Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 260: Goddess makes a wish

What is this concept? He was exhausted in the outer star field for ten days, but the final contribution point he earned couldn't even buy half a drop of the water of the **** spring!

Now Chu Chen finally understood what the predecessors of the Medicine Palace had said. In the Medicine Palace, contribution points will never be enough!

It seems that he wants to make money... Chu Chen frowned, and for a while, he was full of ideas about how to earn contribution points.

Otherwise, the seemingly within reach of the "Quanquan Pill", I don't know when it will be refined.

Early the next morning, Chu Chen, who was still asleep, heard a few soft knocks outside his door.

Last night, he practiced late, so Chu Chen hadn't slept for too long. He thought that there was nothing to do today, so he would take a good sleep and refresh himself.

At this time, in general, the people of Shen Hou would not disturb themselves.

When Chu Chen, who was sleepy-eyed, rubbed his temples to open the door of his room, he was involuntarily taken aback.

A slender figure appeared in front of him, with a pure and white face, gentle long hair, dignified and virtuous temperament, and a simple maid dress that could not hide the elegance from the bones. It was a wish that I hadn't seen in some days.

Wishing with a smile on his face, watching Chu Chen's sleepy eyes, his bright eyes slightly completed a gentle arc, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Uh...no, it's not."

Chu Chen hurriedly reached out and rubbed his face vigorously to soothe the muscles on his face, "You are here."

In fact, Chu Chen wanted to ask you why you came, but when the words came to him, it turned out that you came.

It was a word he would say every time he knocked on his door.

In fact, Chu Chen is still a little curious that wishing can appear in the medicine palace. You must know that wishing has not practiced any techniques, she is an ordinary girl.

Logically speaking, making a wish is not qualified to enter the Medicine Palace, but without saying a wish, Chu Chen didn't want to ask too much.

Seeing this gentle and jade-like girl again, Chu Chen was indescribably happy.

"There are some things to deal with, so the time to come to the Medicine Palace was delayed for a few days. The life in the Medicine Palace is still used to it."


Wishing pursed his lips and nodded, and glanced slightly, Chu Chen is considered a man who can clean up by himself. Although he hasn't come to clean some days, the house appears to be tidy. It's just that there are some messy clothes beside the bed.

Of course, in the eyes of women and men, the so-called "clean and tidy" standards are different.

Chu Chen's living habits are very regular. Although she doesn't randomly place anything in her house, she doesn't clean it every day...The sharp-eyed girl easily found it on the fine dragon blood teak furniture. A thin layer of dust.

"Dragon blood teak has a very good effect on gathering aura, but it must be wiped frequently. Good furniture needs to be raised, regardless of whether it is not enough."

When I found the place to be cleaned, I was very happy to make a wish, because it meant that Chu Chen still needed her.

With a slight smile, Xi made a wish and rolled up his sleeves gently. First pack up a few pieces of clothes next to the bed and soak them in a tub, then pick up a clean cloth and carefully wipe the dust on each piece of furniture.

The girl was very careful when she worked, and she picked up a strand of hair hanging from her ears from time to time, completing a beautiful curve in the morning sun.

Chu Chen suddenly discovered that there were more and more pharmacy students around the small courtyard where he was.

"I'm not mistaken, she is the goddess of wishing!"

"Yes, the goddess has returned to the medicine palace, although half a year has passed, she still came back."

"But why is she dressed as a maid, and she still works as a maid?"

"How can this new student, Ho De, let the goddess serve him?!"

There was an unbelievable exclamation outside the door, and these more and more onlookers even crowded into the small courtyard.

Chu Chen was a little surprised, and didn't understand what happened.

I only saw the medicine palace students blocking his door side by side, their eyes widened, and they looked at all this with an incredible face. Many people even showed strong anger in their eyes looking at Chu Chen. .

Uh...what's the situation now?

Chu Chen looked at these students confusedly, and then looked at the girl who was half kneeling on the ground and wiping the floor earnestly making a wish.

Chu Chen closed his eyes and opened his spiritual consciousness, and quickly collected specific information from the crowd who were constantly discussing or complaining.

That's why Chu Chen felt a little surprised by the truth!

In fact, before Chu Chen came to the Medicine Palace, he was already a member of the Medicine Palace who made a wish early.

And by virtue of its beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, it became famous in a short period of time, and it was even called one of the three goddesses of the medicine palace by the good people.

Wishing itself does not have any cultivation bases, and what makes her most noticed is that she is one of the famous "Three Elders in Medicine Palace" and a disciple of "Old Yan".

The Three Elders in the Medicine Palace, Yan Lao, Bing Lao, and Changsheng are the masters of the entire Medicine Palace, and they have supreme power in the Medicine Palace.

According to the legend, Yan Lao has a fire system cultivation base that reaches the sky. Moreover, his own character is as violent as a fire, and almost no one dares to provoke him in the entire Medicine Palace.

And Old Bing is a famous beauty, because of his special blood, this ice-type elder has silver hair and silver eyes. Although he is not young, he has a skillful appearance, looks like a young girl of twenty-eight years, Bing Lao is staid and mean. Be very strict with the disciples.

On the other hand, Lord Changsheng looks like a cheerful fat man. He has an easy-going personality and likes to travel around. Although he rarely returns to the medicine palace, he is of great significance to the whole medicine palace.

Often acted as the final arbiter when the two elders of Yan Bing disagree.

As one of Yan Lao’s disciples~www.ltnovel.com~ Although there is no cultivation level to make a wish, he is extremely talented,

It is said that his chess skills have been comparable to the strongest Bing Lao in the Medicine Palace.

She was not well-known in the pharmacist world before. It is said that she never made a pill before wishing, but she still became a disciple of Yan Lao. She learned various pharmacology from him and stayed for three years until half a year ago. Leaving the medicine palace.

Elder Yan is extremely protective of his shortcomings. It is said that because of his temperament, this great elder is so hot that many great pharmacists all over the world can't stand his temper.

Therefore, there are not many disciples under his name. This also causes Yan Lao to protect the shortcomings of several disciples under his name very much. If any one of the disciples has something to do, he will be reluctant to pursue the solution to the point of making the other party begging for mercy. .

When I made a wish at the Medicine Palace, because of his dignified and elegant beauty and temperament, he really fascinated a group of amazing young talents.

I don't know how many young students adore it, but she has the prestigious name behind her, and the mysterious family behind this woman in the legend makes many young talents feel ashamed and dare to look up from a distance.

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