Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 485: Kill the enemy across the border

Therefore, in the end, the price of 30,000 spiritual stones was auctioned for this set of swordsmanship. After all, although there are many types of weapons, most cultivators are best at using long swords, and a powerful set of ancient ancients. Swordsmanship is undoubtedly very popular.

The sixth auction item is quite special. This is a set of soft armor woven from the soft skin of deep sponge insects.

The deep sponge insect lives on the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep and its body is extremely flexible. A one-foot-long deep sponge insect can stretch to a length of tens of feet without breaking.

Therefore, this strong flexibility is a good material for casting soft armor, and this set of soft armor also sold for a high price of 46,000 spiritual stones.

The seventh auction item is an inky black pill. It is said that this pill is a spoil that was only seized by the righteous alliances hundreds of years ago to annihilate the magical powers.

As long as the monk swallows this magic blood pill, he can summon the legendary "phantom blood demon" in the depths of **** to help him fight in a short time. This kind of demon in the depths of **** possesses the peak level of the spirit spring. Power and inherently cunning and insidious, it is a pill that no one can swallow casually without compelling it.

In the end, this medicine was auctioned off by a man with a gloomy look at the price of 60,000 spiritual stones.

Compared with some deep-rooted sects, aristocratic families, midlands and other big forces, many casual cultivators are helpless and can only use their own strength to deal with dangers. Therefore, this kind of treasure at the bottom of the box is especially needed when life is in danger. To fight for their own lives, only these casual cultivators dare to use this magical pill with endless troubles.

To be honest, even Chu Chen couldn't help but feel excited after hearing the introduction of this pill. Of course, he was not excited about the effect of this pill but was very curious about its refining method.

The refining method of the magic pill is completely different from that of the right way. There are many incredible techniques and methods for refining pill that are worthy of scrutiny.

Chu Chen wanted this pill just because he wanted to understand the refining method of the magic way pill. This was regarded as the academic pursuit of an advanced pharmacist.

However, he doesn’t have much money on him now, and the other is considering that his current alchemy technique has reached a bottleneck. If he is confused by the method of refining the magical medicine pill, it would be a big deal. It was not good, so he suppressed his desire to bid too.

After a few auctions, the atmosphere that was a little exhausted by the crowd suddenly showed a tendency to rise again, and the beautiful woman in red also happened to be very aware of the current affairs and launched a small best... a "six-claw flying lion" beast in the realm of Lingquan. egg.

This kind of spirit beast Chu Chen met when he "sell" his black eagle clone to the elders of Lingxin. The adult six-claw flying lion not only possesses super powerful combat power of Lingquan level, but also has extremely fast flight speed. , Fast, and even more rare is that once he is loyal and loyal once he recognizes a master, he will go along with him.

After some lively bidding, the six-clawed flying lion egg was finally successfully bidding at a high price of 260,000 spiritual stones, and at this time the atmosphere of the entire auction hall was faintly reaching a climax.

"Well, my friends, the next auction item is better than the'Six-Claw Flying Lion' just now! This is also a medicinal talisman refined by that mysterious "Fu Lao"... A divine body rune that can triple its power!!"

The beautiful woman in red watched the atmosphere of the entire auction hall reach a climax and threw a blockbuster appropriately, which immediately caused the entire auction hall to boil again! ! !

"Divine Body Talisman" is not a rare medicinal talisman for the cultivators. Many people carry such medicinal talisman with them in case of emergency, so it can be said to be a fairly common medicine talisman.

Because the materials and refining techniques used by each person are different, the effects of the divine body runes made by each person are also different.

Divine body runes that can increase 30% of power in a short period of time are generally considered to be relatively good, while divine body runes that increase 60% of power can be counted as good products, and divine body runes that increase 90% of power are considered top quality.

Many people can only increase their power by 90% when they are exposed to the highest-level divine body runes in their lifetime...The rune masters who can refine such divine body runes are already regarded as the limit that the spirit spring realm can reach. It is a super-powerful person who has surpassed the "Lingxi Realm" above the Lingquan realm to be able to do it.

Such superpowers are already considered to be giants, ordinary people, etc., and they have no chance to see them.

But at this moment, there is actually a magical charm that can triple the power in this auction house...what is the concept of triple power?

That is almost completely stepping into another brand new level of strength. Once with the blessing of such a powerful force, some monks can even complete a feat against the sky...cross-border kills!

To kill an enemy across borders, it is too difficult and too difficult to do it in five simple words.

After cultivating to the Lingquan realm, the strength of a strong person who crosses a realm is a difference of heaven and earth. The difference between the human spring stage and the earth spring stage, and the difference between the earth spring stage and the sky spring stage is measured by multiples, generally To say that if a monk of the spring rank does not have any adventures against the sky, trying to defeat a monk of the earth spring rank is simply a dream...impossible! !

But once there is an impossible miracle like a magical talisman that has tripled its strength~www.ltnovel.com~, it suddenly becomes possible, think about it!

In the original human spring realm, you usually avoid the opponents of the earth spring rank in the daytime. Once you have the divine body rune, you will suddenly have the power to fight against the strong earth spring rank...what is that? concept? That is the absolute temptation that is enough to make any monk enthusiastically excited and crazy! !

Kill the enemy across the border! A supreme privilege of only the most elite and most talented peerless Tianjiao! !

Well, Chu Chen didn't know how strong the shock would be if the superb divine body talisman that was refined by the old man in Tsing Yi, which could increase the power by ten times, were sold on this auction floor?

Seeing that the whole auction house was shocked by the introduction of Liu Qin, the beautiful woman in red, such a thought flashed through Chu Chen's mind.

He had always compared the medicine charms of the old man in Tsing Yi with the medicine charms he refined, so he was often not satisfied with the medicine charms he refined. After all, he was still far behind the old man in Tsing Yi.

However, he didn't expect that just these medicine charms that were "barely qualified" in his eyes were enough to cause such a strong shock.

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