Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 550: Crazy chasing fish

Even after seeing the gentle and beautiful figure with Chu Chen's temperament, he couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of heart, and a feeling of love and sympathy surged in his heart.

This woman... even in such a crisis, she is extremely seductive!

What a real vixen! !

Feeling helpless, Chu Chen just wanted to speed up and rush over, but saw several huge black figures around Zhou Mei gathered from all directions and rushed towards her!

this is……

Chu Chen frowned. They were huge blue-gray sharks, about two feet long.

What is different from ordinary sharks is that their upper jaws are dark as ink with bursts of cold metallic luster, which at first glance looks like they are wearing a layer of ebony head armor.

The aura from these sharks is extremely fierce and tyrannical, like a hungry wolf that has been hungry for many days with an unparalleled madness.

"Black Tiger Shark!"

After seeing those huge figures, Chu Chen's pupils shrank sharply. The black tiger shark is a very dangerous beast. They are powerful, fierce and cruel, and they are the overlord in the ocean.

The most troublesome thing is that this shark is best at partner hunting. With the cooperation of a large group of black tiger sharks of the Tianquan stage, it can even consume a super fierce beast of the Lingxi realm to life! It is an extremely difficult beast in the sea.

At this time, even though the tiger sharks around Zhou Mei only had five heads, they did not have the invincible aura of a large group, but they still brought an invisible and terrifying pressure. Seeing this scene, Chu Chen frowned fiercely. Must frantically urge the spiritual power in the body to rush over to relieve her.

Just before Chu Chen's figure moved, she saw Zhou Mei, who was surrounded by five black tiger sharks, suddenly smiled coquettishly, and while waving her palms, pink smoke exploded violently and quickly filled the surroundings.

After being enveloped by the pink mist, the ferocious, tyrannical, and bloodthirsty taste in the eyes of the black tiger shark quickly dissipated, and turned into a piece of confusion and ignorance. You can also find these tiger shark eyes when you look closely. The swelling is actually full of brilliant pink swirls.

In the next moment, accompanied by a soft rebuke, these black tiger sharks, whose eyes were full of pink whirlpools, suddenly roared and turned and rushed towards Ren Baijian and his group not far away.

Chu Chen who saw this scene was stunned: This fairy can even confuse beasts? How charming is she? ?

"Naughty animal, do not know whether to live or die!!"

Seeing five black tiger sharks rushing towards him, the four guards around Ren Baijian yelled and made a bold move. The shining sword aura seemed to burst out from the sky-shattering rainbow.

It was just that when the bright and dazzling sword light slashed on the black tiger shark, it only left white marks on the silver-gray shark skin, but it did not cause effective damage.

"The skin of this animal is so thick!!"

The four guards were shocked, knowing that they were all experts who had cultivated to the Tianquan stage. Although they had not yet cultivated to the peak of the Tianquan stage, they were also strong men who had dominated the side.

The sword energy erupted by such a strong swordsman can definitely threaten the life of the cultivator at the peak of the Tianquan stage, but at this time even the skin of the black tiger shark can't be cut!

"The black tiger shark is a fierce beast at the peak of Tianquan, even if it is compared to the king of fierce beasts such as the'green fire poisonous horned lizard and the short-tailed blood crocodile', it cannot be cut with your cultivation. Their skin and flesh are also normal, so you don't need to be scornful for it."

As if seeing the frustration in the eyes of the four major guards under his command, Ren Baijian comforted them and waved his palm fiercely, and a white sword suddenly burst out!

boom! A bright thin line suddenly appeared in the dark red sea bottom.

It is impossible to describe how sharp and eye-catching that sword aura is. The entire underwater world seems to be suddenly divided into two halves. The dazzling sword aura directly cuts through the entire underwater space, slashing fiercely. Five black tiger sharks.

At that moment, the strong and sharp sword light even formed an extremely bright vacuum zone on the seabed!


With a screaming roar, five huge black tiger sharks were split in half at the same time, and large swaths of purple-black shark blood spewed out and instantly stained an area several hundred meters square.

This guy... really sharp sword aura! !

A look of shock appeared in Chu Chen's pupils.

The power that the sword aura exploded just now was stronger than any sword aura that Ren Baijian had exploded before. It was obvious that this guy had not completely exploded out of all his strength so far!

It's just that when Chu Chen quickly passed through the black blood area, Zhou Mei's position was lost in his sight again, which made him frown slightly.

Even if this woman wants the fire koi golden carp again, she would be too reckless to be so fast and anxious. I don’t know how deep she has hidden her cultivation, but the seabed area is full of dangers, so she just rushes forward regardless of her What should I do if I am in danger? Did she think she was invincible and ignored any danger?

After the black tiger shark's entanglement, Chu Chen finally caught up with Ren Baijian and the others. It has to be said that the title of "the first in attack speed" of the kendo powerhouse is not for nothing.

These people's bodies completely turned into a sharp sword light and they could travel through the viscous magma sea water quickly, even the speed of Chu Chen's nameless body technique could not be taken advantage of.

At this moment, a strange scene formed on the bottom of the sea. Zhou Mei was far ahead and rushed to the forefront and approached the golden carp on fire at the fastest speed. Behind her were Chu Chen and the disciples of Jian Gong regardless of each other. Rushed forward.

And behind them, there are two monks, a man and a woman, closely behind them, but the speed hasn't dropped at all~www.ltnovel.com~boy, be careful in front, there is a big man blocking the way. "

Just as Chu Chen urged his body to quickly chase Zhou Mei forward, he suddenly heard the voice of a little hamster in his arms, "This thing is very dangerous based on your current cultivation level. You must be careful. Treat it cautiously."

"Oh, what kind of creature is it? Is it a super fierce beast in the realm of Lingxi?"

Chu Chen frowned. To tell the truth, at the level of his current cultivation level, only the super fierce beast can put him in danger of life and death. Even the fierce beast king at the peak of the Tianquan rank cannot make him much trouble. .

"Not a super fierce beast, but this thing is more difficult than some super fierce beasts..."

Before the words of the little hamster fell, Chu Chen's pupils who had been looking forward suddenly widened!

In front of him, an endless, huge figure appeared in the vast magma sea. That thing looked like a huge octopus, completely black as ink, but it had far more than eight arms and legs.

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