to the top of the temple, everyone secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

However, after everyone stepped on the top of the temple, they did not dare to take a step easily, because once the stone carving was disturbed by the action, everyone would fall into a state of immortality.

The monks looked like stone statues at this moment~www.ltnovel.com~ looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The eyes could only be cast at Chu Chen again together. You must know that the roof of this temple is also tattered. If everyone is walking on it, if the three stone sculptures only have eyes, everyone will die if they start to move. You can only ask Chu Chen not to make a mistake in his judgment.


With a lightly relieved sigh, Chu Chen humbled and leaped gently over a gap in the roof of the hall, and was about to fall ten feet away.

Lu Yan was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to stretch her hand to hold him, but she pulled away.

Chu Chen landed on the edge of the gap in the roof of the temple a mile away from the monks!

At the same time, two of the three sculptures that were constantly patrolling at the gate of the Stone Temple turned around at the same time, and the face carved out of stone lifted up, just facing the gap where Chu Chen stood...

Time seems to freeze at this moment, and in an instant, many people even feel that their hearts have stopped beating at this moment!

Chu Chen was seen by the stone carving!

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