Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 625: Mysterious old man

No one would be willing to be a stepping stone for others. The reason why the silver-haired man was able to succeed just now was that everyone was caught off guard by him. No one would have thought that he would be so sinister and cruel.

Another aspect is that his strength is too strong.

The evil cultivators who can obtain the ghost head crystal amulet and have reached this step are all powerful, but the four cultivators have no resistance at all in his hands, as if an eagle is catching a chicken one by one. Dispose of it at will.

When I think of everyone here, they are terrified and admired for him. They are terrified that his temperament is so cruel and ruthless, admiring his cultivation base so tyrannical and against the sky, he really deserves to be the descendant of the ten most powerful people in the line !

With the lessons learned from the four stepping stones, everyone began to be on guard, and there were cold murderous auras in the void instantly.

At this time, if someone dared to make a violent move, they would definitely attract a joint attack. Obviously, the silver-haired man's method can only be used once, and it cannot be used a second time!

Just when everyone was on guard against each other, an old, sad song suddenly came from far away from the distant river:

The Stygian River is stormy and the water is like a blade!

The Yinshan Mountain is absolutely dangerous, and the birds are turning into bones!

Once you enter the Yinshan Mountains, you will never return, and you will not return after waiting...

There are bones at the end of the Wandian, and Huangquan’s dream ends...

The singing is melodious, vigorous and powerful. However, the song contained incomparable sadness and sorrow, but everyone felt that the whole body's hair was erected in an instant, which made people feel creepy.

It's so weird. Everyone has never seen a living thing after they came to the Yinshan Secret Realm until now. Suddenly they heard a song floating slowly in the Styx, and everyone felt a hairy .

Who is this voice? Could it be that a certain eternal ghost in the Yinshan Secret Realm was resurrected? Or is it that the great murderer in the secret world who was banned forever broke through the seal?

The voice of the old faintly heard from the distant Styx, raising everyone's cultivation to the highest point.

Everyone stared at the direction of the sound as if they were approaching an enemy.

A wave of mountain-like pressure spread out from the void, and everyone under pressure felt out of breath.

"Go to her mother's **** Yinshan Secret Realm, I won't play anymore!!"

Under intense pressure, someone finally couldn't bear the weird atmosphere of the Yinshan Secret Realm, and saw two young monks wearing black and white robes violently cursed in a low voice, turned around and left the bank of the Styx River without saying a word. He walked towards the ancient Mingfan ship anchored on the pier.

Obviously, everything that happened before them was far beyond the psychological endurance of the two of them, and they gave birth to the heart of leaving.

As the singing approached, a small black spot appeared on the surface of the vast Styx.

As the distance got closer and closer, the black dots quickly became larger and gradually became clearer.

The evil cultivators on the banks of the Styx River urged their spiritual power to their peak state. When the black shadow completely manifested in front of everyone's eyes, everyone was a little startled.

It was a small boat, the whole body was made of unknown ancient wood, and it floated slowly above the dark Styx.

There was an old man in black on the boat. The old man looked a little fat, with a smile on his face, who looked very kind.

Who is he? How could an old man suddenly appear in this Yinshan Secret Realm?

Everyone's hearts rose to their throats in an instant.

Everyone present knows that this Yinshan secret world has been completely closed since the fall of the ancient Yin Emperor, and only recently has it been opened by the Ten Strongest Evil Dao.

So far, no one has ever been there except the beautiful and disgusting silver-haired beauty who has crossed the Styx.

Who is this old man? If he wasn't a newcomer, could it be that he was an ancient person who existed in the Yinshan Secret Realm when it was closed in ancient times and has lived until now? ?

If this is the case, it is really amazing. You must know that hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the ancient times, and no one can live that long!

Moreover, looking at the breath of the fat man in black and the clothes he wears, it doesn't look like a product of the ancient times, it is something that only exists in the contemporary world.

Obviously this fat man is not an immortal ancient person, but a strong man who successfully crossed the Styx.

But the question is, who is this fat guy? Who on earth has such magical powers to cross the Styx? ? ?

"Don't forget..."

Just when everyone was shocked because of the identity of the black-clothed old man, a cold voice resounded through the void, and suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

I saw Ling Xuan glanced at the people coldly with an expressionless face, and her voice was cold and could not hear any emotional fluctuations. "When the ten most powerful people of the evil path turned into black light and dispersed, there was a black light that was It disappeared in the direction of Yinshan Secret Realm."

Ok? ?

After hearing Ling Xuan's words, everyone felt a sudden jump in their hearts.

When she didn't say it, everyone felt nothing. After she said that, everyone suddenly felt as if they were initiating. That's right, when the top ten powers turned into black light, there was indeed a black light towards The direction of Yinshan dissipated!

It's just that most people were excited about being able to enter the Yinshan Secret World, so although most people saw this scene, they automatically ignored it in their hearts. Now that Ling Xuan mentioned it, he suddenly recalled it.

So... this old man is actually one of the top ten strongest men in dignified ways? ?

All the monks who thought of this scene felt their eyelids twitched~www.ltnovel.com~ You must know that this Yinshan Secret Realm would suppress the realm, and all those who had cultivated to the Linghe realm or above would be affected Suppressed to the realm of Lingxi.

In this way, the strongest person actually dare to come in? It is necessary to know that after the cultivation base is suppressed, the high-ranking Evil Dao strong is equivalent to retreating the original invincible aura, and it is very likely that they will be defeated or even beheaded by others!

Thoughts flashed out of their minds, and everyone's eyes flickered at this time. The addition of an evil way to the strongest suddenly made the whole situation confusing.

The growth of the strongest in the evil way is full of blood and slaughter. Every strongest person stands out from the endless killing. You must know that among the strong elites in the evil way, there are many people. There are blood and blood feuds with the strongest of evil ways!

When everyone was facing the black-clothed old man with their own minds, Chu Chen's eyelids jumped abruptly, and the next moment he almost screamed in surprise!

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